Matt Moyer transferring | Page 5 |

Matt Moyer transferring

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The same behind the scenes value he had with Kaleb Joseph, Ron Patterson and BJ Johnson?

Um, no. They left for logical reasons. BJ ended up a good player but was a casualty of the scholly crunch. The other two clearly were not good enough.

I think Matt could have been a very solid contributor as an upper classman. Seems quite obvious this was due to the injury treatment. No other reason to leave and sit a season. I see no positive in this move for SU.
We hardly knew ya. I wonder if Jimmy told him he wouldn’t play much next year.
Um, no. They left for logical reasons. BJ ended up a good player but was a casualty of the scholly crunch. The other two clearly were not good enough.

I think Matt could have been a very solid contributor as an upper classman. Seems quite obvious this was due to the injury treatment. No other reason to leave and sit a season. I see no positive in this move for SU.
I don't see a negative either. I really don't. I appreciated his contributions on and off the court while he was here and I wish him the best. That said, I don't think he'll be missed.
We hardly knew ya. I wonder if Jimmy told him he wouldn’t play much next year.
He's a smart kid and could have figured that out for himself.
That is way too strong a take. Both kids weren't playing much. That is the most likely reason they left. Plus, I think Matt's folks might have been put off by JB.
Maybe JB had enough of the Moyers interference hence the comments he made about his dad at the press conference. His comment wasn’t from a one time interference from the Moyer’s.
That is way too strong a take. Both kids weren't playing much. That is the most likely reason they left. Plus, I think Matt's folks might have been put off by JB.

Well Geno straight up bailed on his commitment so I feel the strong take is completely warranted in regards to him. He is a quitter.

Matt tried to play hurt. I give him all the credit in the world for that. He also saw the full season out instead of bailing like Geno so some props there too.

If he’s leaving bc of a postgame press conference color me unimpressed. That’s soft in my book.

If he’s leaving for playing time, it’s certainly understandable, but I also think it’s short short sighted. Matt isn’t going pro. Play big time college hoops for a HOF coach and see if things break your way and you get to win a Natty or be a contributor in a tourney game as an upperclassman. Plus he’s leaving Newhouse credits in the trash. For what? To go get some extra minutes in the MAC? Silly.
Why inevitable? It would be nice to have program/depth players so we're not stuck with 5.5 players during a bad luck season.

I'm surprised and disappointed because I thought Moyer could have been one of those type of high-character players. Turns out he's just another player that needs to be coddled.

Playing Syracuse basketball isn't for the mentally weak. See ya!

If you looked at the trajectory of the season and who we had/have coming back next year and recruits, to me a transfer seemed highly likely. Moyer went from starting to essentially playing spot minutes when Dolezaj was in foul trouble or really scuffling. He had that whole issue with the ankle and JB and the press conference and lastly I think the writing was on the wall for next year. SU has Bazley and Dolezaj for the PF and Oshae can play there to if need be. SU also has Oshae, Buddy, and Hughes who can all play the three. Moyer was probably looking for a place he could play 25+ minutes a game at and Syracuse definitely wasn't that place. It might have been 2 years from now when we lose Oshae, Bazley and maybe Dolezaj but I dont think he wanted to wait and find out.
Would think this is another case of mom and dad urging Matt to "come to his senses" in their mind.
Do you think the parents were angry with JB about his handling of Matt’s injury and then his public comments? That whole situation was bizarre. I listened to Dean’s podcast about the incident and it still didn’t make sense to me. Sounds like JB and the coaching staff handled it poorly, but I don’t entirely understand his motivation. He can be salty and short-tempered but he usually avoids senselessly burning a bridge like that. Seemed like there was more to the story.
So we are down to 8 healthy players if Battle doesn’t come back. Same crap every year.
Let's see, Marek, OB, Sidibe, P.C., Howard, Carey, Buddy, Hughes, Bazley, That is 9. I don't count Brayer. I forgot about Washington.
Crap. I loved the kid. Was a total professional. Unlike some of our previous transfers, I really feel like he has the talent to play at a major college level, and think he would have been really good for us in 2 years. The game just hasn't slowed down for him, but you can see the flashes of athleticism and even scoring ability (cleaning up stuff around the rim and driving) that would have been really helpful in a few years once he figured it out.
I feel bad for Matt and wish him the best. I always appreciated his effort and positive attitude
That trio was at a time when we were hit with the sanctions and we needed ships. Kids leave other schools. We saw that with Tucker at Duke or heck Silent G at Duke.

I never suggested it doesn't happen at other schools. I questioned the rate which I admit I didn't know. I'll compare us with Duke other the last 10-15 and see how it looks
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