Totally torn on the possible 'Ville-G'Tech switcheroo |

Totally torn on the possible 'Ville-G'Tech switcheroo


2nd String
Aug 30, 2011
On the one hand, I liked the idea of maintaining the new football rivalry with the 'Ville - playing them each and every year. Some of our best games in the last 5-6 seasons have been vs. the Cards.

But on the other hand, I've gotta assume that traveling to Atlanta every other year will be WAY more feasible for a greater number of SU fans/alums - whether they be in central New York, in or around NYC, or along the eastern seaboard from DC to Florida.

Regardless of where you live, there's just WAY more flights to Hartsfield and I'd be willing to bet my balls that 10 times as many of us have friends we could stay with in the ATL versus Louisville.

As far as a "quality of the game" itself, I think it's a push... They're both very good programs with great upside in a newer, stronger ACC.

Then again, if and when the ACC goes to 16, I'm assuming all bets are off and we might end up getting a major realignment - if not pods.

Any of you have thoughts on 'Ville vs. Tech???

I'm leaning Tech, but I'll miss the Cardinals if the switch happens.
I'd rather play 'Ville than Tech every damn year... Unless you're lucky enough to get a bye week after the Tech game, they leave your DL decimated for 1-2 weeks. That's their style of football.
I like Louisville, too. As long as we are with FSU, we will be better off. GATech is a push competition wise compared to Louisville, so I can live with them. I also like a little more exposure in the south for recruiting, FL, SC and potentially now, GA. With the fastest track in all of CFB, we need all the speed guys we can get.

I also think we will be more competitive with FSU and Clemson than most others. Our defense plays fast and HARD, hitting noticably harder than most other defenses. Our new fast paced offense is good, too. I'm not overly impressed with most ACC teams, I think Pitt and Syracuse compete immediately - we may not beat FSU, but we will give them fits.
...GATech is a push competition wise compared to Louisville, so I can live with them. I also like a little more exposure in the south for recruiting, FL, SC and potentially now, GA.

Great point... I wasn't even thinking about recruiting when I first read of the possible switch.

I'm now all in with G'Tech.

Sorry, Cards... I loved playing you, but KY ain't exactly a recruiting "hotbed".
give me lville every day of the week over gatech and twice on sundays.
GTech. Clearly.
The two traditional ACC teams I was most looking forward to playing on a regular basis were Maryland and the Yellow Jackets. Now that the Terps are headed to the midwest I'm down to just GT. Unless, Tech goes to the midwest also which I don't believe will happen but you never know.
GT for me, more of an ACC matchup. I have friends in the ATL, so a better trip. Plus Georgia recruiting, as mentioned.

I never warmed up to the Louisville matchup, probably because the Big East made me sleepy. But I do think they're a great athletic replacement for losing the aholes at Maryland.
Personally, I used to not care, but I'm wishing more and more that we were in the Coastal with BC as our cross-over. I want to play Miami and VTech every year. The 90s were good times. Maybe I'm sentimental or something.
I am torn as well but I think I go for Ga Tech.

Atlanta, recruiting , something new, playing solid private school.

I go with the Rambling Wreck.
Much prefer Louisville over ga Tech from a team perspective as well as a destination...
On the one hand, I liked the idea of maintaining the new football rivalry with the 'Ville - playing them each and every year. Some of our best games in the last 5-6 seasons have been vs. the Cards.

But on the other hand, I've gotta assume that traveling to Atlanta every other year will be WAY more feasible for a greater number of SU fans/alums - whether they be in central New York, in or around NYC, or along the eastern seaboard from DC to Florida.

Regardless of where you live, there's just WAY more flights to Hartsfield and I'd be willing to bet my balls that 10 times as many of us have friends we could stay with in the ATL versus Louisville.

As far as a "quality of the game" itself, I think it's a push... They're both very good programs with great upside in a newer, stronger ACC.

Then again, if and when the ACC goes to 16, I'm assuming all bets are off and we might end up getting a major realignment - if not pods.

Any of you have thoughts on 'Ville vs. Tech???

I'm leaning Tech, but I'll miss the Cardinals if the switch happens.
Definitely GT - will have great effect on recruiting - SU is already pulling some talented kids from the Atlanta area without ever playing down here. If they end up with a game in Atlanta every other year then I'd expect even better results.

If Louisville is going to pay its coaches what is being reported, then they're going to remain a strong football program and having them in the other division will help balance out the conference.

And finally - SU will have a much larger fan presence for games in Atlanta vs games in Louisville. GT is a similar size stadium and fanbase and SU will put up a good showing with fans in that cool little stadium (which again will help with recruiting the Atlanta area even more).
Selfishly...Ville ville ville! You gotta leave me something SU!
Atlanta, recruiting , something new, playing solid private school.
Georgia Tech is a public school.

As long as Paul Johnson is here it'll be a tough prep week for the defense. Paul may not be around much longer.

For recruiting, this is a no-brainer. It would be great to have Tech in Syracuse's division.
Georgia Tech is a public school.

As long as Paul Johnson is here it'll be a tough prep week for the defense. Paul may not be around much longer.

For recruiting, this is a no-brainer. It would be great to have Tech in Syracuse's division.

That's why I like GATech as a division foe. Long term, we will have access/exposure to GA kids. Coaching staffs change and making a short term decision based on a current coaching situation is at best a risky proposition. I may prefer Louisville because we have a budding rivalry (ruining each other's football season) but the upside is not there.
10 years ago nobody cared about playing Louisville and 10 years from now people will like playing Georgia Tech.
GT all the way. No contest between Atlanta and Louisville.
Georgia Tech is a public school.

As long as Paul Johnson is here it'll be a tough prep week for the defense. Paul may not be around much longer.

For recruiting, this is a no-brainer. It would be great to have Tech in Syracuse's division.

My bad.

Public school
Screw Louisville, I'd rather play Georgia Tech every year.
Ga Tech Ga. Tech Ga Tech... and Ga. Tech

The best thing I was looking forward to ACCwise. My son and daughter-in-law both graduated form there and still live there. What an awesome road trip for my wife and I and now take it away? -- I'm pi$$ed. But we'll still have Miami, Fla St. & Clemson ( last two with our son & daughter-in-law).
Regardless of where you live, there's just WAY more flights to Hartsfield and I'd be willing to bet my balls that 10 times as many of us have friends we could stay with in the ATL versus Louisville.

JURRIE has already said that anyone on the board can stay at his house.

and i mean anyone and everyone. Here is a pic. Its a nice pad just south of the city.


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