Canisius post game |

Canisius post game


Jun 7, 2018
A few thoughts
-at first watch this game seemed similar to the New Hampshire game. But I actually thought we played a little bit better. I thought the defense was more consistent and the ball moved a little bit more.
-To me one of the biggest stats is 38 minutes played for Justin Taylor. Going into this year I wasn’t sure how big his role would be but clearly Red has a ton of confidence in him as he indicated after the New Hampshire game. He is doing a lot of things well and unlike last year is going to the basket. He is starting to resemble the guy we saw on his high school tape. One of his shots might have been forced, but for the most part his shot selection is good. And his defense was better last night than in game one.
-I don’t know how anyone can’t be worried about JJ’s shot. There is no fluidity and you could see that at the foul line tonight. He is a plus defender and obviously athletic and can go to the basket but he will be limited until he can shoot.
-On the flipside it was good to see Judah stroke a couple from three and look good doing so. I feel pretty confident that his shot will continue to develop. It was considerably better than against New Hampshire. A couple of the moves going to the basket in the second half were sensational in particular one in which he used his left hand. For all the nitpicking, this kid is a real talent and probably the best player we have had in the last decade.
-McLeod is better than I expected. As long as he can dunk, rebound and block shots, anything else is absolute gravy and the actually runs better than I thought he would.
-Red seems to have a short leash with Cuffe, who plays like a kid who is used to being the alpha. I think we are going to have to put up with some forced shots until Red coaches that out of him, but I love the athleticism and speed he brings that we have been lacking. Similarly, I wish Quadir would calm down and not look to make a highlight on every play. He needs to learn that simple can be sexy and that when he moves the ball and goes to the basket and helps out on the boards he is a real asset. But he must cut down the turnovers or you can’t use him in big spots.
-it is nice to have three guys or more who can bring up the ball rather than watch JG3 turn the ball over before getting to halfcourt 1-3 times per game. Or Frank Howard for that matter.
-Again I’m getting annoyed with Bell’s attitude and shot selection. Satalin was clearly annoyed by his body language and expression, and it is getting old. When he was subbed out with two minutes to go he was clearly pissed and the fact that we were about to win the game was lost on him. A number of his shots were forced and resulted in effective turnovers, including one or two air balls. He looks and feels like he is out for himself with his shot selection and attitude, and that needs to change. On the bright side, he actually hit the offensive board for once, and had a nice putback.
-I think the fans take Satalin for granted. He knows the game, and he’s pretty candid for a college analyst. On the other hand, Park struggled again and his misses are more notable when you actually are watching the game and listening to his radio call
-after the last couple of years, I will not take for granted being 2-0, regardless of the opposition, but the Colgate one is a biggie on a number of levels.
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Nice write up. I was angry at Mintz the other day but mainly because he is so talented. Great game by Judah. He took over and sealed the win.
Copeland’s potential is huge. Rip through straight line drive for the dunk was a big boy move. Then he flys into traffic like a mad man. If he stays for four years he could be hell of player once he makes better decisions.
Matt Park is terrible on play by play for basketball. Brian Higgins should have that job.
It’s like the Monstars stole JJ’s shot. I’m sad. I want him to kill it here being that he’s from here. You can clearly tell he’s struggling mentally with his shot because he kept repeating his form over during dead balls. Hopefully time with Gerry can get it worked out because the great shot making we saw in high school and AAU is gone.
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A few thoughts
-at first watch this game seemed similar to the New Hampshire game. But I actually thought we played a little bit better. I thought the defense was more consistent and the ball moved a little bit more.
-To me one of the biggest stats is 38 minutes played for Justin Taylor. Going into this year I wasn’t sure how big his role would be but clearly Red has a ton of confidence in him as he indicated after the New Hampshire game. He is doing a lot of things well and unlike last year is going to the basket. He is starting to resemble the guy we saw on his high school tape. One of his shots might have been forced, but for the most part he shot selection is good. And his defense was better last night than in game one.
-I don’t know how anyone can’t be worried about JJ’s shot. There is no fluidity and you could see that at the foul line tonight. He is a plus defender and obviously athletic and can go to the basket but he will be limited until he can shoot.
-On the flipside it was good to see Judah stroke a couple from three and look good doing so. I feel pretty confident that his shot will continue to develop. It was considerably better than against New Hampshire. A couple of the moves going to the basket in the second half were sensational in particular one in which he used his left hand. For all the nitpicking, this kid is a real talent and probably the best player we have had in the last decade.
-McLeod is better than I expected. As long as he can dunk, rebound and block shots, anything else is absolute gravy and the actually runs better than I thought he would.
-Red seems to have a short leash with Cuffe, who plays like a kid who is used to being the alpha. I think we are going to have to put up with some forced shots until Red coaches that out of him, but I love the athleticism and speed he brings that we have been lacking. Similarly, I wish Quadir would calm down and not look to make a highlight on every play. He needs to learn that simple can be sexy and that when he moves the ball and goes to the basket and helps out on the boards he is a real asset. But he must cut down the turnovers or you can’t use him in big spots.
-it is nice to have three guys or more who can bring up the ball rather than watch JG3 turn the ball over before getting to halfcourt 1-3 times per game. Or Frank Howard for that matter.
-Again I’m getting annoyed with Bell’s attitude and shot selection. Satalin was clearly annoyed by his body language and expression, and it is getting old. When he was subbed out with two minutes to go he was clearly pissed and the fact that we were about to win the game was lost on him. A number of his shots were forced and resulted in effective turnovers, including one or two air balls. He looks and feels like he is out for himself with his shot selection and attitude, and that needs to change. On the bright side, he actually hit the offensive board for once, and had a nice putback.
-I think the fans take Satalin for granted. He knows the game, and he’s pretty candid for a college analyst. On the other hand, Park struggled again and his misses are more notable when you actually are watching the game and listening to his radio call
-after the last couple of years, I will not take for granted being 2-0, regardless of the opposition, but the Colgate one is a biggie on a number of levels.
Great summar!
I cant belive a kid like Judah can barely get the ball to the basket from the 3 line without jumping in about 2 ft on the landing. Thats one reason unless it wide open he has a tough time taking that shot.

In the first half his shoot and fall routine didnt get many calls in the 2nd it did and his game picked up.

I wonder if we have a game all yr where we are not the worst outside shooting team on the floor though.
Hate to say this but when Judah got hurt and left the game for a bit, the ball moved much better on O with JJ running the point. It seemed like this help us get going and when Judah came in, he deferred a few times to JJ and he seemed like things got going when he was playing off the ball. Again just my .02 cents.
my limited thoughts:
- Key to this teams success will be 3 point shooting and rebounding... if they can get to 30% in a game they will have a decent shot of winning. If we can't rebound we can't run.
- The team does a decent job of limiting wide open threes... huge improvement over the zone where teams were routinely passing their way open to wide open looks
- I actually like Starling's game a lot and I think if he could shoot he would be a better prospect than Mintz... but he needs to be able to shoot. Even without the shooting, he needs to be on the floor as he is the best point guard on the team
- If/when Benny gets back I see a lot of bench time for Bell.
- Mcleod is a really pleasant surprise... if they can get 25 minutes a game from him that really increases our ceiling
- Taylor is also a pleasant surprise. I'm really curious to see if this holds up against better athletes.

I'm surprised at the overreaction and negativity I'm seeing on different threads. Is this team top 25? Probably not... is it top 64? Probably yes. We have effectively dominated two teams we should dominate while having cold spells where they took the W for granted and loosened up on D and the other team hit a bunch of threes. It's 2023... that's going to happen. And btw we are missing our best big man.

The D is evolving... but the main thing is that we don't give up a guaranteed open 3 on every possession. When the team pushes the ball it's pretty much unstoppable. Rebounding is a huge concern without Benny... JT, Brown, Copeland were all getting big-boyed on the boards last night by the Canisius big men.

I also can say that I am enjoying the style of play more this year than last. Once Autry is able to recruit athletes that better fit this style look out.
we don't give up a guaranteed open 3 on every possession
They should have beat Cansisus by 30, but the griffs had like 5 made threes that had no business going in. JT was all over one kid 3 ft behind the line with time ticking down and he threw up a rainbow prayer and it went in. Can't defend it much better than JT did.

Mintz has a game like Cat Barber did for NC State. He's going to get fouled on every drive because he can get past most primary defenders and absorb contact from the secondary defenders enough to get the call. It's not the most aesthetically pleasing basketball, but it is effective if defenders continue to foul him instead of giving him an open lane.
It’s like the Monstars stole JJ’s shot. I’m sad. I want him to kill it here being that he’s from here. You can clearly tell he’s struggling mentally with his shot because he kept repeating his form over during dead balls. Hopefully time with Gerry can get it worked out because the great shot making we saw in high school and AAU is gone.
i dont think its mental. I think its physical - which is probably worse...

maybe similar to Fultz, perhaps
Hate to say this but when Judah got hurt and left the game for a bit, the ball moved much better on O with JJ running the point. It seemed like this help us get going and when Judah came in, he deferred a few times to JJ and he seemed like things got going when he was playing off the ball. Again just my .02 cents.
Really disappointed to see Judah learned nothing about getting his teammates the ball in situations they can score. I don’t know if he can’t see the shooters on the wings when he drives or he just doesn’t want to make the pass. He chose at one point to rifle a 5’ 90 mph fastball at Mcleod instead of hitting an open shooter in the corner. He’s nifty with his drives and finishes but as they were saying last night, experienced refs aren’t going to fall for his flops.
this team will go as the guards go.

was really interesting to me to see how Judah played almost exclusively the facilitator role in the first half and didnt look much to score...and how the offense kind struggled

and that he still got his career high after exploding in the 2nd


1. Judah can "chill" for large stretches of play and facilitate...AND still get his...hope he realizes this...bc the team really does need a facilitator

2. as much as the team needs a facilitator and is hurt by 1 on 1 iso ball...guard pentration and beating man 1 on 1 is probably the best offense this team has...

3. most importantly, I think a big reason Judah had such a great 2nd half was that he was pretty non-existant in the 1st...the opponent adjusted to the other threats, leaving more opportunity for Judah...

and this is the will be a chess match for Autry...there will be matchups to exploit with this roster...

if the coaches get it right, they will always be 1 or 2 steps ahead of the opponents' adjustments...and stay in "exploitation mode" for most of most games. otoh, getting out of patterns and schemes that dont work quickly, will also be important...there's no reason for this team to fail to score or struggle on offense with all of the options it has...
Really disappointed to see Judah learned nothing about getting his teammates the ball in situations they can score. I don’t know if he can’t see the shooters on the wings when he drives or he just doesn’t want to make the pass. He chose at one point to rifle a 5’ 90 mph fastball at Mcleod instead of hitting an open shooter in the corner. He’s nifty with his drives and finishes but as they were saying last night, experienced refs aren’t going to fall for his flops.
he tried in the 1st half to be a facilitator, with mixed results...he was trying.

the game opened up once he started going for buckets, though...that still is the best option for the team's offense, imo...the guards just have to be measured in their approach and mix it up

on another note, I thought the official were horrendous for the 2nd game in a row...they've been reffing like they get a bonus if the favorite doesnt cover the spread, imo

very fishy pattern ive noticed from ncaa refs last few seasons where they seem to heavily favor one team in terms of calls each half and then alternate for the i the only one who notices this very common pattern?
Good result but 2nd game in a row we covered at half and but did not cover for the full game. This is a first half team.

Like that we are able to dribble penetrate and that helps us. We had a number of players do that during the game and get open at the foul line or pass to a man coming down the baseline for an easy layup Did not hit all of the shots but Bell was able to fake and one dribble himself to an open position. (did not make most but its a good move). Taylor was effective at that and so were Mintz and Starling. When was the last year we had this many who can dribble penetrate.

Not liking defense. Mintz was beaten 3-4 times by a screen where he did not slide through it. This helped Canisius run of 3pointers midway through 2nd half. Could be communication from his teammate that a screen is coming, but on some it was like he did not expect it. After the 3rd time he should have known. Taylor gets beat every time down the middle on a dribble penetrate. Other team spreads and isolate their player on JT. This happend inUNH game as well He has trouble guard a smaller and quicker guy.

Rebounding is interesting. We had a number of loose ball situations where it seemed our guys watched our other guys re; going to the boards. We need to improve there.
Rebounding is interesting. We had a number of loose ball situations where it seemed our guys watched our other guys re; going to the boards. We need to improve there.
Noticed the other forwards, except maybe Cope, had no idea what to do when our big man was swatting shots. Couldn’t tell if they got caught watching, or didn’t want to get in his way.
he tried in the 1st half to be a facilitator, with mixed results...he was trying.

the game opened up once he started going for buckets, though...that still is the best option for the team's offense, imo...the guards just have to be measured in their approach and mix it up

on another note, I thought the official were horrendous for the 2nd game in a row...they've been reffing like they get a bonus if the favorite doesnt cover the spread, imo

very fishy pattern ive noticed from ncaa refs last few seasons where they seem to heavily favor one team in terms of calls each half and then alternate for the i the only one who notices this very common pattern?
It’s not that he’s not trying, it’s he doesn’t get them the ball where they can immediately do something with it. Like it’s a half second too late, or he’s not recognizing when another guy’s defender is coming over to help that that is the ideal moment to pass.
he tried in the 1st half to be a facilitator, with mixed results...he was trying.

the game opened up once he started going for buckets, though...that still is the best option for the team's offense, imo...the guards just have to be measured in their approach and mix it up

on another note, I thought the official were horrendous for the 2nd game in a row...they've been reffing like they get a bonus if the favorite doesnt cover the spread, imo

very fishy pattern ive noticed from ncaa refs last few seasons where they seem to heavily favor one team in terms of calls each half and then alternate for the i the only one who notices this very common pattern?
I think they call the game and if they see a team way ahead on team fouls they event it up quick. Think it happens in each half.

My concern is Judah will not get all those calls when we play legit p5 people. He makes some tough shots were he is clearly just trying to get fouled. Hope he has the respect to get those calls in the ACC in close games where we need them.
Really disappointed to see Judah learned nothing about getting his teammates the ball in situations they can score. I don’t know if he can’t see the shooters on the wings when he drives or he just doesn’t want to make the pass. He chose at one point to rifle a 5’ 90 mph fastball at Mcleod instead of hitting an open shooter in the corner. He’s nifty with his drives and finishes but as they were saying last night, experienced refs aren’t going to fall for his flops.

JJ to me is quickly becoming the PG to Judah the 2 that also occasionally plays the point. When this became the primary approach in the second half things functioned much better. Judah has to be good for 2 or 3 3s a game off the ball for this duo to work so last night in the second half is probably the template on offense to build on.

Westry then hopefully becomes the backup PG when healthy.
I think they call the game and if they see a team way ahead on team fouls they event it up quick. Think it happens in each half.

My concern is Judah will not get all those calls when we play legit p5 people. He makes some tough shots were he is clearly just trying to get fouled. Hope he has the respect to get those calls in the ACC in close games where we need them.
in the first half vs canisius...canisius had a lot more overall fouls...but had like a 14-2 in FT attempts...which doesnt really make sense

the refs did balanace it out in the 2nd half

but it needs to jsut be even all game...imo

autry noted in his post game how being in the bonus early in the 2nd half helped open up the game for the Orange

with a driving team like this, the refs can make an oversized impact on the team;s success
It’s not that he’s not trying, it’s he doesn’t get them the ball where they can immediately do something with it. Like it’s a half second too late, or he’s not recognizing when another guy’s defender is coming over to help that that is the ideal moment to pass.
i dodnt think he was even trying to pass vs UNH...only looking to score...

there was a noticable difference vs Canisius. he wasnt even tryng to score in the 1st half...but yeah, I agree...he could use his shiftiness to get his teammates open, good shots...instead of merely to get rid of the ball. he sometimes does it though...he can do it...just needs to be better and more consistent at that aspect...and it will help the team a lot if he can.
JJ to me is quickly becoming the PG to Judah the 2 that also occasionally plays the point. When this became the primary approach in the second half things functioned much better. Judah has to be good for 2 or 3 3s a game off the ball for this duo to work so last night in the second half is probably the template on offense to build on.

Westry then hopefully becomes the backup PG when healthy.
Agreed all around. JJ much better distributing.
I think they call the game and if they see a team way ahead on team fouls they event it up quick. Think it happens in each half.

My concern is Judah will not get all those calls when we play legit p5 people. He makes some tough shots were he is clearly just trying to get fouled. Hope he has the respect to get those calls in the ACC in close games where we need them.
Yep. Joe really grinded my gears when he would flail into someone, not get the call then whine to the refs or sulk instead of getting back. I'm not concerned about Judah but it's something to keep an eye on.
Yep. Joe really grinded my gears when he would flail into someone, not get the call then whine to the refs or sulk instead of getting back. I'm not concerned about Judah but it's something to keep an eye on.
He’s doing the same thing with not getting back. Very frustrating.

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