Ima Virginia Hoops Fan ... Ask me Anything | Page 7 |

Ima Virginia Hoops Fan ... Ask me Anything

The "bankers" too. JFK wanted to end the Fed(eral Reserve), which is part of the same clan who profits from selling soldiers in a human grocery store. If some of you have never heard his secret society speech, imagine ANY President today trying to do this. He'd likely die of some aggressive form of cancer or something quite quickly. JFK was a stud. Every American should be forced to listen to this in high school, hell and middle school too. How could any American not be proud of what the last non-controlled(other than pre-assassination Reagan) President tried to do to save us from this hell we are currently part of:

Thank you for sharing that speech. I had never heard it nor heard of it. It's quite remarkable. Prescient. And yes, a threat to the PTB.

I disagree with you about Reagan though. He worked with the system, going back to his days as SAG president and cooperating with outing the ALLEGED communists or sympathizers in show biz. However, Jimmy Carter might actually fill your criteria for non-controlled.
On this one it's a dead tie. Love them both
Good answer. DeNiro loses points for sometimes being a caricature of himself. But he gets the points back for establishing the Tribeca Film Festival.
We would be here regardless if MSU won, but since they did not, it doesn't matter!

Not too sure about that. Mich State is a load. How the hell they lost to MTSU will be talked about for years. Tons of ppl had them going all the way, right?
Thank you for sharing that speech. I had never heard it nor heard of it. It's quite remarkable. Prescient. And yes, a threat to the PTB.

I disagree with you about Reagan though. He worked with the system, going back to his days as SAG president and cooperating with outing the ALLEGED communists or sympathizers in show biz. However, Jimmy Carter might actually fill your criteria for non-controlled.

I'm still unsure on that, but Reagan did switch parties long before, so people are capable of change. He also was against the establishment candidate, GHW Bush, who ended up next in line when Reagan nearly died. Reagain's first act in office was a report to expose how much income tax dollars went to what programs. Even in 1980, it turns out ALL income tax merely pays interest on the debt. He ran on small government, and was supported by Ron Paul even in 1976, along with only 2 other Republicans. (Ron Paul later got ticked off at Reagan when he became a big government guy, which encouraged Paul to leave the Republican party and run as a Libertarian in 1988. Ron Paul knew long before most Americans that Bush 1 was a RHINO and against the Constitution).

The Denver Post and maybe a couple of other papers ran an article that was suppressed by most media regarding the shooter's family's involvement with the Bushes. Again, recall this happened only 70 days into the Presidency, and his first act was something embarrassing to the bankers, the same people behind EVERY Presidential assassination attempt, all the way back to Andrew Jackson who swore to kill the central bank if they didn't kill him first. They tried, the pistol jammed twice, and Jackson caned the man! He then kept his word and killed the bank! As did Lincoln when issuing interest free greenbacks. People want like weird theories, and sometimes leave out the proven stuff.

I'm glad you liked that speech, and maybe you can share it with others. I feel it was important, and showed how JFK had grown in character over the years, regardless of previous shortcomings. That's someone we can look back on regardless of party affiliation and feel proud to be associated with. Here is the suppressed AP news article about the shooter's family, if you're interested:

"Bush Son Had Dinner Plans With Hinckley Brother Before Shooting" (with a search engine you can find much more if you're interested...things that add much more. This was the top result on duckduckgo, and the article is very short)
Bryant Stith

How did his parents spell both names wrong?

OK, I'll throw down on this one. BS is an awesome dude who was a dominant player in the ACC. A poster with the name of PoppyHart isn't in a position to crack on a guy's real name. Or we can debate what's weirder, Bryant or Carmelo, but neither of us would be satisfied in the end. Which one was missing an "a"?
OK, I'll throw down on this one. BS is an awesome dude who was a dominant player in the ACC. A poster with the name of PoppyHart isn't in a position to crack on a guy's real name. Or we can debate what's weirder, Bryant or Carmelo, but neither of us would be satisfied in the end. Which one was missing an "a"?

Do you mean in their grades? ;) I don't know about Bryant's grades, but he wouldnt have much work on beating Carmelo there, according to Boeheim's book which outed him for that. I think that was what inspired the legendary quote from Carmelo, "You know how Boeheim do".


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I'm still unsure on that, but Reagan did switch parties long before, so people are capable of change. He also was against the establishment candidate, GHW Bush, who ended up next in line when Reagan nearly died. Reagain's first act in office was a report to expose how much income tax dollars went to what programs. Even in 1980, it turns out ALL income tax merely pays interest on the debt. He ran on small government, and was supported by Ron Paul even in 1976, along with only 2 other Republicans. (Ron Paul later got ticked off at Reagan when he became a big government guy, which encouraged Paul to leave the Republican party and run as a Libertarian in 1988. Ron Paul knew long before most Americans that Bush 1 was a RHINO and against the Constitution).

The Denver Post and maybe a couple of other papers ran an article that was suppressed by most media regarding the shooter's family's involvement with the Bushes. Again, recall this happened only 70 days into the Presidency, and his first act was something embarrassing to the bankers, the same people behind EVERY Presidential assassination attempt, all the way back to Andrew Jackson who swore to kill the central bank if they didn't kill him first. They tried, the pistol jammed twice, and Jackson caned the man! He then kept his word and killed the bank! As did Lincoln when issuing interest free greenbacks. People want like weird theories, and sometimes leave out the proven stuff.

I'm glad you liked that speech, and maybe you can share it with others. I feel it was important, and showed how JFK had grown in character over the years, regardless of previous shortcomings. That's someone we can look back on regardless of party affiliation and feel proud to be associated with. Here is the suppressed AP news article about the shooter's family, if you're interested:

"Bush Son Had Dinner Plans With Hinckley Brother Before Shooting" (with a search engine you can find much more if you're interested...things that add much more. This was the top result on duckduckgo, and the article is very short)

Oh , politics. It's too late at night to get into all of that. Reagan was an interesting guy - trickle down economics and star wars, and he did cut a lot of things but dramatically increased spending net net - military mainly) and pushed the USSR into essential surrender. But he wasn't the social conservative that a lot the R's wanted him to be. So the story goes, that's why GHWB, who was seen as a moderate on social issues, had Dan Quayle forced upon him as VP so that the social conservatives had someone in the White House. That didn't work out well later, etc.
LOL, don't make me a troll

Don't worry, you may be more liked than me right now, because I see the world differently than some and when not sober(or in a bad mood) tend to share more than some. ;) I might meet the definition of a troll at times, and am guessing to some extent, many do!

I've got much work to do to be able to match board legends like Igor though. I'm guessing you aren't familiar with him, so my next question to you is do you have any board legends who may not always be liked, and whose step is measured to a different beat?(trying to remember that quote by Thoreau or Emerson, whom I'm guessing may get paid more heed down your way nowadays than closer to their own homes, sadly). Be glad you weren't on here when we first joined the ACC and a lot of ignorance reared it's ugly head as the South was reamed worse than the Confederate flag and it's real meaning last year. I personally feel more affinity toward it than probably some Southerners who don't understand it's true meaning. I dont want to steer the thread to too serious of discussion, not that I care about being hated, but because I do actually want folks to have some haven from the depressing drivel the MSM programs our minds repeatedly with, to cause us to think negatively.

Which leads me to another question after you asnswer about your board having an Igor. Do you enjoy Bo Jangles? (the song and the chain). It's taken a reaming on here, but I made a point to get some during a very short trip to NC, and was impressed.

Do you dig what some folks on here were hoping for, to have the ACC tournament in NYC? :) Yeah, some of us want to have our cake and eat it too! Seriously though, it might be cool if folks heard a sampling of some replies to their ideas from original ACC members. You can be an ambassador of goodwill.

I also invite other UVA fans (I know there are more here), to weigh in on any of this. I dont think the OP will be offended. At times I do truly care about folks, and want y'all to feel included. I also would personally appreciate more answers to any of the questions, and am guessing the rest of the board members may as well. Have a beverage of your choice, relax, and join in people!

If anyone cares, I think I feel more of an affinity for folks from the South and from Hawaii than I do with most Americans in general. I'd rather not explain though, because at times I don't enjoy offending others.

If I really wanted to be out there, I would ask you to put in terms these folks could understand why the South disliked the North(rightfully so) for so long, but being sober doesnt lend to some of my more brave questions. I like having folks exposed to new perspectives, as Ive found it to help me grow as a person, even though I still resist it often enough myself. I would like to be an ambassador of goodwill to you though and show you some of us respect you and the culture of the old ACC(as much as I hated the 2 team conference for ages).
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I'm still unsure on that, but Reagan did switch parties long before, so people are capable of change. He also was against the establishment candidate, GHW Bush, who ended up next in line when Reagan nearly died. Reagain's first act in office was a report to expose how much income tax dollars went to what programs. Even in 1980, it turns out ALL income tax merely pays interest on the debt. He ran on small government, and was supported by Ron Paul even in 1976, along with only 2 other Republicans. (Ron Paul later got ticked off at Reagan when he became a big government guy, which encouraged Paul to leave the Republican party and run as a Libertarian in 1988. Ron Paul knew long before most Americans that Bush 1 was a RHINO and against the Constitution).

The Denver Post and maybe a couple of other papers ran an article that was suppressed by most media regarding the shooter's family's involvement with the Bushes. Again, recall this happened only 70 days into the Presidency, and his first act was something embarrassing to the bankers, the same people behind EVERY Presidential assassination attempt, all the way back to Andrew Jackson who swore to kill the central bank if they didn't kill him first. They tried, the pistol jammed twice, and Jackson caned the man! He then kept his word and killed the bank! As did Lincoln when issuing interest free greenbacks. People want like weird theories, and sometimes leave out the proven stuff.

I'm glad you liked that speech, and maybe you can share it with others. I feel it was important, and showed how JFK had grown in character over the years, regardless of previous shortcomings. That's someone we can look back on regardless of party affiliation and feel proud to be associated with. Here is the suppressed AP news article about the shooter's family, if you're interested:

"Bush Son Had Dinner Plans With Hinckley Brother Before Shooting" (with a search engine you can find much more if you're interested...things that add much more. This was the top result on duckduckgo, and the article is very short)
I didn't realize what you were referring to re the assassination. I had heard about the Bush/Hinckley dinner before. What it comes down to is, Poppy Bush was head of the CIA. It's pretty reasonable to speculate his ties to them go back much further. Hence the JFK assassination theory. You seem to have something of a libertarian bent, and I am a Democrat who schlepped a folding card table, chair and boxes of pins and stickers through the Manhattan streets at age 11 to do my ultimately futile part in trying to get George McGovern elected. Yet we have some common viewpoints.

Of course you may know that despite Reagan's love of small government, the federal government increased substantially during his time. Now whether that had anything to do with "finding God or perhaps "finding Mammon" after the assassination attempt, I couldn't say.
Yea, someone has a little too much time on their hands. Wow.

Do you mean the folks who hang out on the Boneyard and go on epic anti-UConn rants? Ok, I'm now inspired to hit the bottle, thanks. Pandora's box time!

If you were referring to me, I do suppose I could watch more tv like most Americans to take more time off my hands. I could really get started, but I doubt most folks would want that. ;)

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