Van Gundy during the LAC/OKC broadcast |

Van Gundy during the LAC/OKC broadcast


2018-19 Iggy Hoops Leader Scorer
Aug 30, 2011
In summary- "love the passion of college basketball, but the game would be so much better if they adopted every NBA rule".

Granted, Jeff is known to slightly over exaggerate, but I can't say I disagree. This is in response to a continuation call in the NBA game, which isn't in the college game. Mark Jackson and Jeff did a college game yesterday, fyi, and there were multiple times where players were fouled during an offensive move to the basket but it was called on the floor.
Completely agree. Lessen the shot clock and move the 3 point line back.

Also I'd propose going to 6 fouls. Even though the game is shorter I'd like them to not allow all out brawls under the basket or lville hacking and college kids aren't as skilled as NBA to avoid fouling, just make it 6.
Easy Changes for college basketball.

30 second shot clock.
Four 10 minute periods. 1 timeout under 5 minutes per period.
Allow continuation.
Make the charge circle the same as the NBA.
Get rid of the possession arrow for a straight jump ball.
Let players have a 6 thru 9 on their jerseys.

None of these changes would drastically effect college basketball and would make the game better.
In summary- "love the passion of college basketball, but the game would be so much better if they adopted every NBA rule".

Granted, Jeff is known to slightly over exaggerate, but I can't say I disagree. This is in response to a continuation call in the NBA game, which isn't in the college game. Mark Jackson and Jeff did a college game yesterday, fyi, and there were multiple times where players were fouled during an offensive move to the basket but it was called on the floor.

I really enjoy Van Gundy, and they were solid during the OSU/Kansas game...watched the conclusion just prior to our game coming on...loved to see KU lose!
More changes I would make

3 timeouts per game and only the coach can call them.
Coaching box enforced very literally. I want the Crean/Dixon's T'ed up for always stamping on the floor.
Move the 3pt like back.
Remember, van gundy isn't saying the NBA rules are perfect- he believes there are certain rules that need changing- just that overall, the college game would benefit much more by replicating the pro game.

Not having a jump ball is so dumb.
Remember, van gundy isn't saying the NBA rules are perfect- he believes there are certain rules that need changing- just that overall, the college game would benefit much more by replicating the pro game.

Not having a jump ball is so dumb
Can we get Dick Vitales take on this?
Easy Changes for college basketball.

30 second shot clock.
Four 10 minute periods. 1 timeout under 5 minutes per period.
Allow continuation.
Make the charge circle the same as the NBA.
Get rid of the possession arrow for a straight jump ball.
Let players have a 6 thru 9 on their jerseys.

None of these changes would drastically effect college basketball and would make the game better.

Nothing short of drastic changes would make the game better. For example:

There were 19 games played yesterday featuring top 25 teams. In these 19 games supposedly featuring college basketball's best teams, there were an average of 36.2 fouls called - or one almost every minute of gameplay. In these 19 games, there was an average of 65 possessions per team. So, an average of 3.6 possessions per foul called (i.e. a stoppage in play and most likely, someone shooting the ball standing behind a line while everyone stands and watches).

I don't know, maybe some people like watching free throws and refs dance around while they call an excessive amount of fouls. I think the main point of focus should be reducing stoppage of play and minimizing the influence of refs (and don't blame Pitt and Louisville for excessive fouls called - it's clearly a strategy by NCAA to extend broadcast time and/or control the results of games by rewarding teams with free points).

Five seconds off the clock, continuation and jump balls are such superficial changes that have little outcome on each game.
I agree with a 30 second shot clock. The 10 second back court violation in college basketball needs to be changed. If a team calls a TO they don't get another 10 seconds. I think it's 8 seconds in the NBA, regardless a team should only get the original time allotted -the backcourt clock shouldn't be reset.

Refs should also re-emphasize the 3 second lane rule also. Call the arm/body wrestling in the block and make both offenses and defenses move their feet not an opposing player to gain advantage.
If any of you followed SU during the 3 years the Big East had the 6 foul rule 1989-90 thru 1991-92, you know it was an awful idea. It resulted in more fouls per game (duh), rougher play especially in the paint, and more confrontations. If you think there is too much pushing, shoving and grabbing's much worse if you increase the foul allowance.
The two biggest rule changes that would, incidentally, rankle this fanbase:

- Stop playing with a baby key, make it as big as the NBA
- Institute Def. 3 seconds, which would effectively kill the zone as we know it.
The only thing I would worry about is the 3 point line, only because (as we know all to well) there are a ton of just dreadful shooters in the college game, but I'm totally game for everything else. The shot clock NEEDS to happen.
Completely agree. Lessen the shot clock and move the 3 point line back.

Also I'd propose going to 6 fouls. Even though the game is shorter I'd like them to not allow all out brawls under the basket or lville hacking and college kids aren't as skilled as NBA to avoid fouling, just make it 6.
we tried 6 fouls. It destroyed the game. No lay-ups.

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