I am too young to remember it but I would have to say the 1950's..1959
As an Eastern seaboard college football fan, my favorite decade was the 1980s (plus the following 3 years, for a baker's dozen decade).
It was the pinnacle of Eastern indy football with PSU and Miami leading the way while SU, Pitt, WVU, and even BC had their moments in this time frame as well.
Two other indies, ND and FSU, were prominent during this period. And two ACC teams won NCs, Clemson and GT.
Nice to think back and remember a time when SEC teams didn't dominate the scene.
georgia?Yeah, except for Alabama, what other SEC team won a title in that time frame?
If we can push it to a dozen years:
1956-67 http://football.stassen.com/cgi-bin/records/calc-wp.pl?start=1956&end=1967&rpct=30&min=5&se=on&by=Win Pct
1987-98 http://football.stassen.com/cgi-bin/records/calc-wp.pl?start=1987&end=1998&rpct=30&min=5&se=on&by=Win Pct
let me guess here...1987-98 was due to the fact rutgers winning percentage was only 38.2% and most of their wins were against today's 1-AA schools