Ima Virginia Hoops Fan ... Ask me Anything | Page 5 |

Ima Virginia Hoops Fan ... Ask me Anything

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

How high could a horsefly fly if a horsefly could fly high?

How do you stop the rain from falling down?

How does a loser ever win?

Does anyone really know what time it is?

How many hits songs does Tony Bennett have?
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Seriously you guys are a bunch of asses. I love my Orange, but a guy comes over here from another team who we are going to face in a tough Elite 8 game and asks questions and you hit him with all this bs?? Sorry, I find that to be a little lame.

It's ok and to be expected. Once in a while we can get some basketball in there. I'm having fun and hope you are
Seriously you guys are a bunch of asses. I love my Orange, but a guy comes over here from another team who we are going to face in a tough Elite 8 game and asks questions and you hit him with all this bs?? Sorry, I find that to be a little lame.

We are just messing around, trying to calm the nerves.
Seriously you guys are a bunch of asses. I love my Orange, but a guy comes over here from another team who we are going to face in a tough Elite 8 game and asks questions and you hit him with all this bs?? Sorry, I find that to be a little lame.

+1. Even though it's been an entertaining and fun thread in places, more than 1 or 2 of the intended type of questions would be nice. I'm about to ask a hybrid:

OP, do you think UVA covers the 8 point spread? I actually took the points for the first time in the tournament, thinking the line may move more. Also considering a small wager with the money line, which must be a very nice payout for a Cuse win.
If you ever have the chance, watch the men who killed Kennedy, it will change the way you think about what happened that day.

I thought "Rich Man's Trick" was better.
Can God have a thought so complex that even she can't understand it?
+1. Even though it's been an entertaining and fun thread in places, more than 1 or 2 of the intended type of questions would be nice. I'm about to ask a hybrid:

OP, do you think UVA covers the 8 point spread? I actually took the points for the first time in the tournament, thinking the line may move more. Also considering a small wager with the money line, which must be a very nice payout for a Cuse win.

Well, with all due respect, what's there really to know? We have played them now for 3 straight years, where, for the most part, they have had the same personnel. JB pretty much eluded to same last night in the post game presser.
I will be serious for a moment, what is the consensus feeling about tomorrow's game from the Uva fans point of view?

We love MTSU, they did us a huge favor in knocking out MSU. We can now finally get to a final four...or something to that effect. ;):)
We love MTSU, they did us a huge favor in knocking out MSU. We can now finally get to a final four...or something to that effect. ;):)

We would be here regardless if MSU won, but since they did not, it doesn't matter!
+1. Even though it's been an entertaining and fun thread in places, more than 1 or 2 of the intended type of questions would be nice. I'm about to ask a hybrid:

OP, do you think UVA covers the 8 point spread? I actually took the points for the first time in the tournament, thinking the line may move more. Also considering a small wager with the money line, which must be a very nice payout for a Cuse win.

No. These teams know each other and each other's players. No suprises. I really think it's going to be in the high 50's, low 60's and maybe 5 points. It's going to be physical. The nation will say it sucks but both of us who appreciate hardcore defense will love it. I think that UVA -3 is more like it. And yeah you can win it. We're playing hot right now, but that doesn't mean anything tomorrow night unless we continue to be hot. Turnovers and fouls might be the difference.
Well, with all due respect, what's there really to know? We have played them now for 3 straight years, where, for the most part, they have had the same personnel. JB pretty much eluded to same last night in the post game presser.

I'm not saying this to be a an assclown, but I think you mean "alluded to", which was part of him eluding the question? Eluding questions is something JB and folks in general do at times, so you'd think with all the combined brainpower on here and a long time limit that we could think of at least a few relevant questions. I'm known to get off topic and weave in things I enjoy in other parts of life, so I'm not condemning it, but just trying to help the dude out and also help prevent this from veering even further to a point where someone isn't keeping it classy. I'm trying to show the guy/gal some of us care and show respect, even though we can bust balls, ya know? To be fair to you, my body and mind are so drained from yesterday(and this morning) that I prefer the humor right now myself also.
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