Dumas says Mali Gone | Page 15 | Syracusefan.com

Dumas says Mali Gone

There's just so much risk involved in staying. To riff on two3zone's example, it's like being offered your dream job out of college (maybe working at Google or Goldman) right when you are about to go off and backpack Europe with your best friends. You can say no, backpack, and hope that you're just as desirable after a year, but it's a risk. Maybe next year you get an even better position in the same company because the economy is doing great and there's huge need. Or maybe they don't look at you the same way because you're older or the professor who recommended you isn't as influential anymore. You may not be successful if you take the job, but you may not even get the opportunity if you don't. There's no universal right answer, just choices and risk.

There is risk involved with leaving before your ready also.
There is risk involved with leaving before your ready also.

Of course there is risk, but at least you're hedging your bet and getting some sort of compensation rather than nothing.
I'm not an NBA GM so I have no idea. So I want him to stay? As a fan yes. Do I think he should stay? Who knows. Depends on what he and his family want/need and what the NBA people tell him.

And if the people who are talking to him including friends, family, coaches, the NBA etc are telling him the truth or if it's self serving. That's the biggest issue, who do these kids trust and are they truly looking out for the player's best interests. Sadly too many times kids listen to the wrong people or to people who are saying what they want to hear. I hope that with this year' draft rules, that someone after the fact can document how many players the NBA tells a player that he will be drafted, drafted in the 1st round vs how they actually draft these kids. Sure would be interesting.
And if the people who are talking to him including friends, family, coaches, the NBA etc are telling him the truth or if it's self serving. That's the biggest issue, who do these kids trust and are they truly looking out for the player's best interests. Sadly too many times kids listen to the wrong people or to people who are saying what they want to hear. I hope that with this year' draft rules, that someone after the fact can document how many players the NBA tells a player that he will be drafted, drafted in the 1st round vs how they actually draft these kids. Sure would be interesting.

You have these kids friends telling them they are the next Lebron, because they want to profit off of them, hopefully Mal listens to the right people.
For what it's worth, I talk to a relatively recent UK player here and there who was a starter on one of the championship teams. He's told me he misses playing college ball and liked that ride more than his professional bball career.

I can't imagine how hard it is to make these decisions.
Of course there is risk, but at least you're hedging your bet and getting some sort of compensation rather than nothing.
you can always coach reguardless so kind of not true
I don't agree. They have much better facilities, a plethora of coaches and specialists, and world class team trainers and doctors all while having no limitations practicing or classroom distractions.
You must not watch much NBA. Guys (including some 1st rounders) get sent to the NBDL all the time so they can get playing time. It's more important to play than to sit. Also, during the season, there is not as much time to practice as you think. With the back to backs, the travel, and practicing game plans for upcoming opponents, sometimes practice time is very limited. There is a reason a star like Jermaine O'neal got next to no playing time until his 5th year. It seemed to work out OK for him.....but it took a lot longer to get started.
Aren't you the one who said McCullough regretted it? Get out of here. Lol

Cj was on every draft board after his junior year, second round. Came back and nothing. You don't think there's regret?
Draft position on the "boards" varies wildly before and after workouts, testing, and interviews. Because he was on the boards doesn't begin to mean he would have been there at draft time. You are making an assumption that can never be proven true and there is just as much evidence to suggest he would have tumbled.
Briancuse said:
I think a kid should go through the process and get feedback, and if hes ready to go, then God bless, but if the feedback is he needs another year, he should come back.

Yeah, I included that in the rundown of info a player has to weigh. It's a part of the equation. But that's not that simple and it's not all the info a player is weighing. (I'd put it as the most important for sure.)

I just think it's impossible to judge fairly. Anyone arguing like they know what player x should do, without at least knowing them, is guessing.

It's a great message board debate, but in the end it's the kids business.
I don't really think you can compare donte with mal. Donte was a lot more devolped then mal. Had a better stature and a bigger upside. Let's be honest if mal goes he's going to be a one contract guy then an overseas player. We have had better players come through that haven't lasted that long. Nothing against the kid but if he's projected as a lottery he should take it and start earning. The whole issue isn't on the players. It's the nba and ncaa making these kids go to school for a year.
I don't really think you can compare donte with mal. Donte was a lot more devolped then mal. Had a better stature and a bigger upside. Let's be honest if mal goes he's going to be a one contract guy then an overseas player. We have had better players come through that haven't lasted that long. Nothing against the kid but if he's projected as a lottery he should take it and start earning. The whole issue isn't on the players. It's the nba and ncaa making these kids go to school for a year.
Totally disagree. If you drew up a prototype NBA 2 Guard, it looks like Malachi Richardson (with a little more muscle). That 2nd half against UVA was insane and he did it in every way possible including roasting the ACC DPOY. He needs to be a more consistent shooter but I don't see any reason he won't. His shot is pure, he can create his own shot and has handle with the ability to take you off the dribble. I think he has a great change to earn a second contract no matter when he leaves.
Cusefan78 said:
I don't really think you can compare donte with mal. Donte was a lot more devolped then mal. Had a better stature and a bigger upside. Let's be honest if mal goes he's going to be a one contract guy then an overseas player. We have had better players come through that haven't lasted that long. Nothing against the kid but if he's projected as a lottery he should take it and start earning. The whole issue isn't on the players. It's the nba and ncaa making these kids go to school for a year.

Let's be honest: no one here knows how it will go.
two3zone said:
You don't wish you had an extra year of no responsibilities? Wow, an adult makes a statement stating he would love not to have responsibilities. That's shocking?

Didn't you post a link to the Mike Rice video and allude to the horrific working conditions college players must endure?

So which is it? College is fun or college is a grind where the players are constantly abused and taken advantage.

You keep contradicting yourself and changing your narrative. It's impossible to have a logical debate with someone who does this.
Next year after the season, instead of going through this discussion again, trading insults and alienating each other in some cases, can we just bump this thread? Or last year's? Or the year's before that?
Or maybe we should let the process play out and wait for these players to actually make their decisions about what they intend to do, particularly this year since the process has been changed.
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I'm not an NBA GM so I have no idea. So I want him to stay? As a fan yes. Do I think he should stay? Who knows. Depends on what he and his family want/need and what the NBA people tell him.

Its really quite extraordinary that each time this debate surfaces there are some folks who cannot bring themselves to agree with this very basic and indisputable point.
Its really quite extraordinary that each time this debate surfaces there are some folks who cannot bring themselves to agree with this very basic and indisputable point.

Exactly. It only matters where you get drafted and where you go and what the individuals plans and expectations are. Who the F am I to say? Like Bees said love the kid to stay but it seems we always have endless posts about why a kid isn't ready but most of them have fared OK. Also if their stock wont go up by staying then why do it
I tend to agree that ability matters the most. Of course! But what if you were never going to make it anyway? Look at KrisJo. I believe he made about 190k in the NBA. If he'd left after his sophomore year (or was it junior) I believe he was projected as a 1st rounder. If he'd done that, he'd have made around 1.5-2 mil. minimum. The difference between 190k and 2 mil is HUGE for a regular guy. That's the other risk. It's not always about making 35 million instead of 5 million, sometimes it's about making 2 instead of 0.

The people doing the projecting could be wrong. Most are just throwing crap against the wall dude of WV style. The few that actually have NBA contacts like Chad Ford get used for by agents and GM's for disinformation so you can't trust that mock draft either.
I think there is a fair amount of actual information in the mocks. Namely if players are in them. I'd be curious to see how many players not in the Dec/Jan mocks actually get drafted. I don't think there are many surprises. The order is pretty much irrelevant.
Question: is there any post draft assessment of how good the mock drafts were leading up to it? Sort of like grading bracketologists? It seems like this probably exists, but I wouldn't know where to find it. The nice thing is Mal will be able to go through the process and get a feel for things. While I still expect him to get very self-serving information from NBA people and agents, he will have to do far less guessing about his future than everyone previously had to do.
This is why college basketball should have the same draft policy as college hockey.
Yep - hockey players can get drafted by an NHL team then return to college and continue playing for the program. Not so in football or basketball. Why not?

This stuff is starting to drive me crazy. No wonder Bilas tweets about it so often.
Next year after the season, instead of going through this discussion again, trading insults and alienating each other in some cases, can we just bump this thread? Or last year's? Or the year's before that?

This kind of "what if" discussion must help some people wind down from the season.

But it's essentially an insipid exercise given that:

1. We don't know who is coming back (especially Lydon and Malachi)
2. We don't know who is coming in (Transfers)
3. We don't know who might transfer out.
4. We don't know how much improvement there is going to be in the players that come back (especially Howard, Roberson and Coleman)
5. We don't know how good the incoming freshman are going to be. We have had some pleasant and unpleasant surprises in the past few years.
6. We aren't really sure who the coach is going to be. Boeheim appears to have a "Not more than two years" agreement. But that means he could decide to hand over the reins earlier. Maybe to avoid giving Hopkins a team with a near empty cabinet that could occur after next season.

So what we are left with is projections based on "If this happens. And this happens. And this happens. And this happens. And if the good Lord's willing and the creeks don't rise".

Seems to me that given all we don't know, that any projections that are made have like a 1% chance of being even close.
This kind of "what if" discussion must help some people wind down from the season.

But it's essentially an insipid exercise given that:

1. We don't know who is coming back (especially Lydon and Malachi)
2. We don't know who is coming in (Transfers)
3. We don't know who might transfer out.
4. We don't know how much improvement there is going to be in the players that come back (especially Howard, Roberson and Coleman)
5. We don't know how good the incoming freshman are going to be. We have had some pleasant and unpleasant surprises in the past few years.
6. We aren't really sure who the coach is going to be. Boeheim appears to have a "Not more than two years" agreement. But that means he could decide to hand over the reins earlier. Maybe to avoid giving Hopkins a team with a near empty cabinet that could occur after next season.

So what we are left with is projections based on "If this happens. And this happens. And this happens. And this happens. And if the good Lord's willing and the creeks don't rise".

Seems to me that given all we don't know, that any projections that are made have like a 1% chance of being even close.
So does this mean we won't be getting your lineup and minutes per game predictions just yet?


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