Don’t Look Up the movie |

Don’t Look Up the movie


Hall of Fame
Aug 21, 2011
Do you self a favor and don’t look at it unless you have two and a half hours to kill of your life that you don’t care to get back, even with an incredible collection of stars in it it remains an incredibly messed up and disjointed movie. It’s pretty much a mess.

That said It is a complete and utter indictment of our current and now long standing culture some of it well done, most of it not, but if you do find yourself watching it there’s one scene that in and of itself makes it worth it the struggle of watching it almost worth it.

I won’t give it away here for now (i’ll save that for the off-topic board thread!).
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Saw it tonight. I hate uncomfortable movies or shows and that was definitely uncomfortable. Too soon is my initial response, but looking forward to ruminating on this one a bit more.
I liked it. It reminded me of films like Network and Thank You for Smoking. It is not as good as those films, but it was a solid film. People screaming about a lack of subtlety are missing the point.
Mindy’s melt down scene at tv studio definitely had a Howard Beale quality to it. The editing reminded me of Oliver Stone Natural Born Killers. Overall I thought it was darkly humorous but my immediate reaction at the end was we are so f’d as a civilization.
I liked it. It reminded me of films like Network and Thank You for Smoking. It is not as good as those films, but it was a solid film. People screaming about a lack of subtlety are missing the point.
Yup . It’s about as subtle as a sledge hammer .. I do think a lot of critics have panned it because it depicts humans as idiots… to a degree haven’t seen since Idiocracy
Do you self a favor and don’t look at it unless you have two and a half hours to kill of your life that you don’t care to get back, even with an incredible collection of stars in it it remains an incredibly messed up and disjointed movie. It’s pretty much a mess.

That said It is a complete and utter indictment of our current and now long standing culture some of it well done, most of it not, but if you do find yourself watching it there’s one scene that in and of itself makes it worth it the struggle of watching it almost worth it.

I won’t give it away here for now (i’ll save that for the off-topic board thread!).

Really felt it wasn't very well done at all. The premise intrigued me before watching it then I watched it. Not sure why I didn't turn it off.
Want to watch it, probably will at some point.

Doesn’t help that the most annoying people I know are predictably obnoxious about this movie.
Hahaha...if you only had a tiny bit more self-awareness, you'd see the irony of your post.

Except you don’t know me. You’ve conversed with me on a message board. I apologize in advance if this is the primary source of your social life.
Really felt it wasn't very well done at all. The premise intrigued me before watching it then I watched it. Not sure why I didn't turn it off.
It took me 2 nights to make it through the movie. I think Trey and Matt from South Park could have done a better movie using the premise. I only laughed once during the entire movie during the song by Arianna Grande.
I was underwhelmed. Idk if it’s because I had somewhat high expectations based on the trailer or what. Just felt like a bit of a rushed, disjointed mess at times, which for a 120+ minute movie doesn’t seem right. I’m not gonna say it was crap but it also wasn’t the most enjoyable movie I’ve ever watched. Glad I saw it on Netflix and not in theaters though.
I only watched half of it. I was initially bothered that it was going to be too similar to a project (series) I wrote, but it isn’t. And oddly, it kinda sucks. Which pisses me off more than just about the wasted time.
Just saw it the other day. I agree it was disjointed and I was disappointed with Leo. Normally he is excellent but this material/character was substantially below what he normally signs up for. Really the part I liked best was the running joke about the General charging them for snacks.

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