Uh-oh say isn't so, trouble at Oregon... | Syracusefan.com

Uh-oh say isn't so, trouble at Oregon...

This recruiting service payment issue has been kn0wn for some time. It's equivalent to SU's "academic issues" that were brought up AGAIN during this year's tournament.
This recruiting service payment issue has been kn0wn for some time. It's equivalent to SU's "academic issues" that were brought up AGAIN during this year's tournament.

Has SU "proposed a self-imposed two-year probation and the loss of a scholarship for three years "
The temperature in the hot tub was too high.
With Oregon being "the Nike school", how much trouble would they actually get in?
Has SU "proposed a self-imposed two-year probation and the loss of a scholarship for three years "

I'm sure at the end of the day we're going to propose something.
I'm just thankful that Laray didn't get that scholarship there after all :confused:
Hell yeah, we're going to propose that the NCAA go ahead and lawyer the UP for their completely unfounded harassment of our program.

I propose Daryl Gross challenge Mark Emmert to a steel cage match.

WWE Midget Cage Match? I kid, I kid...
The NCAA is a dirty, crooked self-serving piece of trash.

Oregon paid Lyles for recruits. He admitted it. Oregon's actual program paid for recruits. Oregon also tried to cover it up after the investigation started by having him fax over whatever bios he had on hand, which were all for the previous year. This is worse than Ohio State where players were paid by boosters (for shirts, rings or whatever) and Tressel didn't inform the NCAA. Oregon(not boosters) directly PAID FOR RECRUITS!!!!! Oregon (not the HC) tried to cover it up (not just didn't voluntarily report it).

Oregon proposes 2 year probation and loss of 1 schollarship for each of 3 years. Big deal.

OSU was hit with a 1 year bowl ban, loss of 3 schollarships for 3 years, Pryor and the others were allowed to play in the bowl game and agreed to 5 game suspensions the following year and then Pryor left and didn't face it, and Tressel can't coach for 5 years.

OSU didn't suffer enough. They got a better coach and recruiter in Urban Meyer. They had a 6-7 year under Luke Fickell and then went 12-0 and all the players got rings. OSU was #2 in recruiting rankings last year. They are better off than ever.

USC benefited for 6 years from Reggie Bush having been there, National Championships, OJ Mayo, recruiting better and better classes, before the NCAA did anything. The schollarship cut meant that USC just stopped taking 3 star athletes to supplement its 4 and 5 stars. Look at 2013 (5) 5 stars and (7) 4 stars. Wow, that lack of depth really hurts! If USC wasn't so stupid in hiring Lane Kiffin, the worst coach in college football, USC would be undefeated and playing for National Championships again year in and year out.

Auburn is now hearing rumblings. There is hard evidence Cam Newton's Dad solicited $200,000 for him to play elsewhere and that he got more money to play at Auburn. The NCAA knew it and let Cam play in the National Championship game anyway. Now we find out other players were paid and grades were fixed. Cam has played 2 years in the pros now and the NCAA still has done nothing.

Penalties for an actual program paying for recruits and players should be severe. Gut the program. No football for 3 years. Then start again from scratch.

Penalties for a program playing players that it knows or should have known got money from boosters should be less severe, but still significant -- USC, OSU, Miami, Auburn, North Carolina -- 4 years bowl bans; loss of 5 schollarships per year, can't sign any 5 stars and only (3) 4 stars per year as ranked by a comprehensive ranking averaging espn, rivals, 247 athlon or whatever other services you want included, probation for 5 years; kick out any players who got benefits whether you knew or not and they can't play anywhere in FBS; vacate wins for games they played in and titles from that period of time and cash earned in bowl games and championship games.

Penalties for a program playing players who got benefits from boosters that the program didn't and shouldn't have known about -- the players get kicked out and can't play anywhere in FBS. The boosters and their immediate family are banned from the stadium and school property.

The NCAA isn't harsh enough on those schools -- Oregon, USC, OSU, Miami, Auburn, UNC -- because they are big wealthy schools that make a lot of money for the NCAA. The NCAA torches smaller programs.

SU -- accusations are: Several hoops players failed drug tests that aren't required by the NCAA to be given and were allowed to play; 3 hoops players allegedly sexually assaulted a girl and were allowed to play and were later found not guilty by the judicial board and the grand jury decided not to indict them; Fab Melo was ruled ineligible due to school work issues and didn't play; Southie was ruled ineligible for 6 games for academic reasons and didn't play.

If SU gets penalized at all, SU should be pissed. If the punishment is anywhere near as severe as Oregon or any of the other schools identified above, SU should sue the NCAA for being arbitrary and capricious and irreparable harm to its reputation.
The NCAA is a dirty, crooked self-serving piece of trash.

Oregon paid Lyles for recruits. He admitted it. Oregon's actual program paid for recruits. Oregon also tried to cover it up after the investigation started by having him fax over whatever bios he had on hand, which were all for the previous year. This is worse than Ohio State where players were paid by boosters (for shirts, rings or whatever) and Tressel didn't inform the NCAA. Oregon(not boosters) directly PAID FOR RECRUITS!!!!! Oregon (not the HC) tried to cover it up (not just didn't voluntarily report it).

Oregon proposes 2 year probation and loss of 1 schollarship for each of 3 years. Big deal.

OSU was hit with a 1 year bowl ban, loss of 3 schollarships for 3 years, Pryor and the others were allowed to play in the bowl game and agreed to 5 game suspensions the following year and then Pryor left and didn't face it, and Tressel can't coach for 5 years.

OSU didn't suffer enough. They got a better coach and recruiter in Urban Meyer. They had a 6-7 year under Luke Fickell and then went 12-0 and all the players got rings. OSU was #2 in recruiting rankings last year. They are better off than ever.

USC benefited for 6 years from Reggie Bush having been there, National Championships, OJ Mayo, recruiting better and better classes, before the NCAA did anything. The schollarship cut meant that USC just stopped taking 3 star athletes to supplement its 4 and 5 stars. Look at 2013 (5) 5 stars and (7) 4 stars. Wow, that lack of depth really hurts! If USC wasn't so stupid in hiring Lane Kiffin, the worst coach in college football, USC would be undefeated and playing for National Championships again year in and year out.

Auburn is now hearing rumblings. There is hard evidence Cam Newton's Dad solicited $200,000 for him to play elsewhere and that he got more money to play at Auburn. The NCAA knew it and let Cam play in the National Championship game anyway. Now we find out other players were paid and grades were fixed. Cam has played 2 years in the pros now and the NCAA still has done nothing.

Penalties for an actual program paying for recruits and players should be severe. Gut the program. No football for 3 years. Then start again from scratch.

Penalties for a program playing players that it knows or should have known got money from boosters should be less severe, but still significant -- USC, OSU, Miami, Auburn, North Carolina -- 4 years bowl bans; loss of 5 schollarships per year, can't sign any 5 stars and only (3) 4 stars per year as ranked by a comprehensive ranking averaging espn, , 247 athlon or whatever other services you want included, probation for 5 years; kick out any players who got benefits whether you knew or not and they can't play anywhere in FBS; vacate wins for games they played in and titles from that period of time and cash earned in bowl games and championship games.

Penalties for a program playing players who got benefits from boosters that the program didn't and shouldn't have known about -- the players get kicked out and can't play anywhere in FBS. The boosters and their immediate family are banned from the stadium and school property.

The NCAA isn't harsh enough on those schools -- Oregon, USC, OSU, Miami, Auburn, UNC -- because they are big wealthy schools that make a lot of money for the NCAA. The NCAA torches smaller programs.

SU -- accusations are: Several hoops players failed drug tests that aren't required by the NCAA to be given and were allowed to play; 3 hoops players allegedly sexually assaulted a girl and were allowed to play and were later found not guilty by the judicial board and the grand jury decided not to indict them; Fab Melo was ruled ineligible due to school work issues and didn't play; Southie was ruled ineligible for 6 games for academic reasons and didn't play.

If SU gets penalized at all, SU should be pissed. If the punishment is anywhere near as severe as Oregon or any of the other schools identified above, SU should sue the NCAA for being arbitrary and capricious and irreparable harm to its reputation.
Damn straight! In all seriousness I couldn't agree with you any more than I already do.
The NCAA is a dirty, crooked self-serving piece of trash.

Oregon paid Lyles for recruits. He admitted it. Oregon's actual program paid for recruits. Oregon also tried to cover it up after the investigation started by having him fax over whatever bios he had on hand, which were all for the previous year. This is worse than Ohio State where players were paid by boosters (for shirts, rings or whatever) and Tressel didn't inform the NCAA. Oregon(not boosters) directly PAID FOR RECRUITS!!!!! Oregon (not the HC) tried to cover it up (not just didn't voluntarily report it).

Oregon proposes 2 year probation and loss of 1 schollarship for each of 3 years. Big deal.

OSU was hit with a 1 year bowl ban, loss of 3 schollarships for 3 years, Pryor and the others were allowed to play in the bowl game and agreed to 5 game suspensions the following year and then Pryor left and didn't face it, and Tressel can't coach for 5 years.

OSU didn't suffer enough. They got a better coach and recruiter in Urban Meyer. They had a 6-7 year under Luke Fickell and then went 12-0 and all the players got rings. OSU was #2 in recruiting rankings last year. They are better off than ever.

USC benefited for 6 years from Reggie Bush having been there, National Championships, OJ Mayo, recruiting better and better classes, before the NCAA did anything. The schollarship cut meant that USC just stopped taking 3 star athletes to supplement its 4 and 5 stars. Look at 2013 (5) 5 stars and (7) 4 stars. Wow, that lack of depth really hurts! If USC wasn't so stupid in hiring Lane Kiffin, the worst coach in college football, USC would be undefeated and playing for National Championships again year in and year out.

Auburn is now hearing rumblings. There is hard evidence Cam Newton's Dad solicited $200,000 for him to play elsewhere and that he got more money to play at Auburn. The NCAA knew it and let Cam play in the National Championship game anyway. Now we find out other players were paid and grades were fixed. Cam has played 2 years in the pros now and the NCAA still has done nothing.

Penalties for an actual program paying for recruits and players should be severe. Gut the program. No football for 3 years. Then start again from scratch.

Penalties for a program playing players that it knows or should have known got money from boosters should be less severe, but still significant -- USC, OSU, Miami, Auburn, North Carolina -- 4 years bowl bans; loss of 5 schollarships per year, can't sign any 5 stars and only (3) 4 stars per year as ranked by a comprehensive ranking averaging espn, , 247 athlon or whatever other services you want included, probation for 5 years; kick out any players who got benefits whether you knew or not and they can't play anywhere in FBS; vacate wins for games they played in and titles from that period of time and cash earned in bowl games and championship games.

Penalties for a program playing players who got benefits from boosters that the program didn't and shouldn't have known about -- the players get kicked out and can't play anywhere in FBS. The boosters and their immediate family are banned from the stadium and school property.

The NCAA isn't harsh enough on those schools -- Oregon, USC, OSU, Miami, Auburn, UNC -- because they are big wealthy schools that make a lot of money for the NCAA. The NCAA torches smaller programs.

SU -- accusations are: Several hoops players failed drug tests that aren't required by the NCAA to be given and were allowed to play; 3 hoops players allegedly sexually assaulted a girl and were allowed to play and were later found not guilty by the judicial board and the grand jury decided not to indict them; Fab Melo was ruled ineligible due to school work issues and didn't play; Southie was ruled ineligible for 6 games for academic reasons and didn't play.

If SU gets penalized at all, SU should be pissed. If the punishment is anywhere near as severe as Oregon or any of the other schools identified above, SU should sue the NCAA for being arbitrary and capricious and irreparable harm to its reputation.

Wait a second. This proposal would actually make sense and put the emphasis back on college and less on football. It would also cut through the giant charade that these are institutions of higher learning and not some minor league for the pro leagues where the talent does not get paid. Everyone else gets paid though. Look at old Gordon Gee's salary. You don't make 1.6 million per year having the best mathletes in the country.
Wait a second. This proposal would actually make sense and put the emphasis back on college and less on football. It would also cut through the giant charade that these are institutions of higher learning and not some minor league for the pro leagues where the talent does not get paid. Everyone else gets paid though. Look at old Gordon Gee's salary. You don't make 1.6 million per year having the best mathletes in the country.
The NCAA is a dirty, crooked self-serving piece of trash.

Oregon paid Lyles for recruits. He admitted it. Oregon's actual program paid for recruits. Oregon also tried to cover it up after the investigation started by having him fax over whatever bios he had on hand, which were all for the previous year. This is worse than Ohio State where players were paid by boosters (for shirts, rings or whatever) and Tressel didn't inform the NCAA. Oregon(not boosters) directly PAID FOR RECRUITS!!!!! Oregon (not the HC) tried to cover it up (not just didn't voluntarily report it).

Oregon proposes 2 year probation and loss of 1 schollarship for each of 3 years. Big deal.

OSU was hit with a 1 year bowl ban, loss of 3 schollarships for 3 years, Pryor and the others were allowed to play in the bowl game and agreed to 5 game suspensions the following year and then Pryor left and didn't face it, and Tressel can't coach for 5 years.

OSU didn't suffer enough. They got a better coach and recruiter in Urban Meyer. They had a 6-7 year under Luke Fickell and then went 12-0 and all the players got rings. OSU was #2 in recruiting rankings last year. They are better off than ever.

USC benefited for 6 years from Reggie Bush having been there, National Championships, OJ Mayo, recruiting better and better classes, before the NCAA did anything. The schollarship cut meant that USC just stopped taking 3 star athletes to supplement its 4 and 5 stars. Look at 2013 (5) 5 stars and (7) 4 stars. Wow, that lack of depth really hurts! If USC wasn't so stupid in hiring Lane Kiffin, the worst coach in college football, USC would be undefeated and playing for National Championships again year in and year out.

Auburn is now hearing rumblings. There is hard evidence Cam Newton's Dad solicited $200,000 for him to play elsewhere and that he got more money to play at Auburn. The NCAA knew it and let Cam play in the National Championship game anyway. Now we find out other players were paid and grades were fixed. Cam has played 2 years in the pros now and the NCAA still has done nothing.

Penalties for an actual program paying for recruits and players should be severe. Gut the program. No football for 3 years. Then start again from scratch.

Penalties for a program playing players that it knows or should have known got money from boosters should be less severe, but still significant -- USC, OSU, Miami, Auburn, North Carolina -- 4 years bowl bans; loss of 5 schollarships per year, can't sign any 5 stars and only (3) 4 stars per year as ranked by a comprehensive ranking averaging espn, , 247 athlon or whatever other services you want included, probation for 5 years; kick out any players who got benefits whether you knew or not and they can't play anywhere in FBS; vacate wins for games they played in and titles from that period of time and cash earned in bowl games and championship games.

Penalties for a program playing players who got benefits from boosters that the program didn't and shouldn't have known about -- the players get kicked out and can't play anywhere in FBS. The boosters and their immediate family are banned from the stadium and school property.

The NCAA isn't harsh enough on those schools -- Oregon, USC, OSU, Miami, Auburn, UNC -- because they are big wealthy schools that make a lot of money for the NCAA. The NCAA torches smaller programs.

SU -- accusations are: Several hoops players failed drug tests that aren't required by the NCAA to be given and were allowed to play; 3 hoops players allegedly sexually assaulted a girl and were allowed to play and were later found not guilty by the judicial board and the grand jury decided not to indict them; Fab Melo was ruled ineligible due to school work issues and didn't play; Southie was ruled ineligible for 6 games for academic reasons and didn't play.

If SU gets penalized at all, SU should be pissed. If the punishment is anywhere near as severe as Oregon or any of the other schools identified above, SU should sue the NCAA for being arbitrary and capricious and irreparable harm to its reputation.
Self serving for sure. But the NCAA would allow for student-athletes to be paid before implementing something that would actually impact the product, aka the schools who garner the majority of tv $$.
USC benefited for 6 years from Reggie Bush having been there, National Championships, OJ Mayo, recruiting better and better classes, before the NCAA did anything. The schollarship cut meant that USC just stopped taking 3 star athletes to supplement its 4 and 5 stars. Look at 2013 (5) 5 stars and (7) 4 stars. Wow, that lack of depth really hurts! If USC wasn't so stupid in hiring Lane Kiffin, the worst coach in college football, USC would be undefeated and playing for National Championships again year in and year out.

Clearly I have a vested interest in this particular piece, and I highly doubt any minds will be changed here, but here goes an abbreviated version. Reggie was recruited to USC and began play in 2003, he did not start receiving benefits from the agent (who was not affiliated in any way to the university) until 2005. He wasn't paid to go to USC as in the Oregon or Auburn cases, he was being paid so that the agent could represent him in the NFL. By 2002 Pete Carroll already had the Trojans near the top of college football at 11-2 finishing #5 in the BCS, a full year before Bush got to campus. So, by the logic that USC benefited all those years with Bush (1) there is only a portion of his time at USC where he was ineligible (<1 year of 3) and (2) with or without Reggie Bush the program was already well on the rise or, more appropriately, at the top of college football.

As far as the scholarships go, I have to disagree that the loss of 30 over a 3 year period isn't significant, not to mention absurd when compared to what Ohio State got and what Oregon and/or Auburn will probably get for their transgressions. By no means am I a Lane Kiffin apologist, I did not like the hire right from the start, but going from recruiting up to 25 kids a year down to 15 has significant implications on the depth chart. I wouldn't expect that you ever followed USC football, but anyone can tell you to be one of the best programs in the country, you need more than 22 good starters. With 30 lost scholarships, every injury to any starter, no matter how good, became devastating. From a coaching standpoint you're forced with the difficult decision of either having no tackling in practice but likely not having your defense as prepared for actual games (believe me, the open field tackling was atrocious last year), or you keep tackling but risk injury. Very much a damned if you do, damned if you dont scenario.

I still dont think he's the right head coach for the job, but make no mistake about it, even Nick Saban wouldn't be winning national titles with 10 less scholarships a year.

I still agree with the overall premise: the NCAA is comprised of nothing but crooks who make billions off athletes who get cafeteria food for 1-4 years. God forbid they see any of that money.

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