Is posting down? | Page 2 |

Is posting down?

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Sometimes it's a case of life priorities shifting, but some posters clearly got tired of navigating the board politics and the baggage that goes along with it. Crazy as it sounds, some just want to discuss SU basketball without worrying about the name of the poster, how many likes, whether their positive-negative ratio is acceptable, etc.

I'm sorry -- but your last sentence is goofy.

More like, those posters got tired of navigating the increasing level of board chicken little overreaction and romper room analysis, so many self-selected out of participating.

It's bad enough that the team has had a sustained downturn since the sanctions, having to deal with some of the crap posted here sucks an ever increasing level of fun out of following the team on top of that.
I've run out of things to say about this team and I gather many others have, as well.
We pretty much covered everything 4 years ago. This team is like a show that the network cancels every season but then it finds new life on Netflix.
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I'm sorry -- but your last sentence is goofy.

It's bad enough that the team has had a sustained downturn since the sanctions, having to deal with some of the crap posted here sucks an ever increasing level of fun out of following the team on top of that.
First off - you’re not sorry. I don’t know why people feel they need to lead in with that.

To your point though- it’s chicken vs egg. Agree to disagree but I think the program’s slide and the associated frustration/detachment experienced by posters bled over into the message board decorum.
First off - you’re not sorry. I don’t know why people feel they need to lead in with that.

To your point though- it’s chicken vs egg. Agree to disagree but I think the program’s slide and the associated frustration/detachment experienced by posters bled over into the message board decorum.

I'm sorry, because I shouldn't have to point out that the point you were attempting to make was absurd, oblivious, and frankly clueless. You might like to believe it's about that ad hominem stuff, but in reality your posting track record epitomizes what drove those posters away. It didn't have anything to do with "likes" or "names" -- and everything to do with the constant flood of negativity, sky is falling defeatism, and constant criticism of everything that the coaching staff / players do that has bled into the message board decorum.

It's one thing to be frustrated. I don't think that anyone is satisfied with the status quo to varying degrees. And I think we all want change, and a return to the resurgence we experienced between 2010 - 2013, when we had multiple #1 seeds and a run to the final four.

But when someone is nowhere to be found after we beat Duke on the road, but the first person hitting the post button after VT, people tune it out. Or tune out participating.

People can listen / like / follow / agree with / disagree with whichever posters and opinions they choose. But this place is a lot worse off for not having people who had tremendous insight posting less frequently, or not at all. In the last year alone, people have driven off Francis, Iommi has stopped posting all of his first-hand recruiting insight, Marsh is pretty much not posting anymore, Jake barely posts anymore, etc. And the board is worse off for it.
I’ll be honest... as someone who used to post a lot more frequently, the whole thing has gotten stale. We used to have riveting zone vs man debates but what’s the point, it ain’t changing. We used to have riveting debates about whether such and such player is getting Boeheimed and another player is getting star status unfairly or whether someone is a token starter who plays 2 minute ls and gets the hook, but again what’s the point? Most of our dudes are the same level of mediocre and are pretty flawed in one way or another, our bench players have done nothing to prove they deserve more run than they are getting and when a starter gets benched they probably deserve it. We can talk about whether recruiting for the zone has hurt us on offense, but what’s the point we all know it has becaus it has gotten to the point where we are playing 3 on 5 on offense and don’t have a single player who can drive. We can talk about who the next coach will be, but what’s the point when JB has at least 3 more years to go. Uniform threads? Burn my thumb print off so I can’t authenticate to my phone. Recruiting? Yawn... Offensive adjustments, good luck. Defensive adjustments? I haven’t seen any flying pigs today.

This program currently has zero buzz about it and quite frankly beyond game time not much to talk about because we’ve beaten most topics to death and there aren’t new ones.

Give me some Dungey is hurting the offense or is this really Dino’s offense or is the D actually better than the O when you look at efficiency debates any day of the week.
I’ve always thought there was a pay side and really have missed the well informed that no longer post here. Sorta funny to learn there isn’t a pay side (or am I falling for the prank?) but I do miss those several excellent, knowledgeable posters... please come back!
You could look at the decreasing numbers of posts as positive. For several years Syracuse had a seemingly annual major scandal (Fab, violations, sanctions, JB staying/leaving, Hop leaving, player isssues behind the scenes, etc.). I’m enjoying this season as frustrating as it can be at times. Boring beats a scandal for me. Besides my family there’s nothing I love more than Orange basketball.
You could look at the decreasing numbers of posts as positive. For several years Syracuse had a seemingly annual major scandal (Fab, violations, sanctions, JB staying/leaving, Hop leaving, player isssues behind the scenes, etc.). I’m enjoying this season as frustrating as it can be at times. Boring beats a scandal for me. Besides my family there’s nothing I love more than Orange basketball.

Good point
Bad loss, unexciting opponents coming up, lackluster team.

Not a lot to talk about. This happens around this part of the season in most years, though.
I’ve always thought there was a pay side and really have missed the well informed that no longer post here. Sorta funny to learn there isn’t a pay side (or am I falling for the prank?) but I do miss those several excellent, knowledgeable posters... please come back!
No prank. There is no pay side here. There used to be in one of the previous iterations of the board on another site.

Or is there?

There are some posters that just don’t get it and harp on crap and drag things down.

There are some posters (like me) who probably lurk too much and don’t contribute consistently.

The best posters probably poured a ton of time and effort into posting here. It comes from a place of passion and it’s greatly appreciated, but you probably can’t do that forever. I for one, am grateful for their contribution to making this a great fan forum. I’m also grateful for the people still posting insider info or just good, nuanced takes. And the Mods! They are the cream of the crop. I hope the quality posters either return or keep it up, and it’s up to the rest of us to carry on the tradition of intelligent and fun discussion. SyracuseFan forever!
The way this thread jumped ugly is the reason why some people fled, toward either personal quietude or a different forum.

Indeed. Moreover, it's interesting how the usual players seemingly choose to overlook the irony.
Indeed. Moreover, it's interesting how the usual players seemingly choose to overlook the irony.
The real irony is registering this complaint while making a "you people" post.
Now I’m confused. I actually thought there was a blog provided by a radio show guy( name forgotten) who would give more insight and info privately and members are asked to not disclose some things. I thought it was a buck a month. I really don’t know now

That's a recruiting blog you're probably thinking of and the associated podcast...not sure if it's still going. It's not part of this site though.
That's a recruiting blog you're probably thinking of and the associated podcast...not sure if it's still going. It's not part of this site though.
The real irony is registering this complaint while making a "you people" post.

Was it a complaint? Just more along the lines of it being what it is and, unfortunately, what this forum has turned into too often for some time now.
Was it a complaint? Just more along the lines of it being what it is and, unfortunately, what this forum has turned into too often for some time now.
quick question for you, how many "usual suspect" posts do you think you've made in the last 2 weeks?

Youu're right about one thing -- it is what it is.
quick question for you, how many "usual suspect" posts do you think you've made in the last 2 weeks?

Unfortunately, you're right -- it is what it is.

A few too many I'll admit, but it's frustrating on both ends. Instead of folks being degrading or aggressively dissing one another, I wish it would be more neutral and debate the subject matter at hand in a constructive and objective way without it seemingly so demeaning and nasty at times. The 'ol agree to disagree thing has appeared to have mostly fallen by the wayside.

We are all here, or the vast majority of us anyways, because we bleed orange and are diehards. We may not have the same approach or viewpoints, but in the end we all want the Orange to win and be successful.
A few too many I'll admit, but it's frustrating on both ends. Instead of folks being degrading or aggressively dissing one another, I wish it would be more neutral and debate the subject matter at hand in a constructive and objective way without it seemingly so demeaning and nasty at times. The 'ol agree to disagree thing has appeared to have mostly fallen by the wayside.

We are all here, or the vast majority of us anyways, because we bleed orange and are diehards. We may not have the same approach or viewpoints, but in the end we all want the Orange to win and be successful.
Great freaking post.

Literally could not agree more.
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