who needs gus edwards when we can have him | Syracusefan.com

who needs gus edwards when we can have him

lol, I wonder what his fatigue level is?
Doesn't matter. He'll only be out there for one play then he'll get to rest with the defense back on the field.
He actually looked like a running back, not just a DT who was in for a short-yardage plunge, a la Refrigerator Perry. Plus, I didn't see anyone run him down from behind once he got into the open field. If I were a college football coach, I'd be taking a very serious look at this young man as a running back.
He actually looked like a running back, not just a DT who was in for a short-yardage plunge, a la Refrigerator Perry. Plus, I didn't see anyone run him down from behind once he got into the open field. If I were a college football coach, I'd be taking a very serious look at this young man as a running back.

Was actually discussing the logistics of stopping this guy with a co worker yesterday. You either submarine him or strip the ball. At 350 lbs the guy simply can't have a solid cradle to secure the ball.
I saw a story on television once that showed percentage wise when compared to overall population there are more Polynesians in the NFL than any other ethnicity. Which one of our coaches has recruiting connections in the South Pacific?!
I saw a story on television once that showed percentage wise when compared to overall population there are more Polynesians in the NFL than any other ethnicity. Which one of our coaches has recruiting connections in the South Pacific?!

I've thought that in years past but it may be tough to convince guys to move half way around the world and deal with Syrause winters. It's tough enough with some Florida prospects as it is.
One of my good friends is Samoan. He was a punter for Hawaii. Back in the wooden bat softball era he could hit the ball over 300 feet when very few could. He is also an outstanding tennis player and ranks at the top of his age group nationally. He can hit a golf ball a mile and carries a single digit handicap. He has a square build like so many Samoan's. I once asked him why his people are generally very strong. He attributed it to having to carry potable water very long distances in his South Pacific island.
One of my good friends is Samoan. He was a punter for Hawaii. Back in the wooden bat softball era he could hit the ball over 300 feet when very few could. He is also an outstanding tennis player and ranks at the top of his age group nationally. He can hit a golf ball a mile and carries a single digit handicap. He has a square build like so many Samoan's. I once asked him why his people are generally very strong. He attributed it to having to carry potable water very long distances in his South Pacific island.

Think of all the extremely large and extremely athletic Samoans who have been professional wrestlers. I realize it isn't a real sport, but professional wrestling does require a ton of athleticism.

I think some of the toughness also comes from their high school football games that are played on fields with lava rocks literally sticking out of the ground.

I know, two really unrelated observations...
Think of all the extremely large and extremely athletic Samoans who have been professional wrestlers. I realize it isn't a real sport, but professional wrestling does require a ton of athleticism.

I think some of the toughness also comes from their high school football games that are played on fields with lava rocks literally sticking out of the ground.

I know, two really unrelated observations...

"There may not be many APIs that play college basketball, let alone in the NBA, but when it comes to football, Pacific Islanders – specifically – American Samoans – are a powerhouse. According to this past Sunday’s story on 60 Minutes, there are more NFL players that come from American Samoa (a groups of islands located in the South Pacific) than any other place in America; there are currently more than thirty Samoans in the NFL with another 200-plus playing Division I college football. And get this – the total population of American Samoa is around 65,000! You could fit the whole population of American Samoa in an average NFL stadium.

American Samoans on average are physically big, but have a certain speed and agility not normally found in others of similar size. However, besides the strong work ethic and discipline, I didn’t quite understand what made American Samoans such natural football players. Or maybe because that 80% of the U.S. territory’s economy is based on canning, one of the only real ways to get a decent education is for those to excel in football."


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