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Minnesota the Great

Well Eskridge, Whigham and Lyn are all out.

My outlook on life is down again :(
You keep trying to taunt us about our schedule, but the reality is we're ranked #47 Nationally in strength of schedule and you're ranked #48, as per Sagarin so stop embarrassing yourself with that nonsensical argument.

Not taunting, maybe you Minnesota fans take it that way, not my issue. Facts are facts and what I said is true. The fact that you think you are better than us and the Texas Bowl with the same strength of schedule says a lot with your aggressive OOC games.

Maybe you should just be thankful that you are in a Bowl and stop kvetching. You are not even close to a school that should feel entitled to anything.
Not taunting, maybe you Minnesota fans take it that way, not my issue. Facts are facts and what I said is true. The fact that you think you are better than us and the Texas Bowl with the same strength of schedule says a lot with your aggressive OOC games.

Maybe you should just be thankful that you are in a Bowl and stop kvetching. You are not even close to a school that should feel entitled to anything.

And neither are you. Guess both of our programs are in the same boat. Maybe if we both talk each other down enough, maybe neither program will ever get any respect, from anyone. Yeah, sounds like a great plan. For if Minnesota sucks so bad, what does that say about Syracuse when you've lost 3 straight to us, and Vegas and every media person out there I've seen thinks you are going to lose another game to us.

So go ahead, disrespect us, talk us down, you are only degrading your own schedule and the value of the win, if you upset us on the 27th.

Honestly, that's what I would have used as my reasoning towards the idiot Gopher fans who were talking down Syracuse. Maybe the U should have scheduled tougher ooc teams? I know several Gopher fans expressed that very sentiment throughout the season. Thing is, many of these games are scheduled years out, and N Mex St was a deal where their coach is a former Gopher. And we just brought in a new coach, didn't want to unfairly burden him with a grueling schedule. Better to start out light and soft and work up from there if the coach seems capable, and he's show that he is, in my opinion.

And we scheduled you guys in the ooc, does that mean you think you are a creampuff? We scheduled USC. And NDSU is actually a better team than Syracuse is, and better than Minnesota as well.

And I think you are misinterpreting Gopher fans. It's probably not your fault, but I don't think that they feel they "deserve" to have gotten a better opponent, just that they "wanted" a better opponent. They, and I, wanted a chance to upset a Top 25 ranked team.

But we are honestly, with enough time to think about it, probably fine with not being in those bigger bowls, it was unrealistic to think we'd get chosen over the Michigans and Nebraskas of the world. The reality is that we are going to have to simply win more games and force the issue. The best thing right now is to just first of all, beat Syracuse, and then go from there. Beat TCU next fall and maybe Wisconsin, or Michigan, or Iowa? Simply take that next step up. And yes, we need to start scheduling tougher ooc opponents.
And neither are you. Guess both of our programs are in the same boat. Maybe if we both talk each other down enough, maybe neither program will ever get any respect, from anyone. Yeah, sounds like a great plan. For if Minnesota sucks so bad, what does that say about Syracuse when you've lost 3 straight to us, and Vegas and every media person out there I've seen thinks you are going to lose another game to us.

So go ahead, disrespect us, talk us down, you are only degrading your own schedule and the value of the win, if you upset us on the 27th.

Honestly, that's what I would have used as my reasoning towards the idiot Gopher fans who were talking down Syracuse. Maybe the U should have scheduled tougher ooc teams? I know several Gopher fans expressed that very sentiment throughout the season. Thing is, many of these games are scheduled years out, and N Mex St was a deal where their coach is a former Gopher. And we just brought in a new coach, didn't want to unfairly burden him with a grueling schedule. Better to start out light and soft and work up from there if the coach seems capable, and he's show that he is, in my opinion.

And we scheduled you guys in the ooc, does that mean you think you are a creampuff? We scheduled USC. And NDSU is actually a better team than Syracuse is, and better than Minnesota as well.

And I think you are misinterpreting Gopher fans. It's probably not your fault, but I don't think that they feel they "deserve" to have gotten a better opponent, just that they "wanted" a better opponent. They, and I, wanted a chance to upset a Top 25 ranked team.

But we are honestly, with enough time to think about it, probably fine with not being in those bigger bowls, it was unrealistic to think we'd get chosen over the Michigans and Nebraskas of the world. The reality is that we are going to have to simply win more games and force the issue. The best thing right now is to just first of all, beat Syracuse, and then go from there. Beat TCU next fall and maybe Wisconsin, or Michigan, or Iowa? Simply take that next step up. And yes, we need to start scheduling tougher ooc opponents.

TLDR, go away. If you want to be taken seriously on any fanboard, you probably shouldn't have a troll as your icon.
Not taunting, maybe you Minnesota fans take it that way, not my issue. Facts are facts and what I said is true. The fact that you think you are better than us and the Texas Bowl with the same strength of schedule says a lot with your aggressive OOC games.

Maybe you should just be thankful that you are in a Bowl and stop kvetching. You are not even close to a school that should feel entitled to anything.

Well since we have the same strength of schedule and we won two more games than you did, plus we beat two common opponents that you lost too & a team in our conference/division that we beat went to better bowl game, I do think we have a legit beef. Again, no one thinks we're too good for Syracuse, we were just hoping to get a better bowl game since we got this one last year at 6-6 and we're 8-4 this year. The reason we didn't get a better bowl has nothing to do with our OOC schedule, that's obvious. The reason is because historically we don't travel well, end of discussion.
Well since we have the same strength of schedule and we won two more games than you did, plus we beat two common opponents that you lost too & a team in our conference/division that we beat went to better bowl game, I do think we have a legit beef. Again, no one thinks we're too good for Syracuse, we were just hoping to get a better bowl game since we got this one last year at 6-6 and we're 8-4 this year. The reason we didn't get a better bowl has nothing to do with our OOC schedule, that's obvious. The reason is because historically we don't travel well, end of discussion.

So the main issue is you were gifted this bowl last year because the suckeyes and state penn couldn't go and now you're too good when you legitimately qualified for it?

I get why you're peeved about a nebraska team that you beat getting the nod in front of you. It has happened to us in the past. The easiest answer wouldve been to beat Michigan at which point you'd be ahead of nebraska and 2 games up on UM so they couldn't jump you. If we handled our business against the PA schools we wouldn't be here either but since we didn't I'm happy to be in a bowl game against any p5 team.
Well since we have the same strength of schedule and we won two more games than you did, plus we beat two common opponents that you lost too & a team in our conference/division that we beat went to better bowl game, I do think we have a legit beef. Again, no one thinks we're too good for Syracuse, we were just hoping to get a better bowl game since we got this one last year at 6-6 and we're 8-4 this year. The reason we didn't get a better bowl has nothing to do with our OOC schedule, that's obvious. The reason is because historically we don't travel well, end of discussion.

So...you're not too good for Syracuse who you are playing in this bowl game...but, you're too good for the bowl game.

I think IO said it best above.
So the main issue is you were gifted this bowl last year because the suckeyes and state penn couldn't go and now you're too good when you legitimately qualified for it?
The one poster has stated several times that he lives in Minneapolis and has learned from living there that he finds Minnesota fans to be arrogant? Or just unlikeable? It almost seems like he hates them even? Is he maybe in need of some medication? j/k Seriously, that was mean of me to joke like that. It's not often you see someone challenge someone else on the internet to meet in person for the purpose of fighting. Some would say anyone who would do such a thing was seriously mentally ill, a psychopath even. I'm not saying I agree, for people just get worked up, they feel safe behind their computer screens so they just let their fingers get away from them and they post things they probably regret later. There are no actual faces being spoken to. Some of the people being insulted and ridiculed or who are being challenged to fights, or who are doing the challenging or the insulting or the ridiculing, probably have families. They have friends and people who care about them. They have feelings and emotions and are one of God's children, deserving of respect. Oh, sorry for bringing God into it, but maybe if God had more of a place in society, fewer people would act so disrespectfully towards each other.

Now I don't think a little harmless smack talk is a mortal sin, but we should still try to be civil. I've lived on the West Coast and was treated very disrespectfully by sports fans out there. I lived in the south and the same thing. I lived on the East Coast and again, the same thing. So is the whole country a bunch of horrible arrogant disrespectful people, or did I attract such people by proudly wearing my school's colors around? Why is it wrong to be proud of your school? Why is it arrogance to feel proud about your school's accomplishments?

In my time out and about, living all over the country, and in all my years as a sports fan, I never really got the impression that anyone thought too highly of my school, but I didn't get the impression anyone thought to highly of Syracuse either. Minnesota and Syracuse both won Natl Titles in 1959 and 1960. Both have since done not a lot of anything really, in cfb. Finishing 4th in the AP poll once in the last 50 years isn't too much to crow about. And Syracuse fans seem to think it appropriate to dismiss the past when talking about the comparison between the Orange and the Gophers, but how far back should we go? Who decides? A Gopher fan might want to go back as far as possible, because it gives them a huge advantage. A Syracuse fan protests and says it should be contained to their lifetime, but why their lifetime, why not mine, or my daughters or someone else's? A Syracuse fan may want to go back 25 or 30 years, because that would conveniently include some of their best seasons and give them a huge advantage. But how is any of what happened 100 or 60 or 30 years ago, or 25 or 20 or 15 years ago even relevant? It isn't. A Gopher fan may say, lets go back 10 years to keep it more relevant. They might do that because the Gophers have arguably done more in the last 10 years than Syracuse has. Others may say, lets only talk about what has happened this year. And plenty of talk about this year has occurred. The two sides just seem unable to agree about what any of it really means. And I'd love to be able to claim that I am a perfectly objective person, but I am not. I could try to be, but its too hard. When I see someone say something that deserves a response, or I see someone insult someone, I just find it hard to resist. I feel an injustice has occurred and needs to be addressed.

I was going to try to hide that I was a Gopher fan, for awhile longer at least, but it seems this site is banning all of the Gopher fans, so I might be the last one left? I am not sure if I'll get banned or not, but I'm going to try not to be. I am the kind of person who responds to kindness with kindness, and though I try to resist, I can respond to disrespect with disrespect. I have found that I can hold my own in an argument, but I try to avoid them if I can. In my better moments I respond to disrespect with kindness. But what I can not tolerate is a liar. Ignorance is forgivable, but not knowingly lying.

I am not a former fb player or a coach, so I probably am not the best person to analyze game strategy with, but football is my favorite sport to watch. I am a former athlete, Golf, cross country, karate, soccer, softball, volleyball, bowling and basketball, my nephew was a football, hockey and baseball player and many of my cousins were wrestlers, and my youngest daughter was on a Natl Championship Cheer/Dance team, so I am basically a sports fan in general. I've never played Lacrosse, but I've seen it played in movies and it looks like a cool sport. So you won't find me poking fun of Syracuse fans because they care about a sport the majority of sports fans do not care about. But I get a lot of time off during the winter months, so I'd love to conversate with some Syracuse fans this month. I got bored talking only to Gopher fans last winter. But if no one is interested, I'll understand.

You should sell a 500 page compendium of all your posts on this board these last few weeks. The sheer word total is impressive.
The only tangible result of the long winded, factually challenged posts the Minnesota fans have posted on this board is that they've taken a program that was totally irrelevant to me - and elevated it to one I completely despise and have nothing but contempt for. Considering they have almost a full week left to annoy Syracuse fans, it's entirely possible the end result will be me rooting for Rutgirls to beat this pathetic clown show UMn calls a football program in their first Big Ten meeting.
The only tangible result of the long winded, factually challenged posts the Minnesota fans have posted on this board is that they've taken a program that was totally irrelevant to me - and elevated it to one I completely despise and have nothing but contempt for. Considering they have almost a full week left to annoy Syracuse fans, it's entirely possible the end result will be me rooting for Rutgirls to beat this pathetic clown show UMn calls a football program in their first Big Ten meeting.

I almost died when I read an article that said that Mini-sota has only had 3 9+ game winning seasons in 108 years.

Any other stat is completely irrelevant.
Should have swapped out W. Illinois for Stanford and San Jose St. with South Carolina. There, now you would be 6-6 like us. Feel better? 2 Guaranteed losses instead of 2 craptastic wins.

Those 4 OOC wins BTW, you gave up between 12-24 points to those powerhouses.

Whoa! Penn State = Stanford and NW = South Carolina?

Big difference between scheduling two 'guaranteed' losses, and two games that should be competitive.
Here's the kicker.

No, Sir. HERE'S the kicker:

Whoa! Penn State = Stanford and NW = South Carolina?

Big difference between scheduling two 'guaranteed' losses, and two games that should be competitive.

Because you knew their record before the season started?? You can say that now but before a game was played you couldn't. When you schedule teams 2-3 years in advance, you have no idea but when you knowingly schedule ND State, San Jose State, Sister Mary's School for the Blind, etc. you are scheduling down to purposely not be competitive to collect cupcake wins. Not 1 "helmet" school in your OOC guaranteeing that they are not competitive games.

Pretty sure you will be complaining next year too.
2014 OOC schedule
Eastern Illinois -LOL
Middle Tennessee State - really
TCU - Normally I would say this is a competitive game but they stunk at 4-8 in 2013, by no means a "helmet school"
San Jose State - Again

Looks like you Minny fans will be "overlooked" and bitching about getting passed over again next year by the "better" bowls. Assuming you win these games above and at least 4 more in conference.

Funny thing is that from 1900-1905 you have had 6 9+ win seasons. From 1905 until today including 2013, you have had 1 nine win season. I fail to see any reason that ANY MU fan should feel any kind of superiority over any program.


SU on the other hand since 1905 has had 10 9+ winning seasons ALL more recent than MN with a MUCH MUCH better bowl record.

Go back to your own board and talk amongst yourselves about how you are superior to Western Michigan and San Jose State.
Because you knew their record before the season started?? You can say that now but before a game was played you couldn't. When you schedule teams 2-3 years in advance, you have no idea but when you knowingly schedule ND State, San Jose State, Sister Mary's School for the Blind, etc. you are scheduling down to purposely not be competitive to collect cupcake wins. Not 1 "helmet" school in your OOC guaranteeing that they are not competitive games.

Pretty sure you will be complaining next year too.
2014 OOC schedule
Eastern Illinois -LOL
Middle Tennessee State - really
TCU - Normally I would say this is a competitive game but they stunk at 4-8 in 2013, by no means a "helmet school"
San Jose State - Again

Looks like you Minny fans will be "overlooked" and bitching about getting passed over again next year by the "better" bowls. Assuming you win these games above and at least 4 more in conference.

Funny thing is that from 1900-1905 you have had 6 9+ win seasons. From 1905 until today including 2013, you have had 1 nine win season. I fail to see any reason that ANY MU fan should feel any kind of superiority over any program.


SU on the other hand since 1905 has had 10 9+ winning seasons ALL more recent than MN with a MUCH MUCH better bowl record.

Go back to your own board and talk amongst yourselves about how you are superior to Western Michigan and San Jose State.

watch your tone young man -this is the school that invented cheer-leading your talking down about:crazy:
watch your tone young man -this is the school that invented cheer-leading your talking down about:crazy:

I know, I bow to their cheerleading prowess. Maybe with all their hard work, the groundwork they have laid, someday cheerleading will be respected and they might have a professional cheerleading league. The prestigious PCL.

I wouldn't say I was talking down about them necessarily, just letting them know that their arrogance is unfounded completely.
I just figured it out...Minnesota is our rival. Lets get them on the schedule every year. Winner takes home The Golden Shovel.
I just figured it out...Minnesota is our rival. Lets get them on the schedule every year. Winner takes home The Golden Shovel.

As long as MN doesn't have to play at that sweat box they call the Syracuse dome... Somebody please get the alum to pony up for some air-conditioning!!! :p
As long as MN doesn't have to play at that sweat box they call the Syracuse dome... Somebody please get the alum to pony up for some air-conditioning!!! :p

What is this Syracuse dome of which you speak?
What is this Syracuse dome of which you speak?

Forgive me...what do you call it...I know the Tropicana is already taken so enlighten me. Or do I just refer to it as Metrodome East? :D
Forgive me...what do you call it...I know the Tropicana is already taken so enlighten me. Or do I just refer to it as Metrodome East? :D

The Carrier Dome hence the jokes about it being named the Carrier Dome and not having air conditioning.
Here's a nice article about the Gophers over the course of this season. Thought some of you might enjoy the insight into the stories that make this years Gopher's team special.


Minnesota was one of the best stories in the nation in 2013, showing resiliency in the face of adversity as the team dealt with health issues to Jerry Kill that forced him to leave the program at one point. The reins were handed to defensive coordinator Tracy Claeys, who thrived as the acting head coach in keeping the team on course with Kill tending to the seizures that are brought on by his epilepsy.

When Kill returned, he worked from the press box on game days. And behind a tough, physical offense and improved defense, the Gophers kept winning en route to a second bowl appearance in succession.

The eight victories are the most for the program since it won 10 in 2003 under Glen Mason. And just think: most picked Minnesota to finish last in the Legends Division. Amazing.
Rodeo Bowl Orange 5 Gophers 1
Winner has gone on to win 5 of 6 Texas Bowls.

Go Orange lasso those Gophers!

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