Marrone's tenure here... | Page 6 |

Marrone's tenure here...

Come on Bro - you can do better than that - you missed my point entirely.

So can you. If you alleging that our factilies were "a mess" and hadn't changed in the 24 years since Marrone had been a player, I think you should back that statement up with some specifics. Too many people just throw assertions out there and then use them as the building blocks of their arguments.
imo: the best case scenario for Cuse is SS holds the fort with a couple of 6-6, 7-5 seasons then off a 5-7 where he loses the last one, we can him and spend that ACC $$$ on a big hire.

I love 'fans' who root for the team to fail so the coach can be fired.
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Did we ever confirm if Doug interviewed for the Wisconsin job last December? Does anyone remember this rumor, was it ever substantiated?

Because if it was true, everyone's opinion here on why he left is totally wrong.
I love 'fans' who root for the team to fail so the coach can be fired.
i 'love' people who cant read or interpret things...and then make things up to in an effort to make some kind of point.

go research the 3rd down success rate from the 1948 season and get back to us with something substantial for your next post.

root for failure......:crazy:

Oh Lord
So here is my question...From a talent prospective is there more talent on the roster when he arrived or more talent when he left?
So here is my question...From a talent prospective is there more talent on the roster when he arrived or more talent when he left?
Speaking of Mizzou, have you seen them play this season? They're doing pretty well. That's pretty much the same team Syracuse faced in their house at night last season and beat.

Syracuse also crushed a Louisville team that beat Top 5 Florida in the Sugar Bowl and curb-stomped WVU.

In other words, by the end of December 2012 there weren't more than 15 teams in the nation who were better than Syracuse.
Flag on the play.
I can't remember if i ever posted this before. if so, sorry for the repeat.

My honest to God interpretation of his tenure here is the following...and it may turn the stomachs of some.

i honestly think he saw his alma mater struggling and stepped up to the plate to rescue it. i think he was rolling merrily along on a career path to get a shot at an nfl job, and took a 4 year detour here to rescue the program The cynic would say he used us to get hc experience and parlayed that into the Bills gig.

i actually think HE beleived he was getting one anyway, and took a noble risk (what if he failed?). We as fans interpreted his move here as a more permanent stop. i don't think that was ever his plan...which was to bring it to respectability, and then turn it over to someone else.

i bet that binder of his also had his escape plan in it.

Last year about this time, he said something at one of the pj dorsey's luncheons that didn't make sense at the time, but did later on. It was after one of the losses.

He said "maybe the program needs another bump". When one of those in the audience asked him what he meant he said 'maybe someone else is needed to take this to another level.' That was a hint that he was bailing...which he did.

He took a program in shambles and restored it to respectability.

I wish he would have stayed and I hoped that he would turn into the gridiron Boeheim.

Maybe it was his dream job and he soured on it. Maybe he never viewed it as more than a stepping stone. Don't care.

People are entitled to change their minds or aspire to what they believe is a better job. I have no issue with that, even if he said otherwise.

All I care about is the fact that he improved our program over his tenure here.

I hope he has a ton of success with Bills, as long as they lose to the Giants every time they play.
[quotis ="CiceroSwamp, post: 784377, member: 255"]No Marrone was quite clear he was leaving before the 2012 season had even begun
That is really revisionist history at its finest.[/quote]
I am not saying he was clear on this to the general public but he was clear...if he wasnt taken seriously that he planned on leaving at seasons end then shame on the administration for being unprepared
He had the support. He just decided he didn't want to play his role after he found how difficult it was. He knew fund raising was part if the gig. Not alone doing it, but a good part. The coach is who donors want to see/hear. He tried, he wasn't successful. He also knew it was his job to help out people in the seats. He wasn't successful much there either. He had the support, he just got tired of not having success in some areas off the field. I think some people took offense to the change in his attitude over time.

Yep he came out like a house of fire for a about 18 months -2 years, I think once he got us to the bowl game the first time and things didn't change much as far as attendance and donations, he started to sour sometime in 2011 and then when he lost 5 in a row, and people basically threw in the towel, so did he. I think Doug had a pretty good idea that 2012 would be his last season when he finished in 2011. I think that year soured Doug quite a bit with regard to Syracuse, I think he would have left for a better college job by the end of last year. Marrone at Wisconsin would have been a pretty good fit
Its a roadblock to think anyway else is non visionary. SU has not supported the FB program and it showed prior to the IPF - many of the other Universities have IPFs dedicated mainly to the FB program. You are either in the arms race or you are not. SU decided to jump on board and make it a priority and is now building an IPF - it took Doug to leave the program to get this going.

Here is where you and everyone else who thinks this way was wrong. Marrone told Gross exactly who he was taking based upon who Gross decided on the next HC - it was up to Gross to decide if it was Shaffer or Hackett or someone else as our new HC. Gross picked Shaffer. Marrone told Shaffer exactly who he was taking right from the get go. Shaffer was perfectly fine who Marrone took with him as Shaffer wanted to bring his own people in. SU did a poor job communicating who was leaving causing many to be bitter about the whole thing - SU Athletics marketing and AD was to blame here - they handled the whole thing poorly.
I think this last part/paragraph is revisionist. No way in heck CTO and other higher ups react as vehemently as they did and gets as pissed off as they did when he left in the manner he did. Someone from the very top relayed the story that Hackett was literally ready to sign back here when he got the last second call from DM who, apparently, was unable to get his first or even second choices.

Guy has all the right to leave, take some along with him, and we should be somewhat indebted to him for what he did here not doubt, but in the final analysis he didn't give two shites about what the potential repurcussions would be here. Those as I was told are the facts of the matter. Could I be wrong, sure, do I think I'm wrong given my connections to it all, no.
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That is really revisionist history at its finest.
I am not saying he was clear on this to the general public but he was clear...if he wasnt taken seriously that he planned on leaving at seasons end then shame on the administration for being unprepared[/quote]
And you know this how?
That is really revisionist history at its finest.
I am not saying he was clear on this to the general public but he was clear...if he wasnt taken seriously that he planned on leaving at seasons end then shame on the administration for being unprepared[/quote]
So, if the NFL had not come calling, he would have left anyway? And where would he have gone?
Personality and attitude with potential donors I suspect? Word is he was ambivalent (and that's being polite) at meeting with a number of monied donors in NYC. Just as he expected recruits to just come to SU, for the fans to just attend the games, he apparently expected that all he had to do was show up for the meeting and donors would write large checks. Again, one potential donor's perspective, but certainly credible considering other reports about Doug in other aspects outside the Xs and Os of the job.


Sounds like one potential donor didn't feel they were stroked enough. Maybe that's their problem.
I have a feeling he knows what he talking about here.

Well since he demonstrated he doesn't have much knowledge at all in terms of how facilities upgrades are handled at SU or at most colleges in the country, as my link on VT showed, call me skeptical.


EDIT - and since Cuseregular called him out on the same thing I was responding to above, I'm even more skeptical that "he knows what he is talking about here".
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I think this last part/paragraph is revisionist. No way in heck CTO and other higher ups react as vehemently as they did and gets as pissed off as they did when he left in the manner he did. Someone from the very top relayed the story that Hackett was literally ready to sign back here when he got the last second call from DM who, apparently, was unable to get his first or even second choices.

Guy has all the right to leave, take some along with him, and we should be somewhat indebted to him for what he did here not doubt, but in the final analysis he didn't give two shites about what the potential repurcussions would be here. Those as I was told are the facts of the matter. Could I be wrong, sure, do I think I'm wrong given my connections to it all, no.

Sorry but believe what you want to believe but just 1 thing their is always 2 or more sides to any story. I will say this - that version of history is on good authority as it came directly from the man.

Anyway, thanks for all your recruiting posts!
Well since he demonstrated he doesn't have much knowledge at all in terms of how facilities upgrades are handled at SU or at most colleges in the country, as my link on VT showed, call me skeptical.


EDIT - and since Cuseregular called him out on the same thing I was responding to above, I'm even more skeptical that "he knows what he is talking about here".

It's pretty clear what your beliefs are and your willingness to overly go about to try and discredit my statements. I don't think no matter what I post you will look to discredit them but that is fine with me - free country last time I checked the history books.
i'm exhausted of people acting like marrone did something here. his best record was 8-5 with pinstripe bowl wins with the other coaches recruits at qb, ol, and wr. he left us with nothing. in my own mind I've taken to calling him doug baloney marroney because that is exactly what he is full of. he came here full of piss and vinegar and left here no better than we were before. as a program, and as fans, we owe this guy nothing.[/quoteGot old
Good post. That's the truth. I know I say it a lot he was a great coach and a poor recruiter. Recruiting is the biggest reason he went back to the NFL.
Sorry but believe what you want to believe but just 1 thing their is always 2 or more sides to any story. I will say this - that version of history is on good authority as it came directly from the man.

Anyway, thanks for all your recruiting posts!
Doug was always taking Hacket with him. He told Gross that right away. He said he wouldn't take any others but he did. Doug is all about Doug and he isn't a nice guy.
It's pretty clear what your beliefs are and your willingness to overly go about to try and discredit my statements. I don't think no matter what I post you will look to discredit them but that is fine with me - free country last time I checked the history books.

I've been operating from the beginning as though you heard something after the fact from Doug or someone close to him as to how things went down. Just like I heard comments from one potential donor about him. I was willing to own the fact that said potential donor could have simply felt slighted, but you have not been willing to own the fact that the same could be true of your source.

One thing that isn't making sense to me though is that everyone close to the program/college knows (or at least should know) how major facilities projects are funded at SU, whether they are athletics facilities or academic facilities. And it just appears to me based upon your posts and this statement in particular:

Because he clearly understood the national landscape that football drives the bus but couldn't convince anyone here - ergo - the IPF has been on the table for 3-4 years but no support from the Board to even consider building it - they told Doug go find the money yourself and you can build your IPF.

that this is not fully understood by either yourself or your source or both since there is no way one can "demand" an IPF (at least any IPF worth building) just simply be built without getting enough "seed" money to make the project viable. Again, see the article I linked on VT's IPF which was a goal since 1998. VT, an athletics school whose sole focus appears to be on football and who has been receiving ACC monies since 2004. Nor is it likely Doug would have been told to go find the money himself, but he was probably told that he would have to be very much involved with the raising of said seed money. Again, not surprising since major donors want to be wooed by the stars of the athletic programs which are the coaches and former athletes from said program, not simply ADs.

Oddly enough, it is my understanding of that the donor meeting in NYC I referred to previously was about - getting some seed money for the IPF with both TGD and Marrone there to attempt to do this, so again, it wasn't simply Marrone as your post seem to imply. Again, the donor may be full of crap though.

Lastly, and then I'm done, wanting the coaches to play a major part in fund-raising for specific projects isn't much different than faculty members writing grants for research projects. Yes, there are people in the research office that can assist in this, but faculty tend to find the grant and then right up the proposals which then may be massaged by the research area to help strengthen the proposal before submittal. The faculty member(s) are selling a project and competing with other faculty at other institutions to get said limited grant monies. The Office of Research cannot be expected to get this done on their own. And neither should the athletic department and certainly not the BOT to fund such projects out of the college operating budget.

Here is where you and everyone else who thinks this way was wrong. Marrone told Gross exactly who he was taking based upon who Gross decided on the next HC - it was up to Gross to decide if it was Shaffer or Hackett or someone else as our new HC. Gross picked Shaffer. Marrone told Shaffer exactly who he was taking right from the get go. Shaffer was perfectly fine who Marrone took with him as Shaffer wanted to bring his own people in. SU did a poor job communicating who was leaving causing many to be bitter about the whole thing - SU Athletics marketing and AD was to blame here - they handled the whole thing poorly.

That is patently false. Some of the SU guys he took, such as Hackett, weren't even his first choices. So how did he already know who he was taking and told TGD and Shafer? He didn't. In fact, he didn't plan to take many at all and told SU as much.

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We had an entire capital campaign during Doug Marrone's tenure where he had several opportunities to wine and dine donors alongside the AD to get this across to them.

Just saying.


And that campaign was tracked on a big board in the Orange Club office.

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