Frank’s trip | Page 4 |

Frank’s trip

Are you on a phone? Just click on his most recent tweet (him weirdly talking into the screen) and then scroll down.

Hey Jay, you know what also “ends guys’ careers?”

Unlicensed operation of a motorcycle (without a helmet).

Not surprised this fool would post a pearl clutching monologue so far off the mark on this topic.
Nobody outside of Syracuse fans is going to care about the officiating leading up to it. That plus OB’s elbow and we are well on our way to being a dirty team in the court of public perception.

As long as stuff like this doesn’t continue it will fade pretty quickly but it is what it is.
Sideline angle = completely on purpose
Up court angle looking back = ehhh

Ha, agreed. It's strange to me how obviously NOT a trip it looks like at one angle, and how obvious it is that it's a trip from another angle. How's that work? Frank is clever.

All that being said, I'm back and forth on it...but, like others have said, in the "concussion era" you let Bolden almost decapitate OB with no call last match-up (even after review), you keep calling these crap fouls, (did this occur before or after Zion bulldozed Carey for the loose ball with no call?), and eventually things happen. Officials should try calling the game correctly to avoid being the ones creating tension.
Frank plays on instinct, often getting called a space cadet as a result. His frustrations got the better of him for a moment but he did not hard plant his foot and seemed to apologize immediately after it happened. I don't know I would be more concerned if he had a pattern of doing this but he doesn't. This is the first time I've seen him do anything like that in 4 long years.
I'll preface this by saying that it appears as though Frank was in the wrong and a senior at the very end of his college career should know better than trying something like that. With that being said, this is only a story because it involved Zion. I think Frank could have done a full roundhouse kick to Jack White's teeth and nobody would even mention it today.
Ha, agreed. It's strange to me how obviously NOT a trip it looks like at one angle, and how obvious it is that it's a trip from another angle. How's that work? Frank is clever.

All that being said, I'm back and forth on it...but, like others have said, in the "concussion era" you let Bolden almost decapitate OB with no call last match-up (even after review), you keep calling these crap fouls, (did this occur before or after Zion bulldozed Carey for the loose ball with no call?), and eventually things happen. Officials should try calling the game correctly to avoid being the ones creating tension.
Reminds me of how the entire Big East used to pick on that poor Georgetown team. Start fights, and all. If the referees called half the fouls against them that they should have, there wouldn't have been any fights.
Ha, agreed. It's strange to me how obviously NOT a trip it looks like at one angle, and how obvious it is that it's a trip from another angle. How's that work? Frank is clever.

All that being said, I'm back and forth on it...but, like others have said, in the "concussion era" you let Bolden almost decapitate OB with no call last match-up (even after review), you keep calling these crap fouls, (did this occur before or after Zion bulldozed Carey for the loose ball with no call?), and eventually things happen. Officials should try calling the game correctly to avoid being the ones creating tension.

Was there time to photo-shop the sideline angle?
Seems like his toe is pointed unnaturally upward. Hard to reconcile.

I had no issue with what Frank did. Furthermore, think it’s ludicrous that ESPN played it up like it was some kind of massacre when Oshae legit got concussed from an intentional elbow to the dome during Duke/SU II and nothing to show for it either.
Knowing Frank, watching and rewatching and seeing his and JB’s post press conferences I stand 110% behind Frank.

This is a non issue if it weren’t espn and Duke. I’m not bitter, it comes with the territory, but they ought to be ashamed with the overreaction from multiple talking heads.
Frank should have been tossed... Frank should get punishment... JB should be ashamed for calling it a bump and the entire thing is reprehensible and inexcusable but guess what?

This is what happens when the players become frustrated with the blatant ACC / Duke/ Carolina favoritism with officiating. This BS is getting out of hand. It couldn't be more clear that the NCAA / ACC and the powers that be want to promote Zion/Duke as the brand to drive interest and sales. The play , and discussion it all gets is disgusting. I'm so sick of hearing about Zion and Duke. the reffing is ridiculous and one sided and it benefits Duke and Zion tremendously. IF you cant see it you're blind. The players see it, live it and feel it. You could see them looking around after getting hammered with no call yet breathing on Duke with a foul called. This is what happens when the players see this and have no outlet. The refs created this. I hate NCAA hoops right now and its getting worse by the day.

This post is 100 percent spot on. Something needs to be done about it to be honest. What I see out there is so one sided, it makes it almost impossible to beat them which makes us beating Duke at Cameron ever more impressive. Also Coach K whines a lot for someone whose team gets all the calls.
Knowing Frank, watching and rewatching and seeing his and JB’s post press conferences I stand 110% behind Frank.

This is a non issue if it weren’t espn and Duke. I’m not bitter, it comes with the territory, but they ought to be ashamed with the overreaction from multiple talking heads.

he 100000000% intended to trip him. thats not a question.

frank should just own it and apologize. his punishment should have been a technical (not an ejection) and a stern "dont ever do that again" from boeheim
Back to the key question of this thread - Will he get suspended for the Tourney?
It is not clear enough to call it intentional . Nothing more to say about it really. No harm. Time to move on.
Back to the key question of this thread - Will he get suspended for the Tourney?

The refs didn't call him for a flagrant foul last night. I don't think the ACC can do anything about it.

Will JB or SU suspend him for a game or a half?

What's a tournament without a little drama. :cool::rolleyes:
To answer the OP, Frank will not be suspended.

I'd characterize JB's PR strategy in this situation as a classic example of the "don't apologize--double down"* technique.

In college hoops, we've seen DADD used by guys like Sean Miller and, more recently, Will Wade. (It's commonly used in politics, but we don't have to go there.)

If you apologize, the people who want to rip you are still going to rip you and most of your supporters don't have anything to rally around.

When you use DADD, your biggest supporters will ignore reality and adopt your position to prove their commitment.

It's unfortunate the world works this way, but in my opinion, that what is happening here.

* basketball writer Ethan Strauss is the person I stole this term from
Ive never been a fan of Frank's and its junk like this why people get upset with him. Completely bush league but the duke fans are hilarious for being outraged.
No, "junk like this" is not at all why people have been frustrated by Frank. It's his inconsistent play that folks have issues with. Quit making up your own version of history.
No, "junk like this" is not at all why people have been frustrated by Frank. It's his inconsistent play that folks have issues with. Quit making up your own version of history.
Even last night when Jay was signing his praises I was thinking about his bad passes and his habit of picking up his dribble or getting in the air without knowing where he will pass. I like Frank as a wing player, not PG. He is at his best when he is on the wing and open. He can make those shots but he is not a gifted distributor.
Sideline angle = completely on purpose
Up court angle looking back = ehhh
Before anyone takes an absolute position one way or another remember ESPN repeated ad nauseum one camera angle. By that standard Edelman surely fumbled that punt in the NFL playoffs - until two other camera angles showed he didn’t.
JB will get a lack of institutional control charge from the NCAA for Frank's trip. I'm thinking we lose one, possibly two schoolies and JB has to forfeit all previous wins against duke.

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