RF nailed it, comes down to priorities and the developmental system. It's not like the Overton neighborhood in Miami has any more grass than the South Bronx, but they CARE about football there and the kids are playing it year round from an early age. And it's not just population. Remove NYC, Westchester/Rockland counties and even LI, and the rest of NYS still has enough population to outrank places like Louisiana, etc. Much smaller states that produce a lot more D-1A talent than NYS. So much of it is coaching and development. My wife coached varsity cheeleading for years in a town here in CT and she cranked out conference championships and top 5 state finishes. She stopped, and the three coaches that have followed have never done as well. It's not because the girls in the program have any less ability, they've just had (a) bad coaching, and (b) less focus on development at a younger age. My wife started a summer cheer camp that taught the middle school girls fundamentals, so that when they got to HS they were ready to contribute meaningfully. Subsequent coaches haven't done that and it shows in the HS team's performance, girls are learning skills they should have mastered 3 years earlier.