Mobile Tickets | Page 19 |

Mobile Tickets

When I worked at Social Security, one of the programs we administered was the Supplemental Security Income, (SSI) program, an attempt to guarantee a minimum income for the aged and disabled. they required yearly redeterminations of income and financial resources and one of the rules was that if a person bought or sold a car, we had to had to look up the value of the car, based on make, model and year, in a red book we had, (called the "red book"), which listed their value with normal depreciation. If someone bought a car for less than the listed value, the difference was counted to him as a 'financial resource', as per the red book.

So one SSI recipient bought a car for $500 less than the red book said it was worth and duly reported the sale. He didn't get his next check and came in to find out why. He was told it was because of the $500 he had come into. he explained that he was only charged with receiving $500 because the red book said that this heap he'd bought was worth than much more than he'd paid for it. He was told rules were rules and we couldn't pay him because of the $500.

Reluctantly, he sold the car back to his friend for the actual purchase price. His friend, as it turns out, was also on SSI - and due for a redetermination. He reported the resale and, per the red book, $500 was put on his record as a financial resource and his check was cut off.

Meanwhile the first guy came back in to get his check reinstate and he was told that we couldn't do that until he proved that he had spent the $500.
It’s stuff like this that encourages honest people to lie and cheat the system. When I was a young one before graduating from college, I worked for the Dept of Social Services and like SWC I had to recertify clients for continued eligibility. Back then SWC’s SSI dept was under the county not the feds and Social Security. An elderly woman who had breast cancer came in for recertification. One of the questions was to declare ‘cash currently on hand’ with the description being money you had on your person or in your home. That poor woman took out this weathered tiny leather change purse and counted out a few bills and some loose change that totaled something like $9.47 and wrote the amount on the application. She even asked if she had to enter the value of the bus tokens in her change purse. I was crushed. She was immediately per law disqualified from any assistance at all and had to wait a strict period of time before she could even reapply. I knew if I told her to lie or change it so she stayed qualified, she would have sung my praises to everyone she met and I’d be in big trouble besides probably losing the cruddy job. Most people lied - the honest people who feared doing wrong were punished. Will never forget how horrible I felt as she cried telling me she didn’t blame me but if I knew anything she could do because without the aid she’d lose her apartment. She wasn’t the only person who cried that day. :(
It’s stuff like this that encourages honest people to lie and cheat the system. When I was a young one before graduating from college, I worked for the Dept of Social Services and like SWC I had to recertify clients for continued eligibility. Back then SWC’s SSI dept was under the county not the feds and Social Security. An elderly woman who had breast cancer came in for recertification. One of the questions was to declare ‘cash currently on hand’ with the description being money you had on your person or in your home. That poor woman took out this weathered tiny leather change purse and counted out a few bills and some loose change that totaled something like $9.47 and wrote the amount on the application. She even asked if she had to enter the value of the bus tokens in her change purse. I was crushed. She was immediately per law disqualified from any assistance at all and had to wait a strict period of time before she could even reapply. I knew if I told her to lie or change it so she stayed qualified, she would have sung my praises to everyone she met and I’d be in big trouble besides probably losing the cruddy job. Most people lied - the honest people who feared doing wrong were punished. Will never forget how horrible I felt as she cried telling me she didn’t blame me but if I knew anything she could do because without the aid she’d lose her apartment. She wasn’t the only person who cried that day. :(

$9.47 disqualified her? SSI was a minimum income level program. In my example, $500.00 was more than that level. $9.47 certainly would not have been.
$9.47 disqualified her? SSI was a minimum income level program. In my example, $500.00 was more than that level. $9.47 certainly would not have been.
It sure did back when I was there. If a client claimed they had money , they had to spend it all down before reapplying and there was a minimum set of time before they could reapply(can’t recall what it was) Weird rules in the 70’s. Of course 99.9% of people never claimed they had any cash. I spoke to my supervisor and was told , it was a rule with no exceptions. SSI shortly afterwards moved from the County to the feds.
It sure did back when I was there. If a client claimed they had money , they had to spend it all down before reapplying and there was a minimum set of time before they could reapply(can’t recall what it was) Weird rules in the 70’s. Of course 99.9% of people never claimed they had any cash. I spoke to my supervisor and was told , it was a rule with no exceptions. SSI shortly afterwards moved from the County to the feds.

I wonder if that was a pre-SSI state or local program of the sort that SII was intended to replace.

"SSI was created to replace federal-state adult assistance programs that served the same purpose but were administered by the state agencies and received criticism for lacking consistent eligibility criteria. The restructuring of these programs was intended to standardize the eligibility requirements and level of benefits...One of the requirements to receive SSI is that the individual's income must be below certain limits.[28] These limits may vary based on the state in which the individual lives, living arrangements, the number of people living in the residence, and the type of income. Not all income is counted when determining an individual's "countable income" for SSI eligibility purposes...The resource limits were originally set at $1,500 for an individual and $2,500 for couples in 1974...SSI takes the income and resources of the applicant or recipient into consideration when calculating their benefit amount. Resources are determined at the first of the month...An individual's monthly benefit will be calculated by subtracting their "countable income" from the maximum benefit amount."
SSI was administered locally by the county till sometime in later 1973. I worked there from March of 1973 through December of 1974 when I had earned enough to finish my last year of college. Like your post says - those SSI income rules were thankfully instituted in 1974. I was offered a job with SSI sometime in later 1973 when they moved from the Civic Center to Geddes St I believe (then later the newer federal building) but I stayed a County employee instead till I left in 1974. Boy you are taxing my memory for dates. ;)


The 1972 Amendments created the Supplementary Security Income (SSI) program and a new bureau was established in 1973.
SSI was administered locally by the county till sometime in later 1973. I worked there from March of 1973 through December of 1974 when I had earned enough to finish my last year of college. Like your post says - those SSI income rules were thankfully instituted in 1974. I was offered a job with SSI sometime in later 1973 when they moved from the Civic Center to Geddes St I believe (then later the newer federal building) but I stayed a County employee instead till I left in 1974. Boy you are taxing my memory for dates. ;)


The 1972 Amendments created the Supplementary Security Income (SSI) program and a new bureau was established in 1973.

I became and SSA employee in 1975 and we were in Lincoln Center. They'd moved from James Street, I think in 1972. We moved to the new Federal Building in 1976.
you could in theory create multiple TM accounts transfer tickets to them and then sell them off that..
From what I am hearing is that in order to get paid for any tickets on TM exchange you have to summit your SS number so one would think that a system is in place to guard against having multiple accounts with the same SS number.

My guess is that fan duel and the other online betting sites will also issue a 1099 once you trigger 600 dollars worth of winning bets.
Figure you guys would get a kick out of this. Tough to save those digital stubs. Wonder if 'Cuse will get out in front and turn ticket stubs into NFTs.

For now we always have these
Image from iOS (16).jpg
Now the professional scalpers that buy tickets specifically to resell for enormous profits….they are going to have to pay taxes on their earnings. Which IMHO is fair and the right thing to do. I hope this helps slow down the pros from scalping and ripping off so many fans. I hope the scalpers that sell concert tickets at 200% markups in particular get boned here. They deserve it.
I would think that most of the big ticket brokers in NY city have been reporting their sales based on volume for years. Most of thee guys are pretty creative though and will just navigate through any changes on the horizon. In Syracuse not many scalpers are getting rich selling 10 dollar fb tickets or 40 dollar concert tickets , in NY city yes not here
I would think that most of the big ticket brokers in NY city have been reporting their sales based on volume for years. Most of thee guys are pretty creative though and will just navigate through any changes on the horizon. In Syracuse not many scalpers are getting rich selling 10 dollar fb tickets or 40 dollar concert tickets , in NY city yes not here
No doubt you are right. I really don't care where the scalpers live; just that they scalp and make it almost impossible to buy tickets at list prices.

Still gets me really mad how awful Ticketmaster is set up. They cater to scalpers instead of the general public. I assume this is because the scalpers are probably sharing their profits with Ticketmaster.

It is disgusting.
No doubt you are right. I really don't care where the scalpers live; just that they scalp and make it almost impossible to buy tickets at list prices.

Still gets me really mad how awful Ticketmaster is set up. They cater to scalpers instead of the general public. I assume this is because the scalpers are probably sharing their profits with Ticketmaster.

It is disgusting.

If I’m not mistaken…Ticketmaster works with outside sales groups that buy rows of tickets and then resells them….

There’s no way Ticketmaster isn’t taking a cut of that
No doubt you are right. I really don't care where the scalpers live; just that they scalp and make it almost impossible to buy tickets at list prices.

Still gets me really mad how awful Ticketmaster is set up. They cater to scalpers instead of the general public. I assume this is because the scalpers are probably sharing their profits with Ticketmaster.

It is disgusting.

This is where it's going. People give in a little and accept the loss of the universally-accessible ticket, before long the service providers are throwing up other hurdles that make it more difficult for more classes of people to conveniently attend.
bnoro is a good source on this. My guess is that TM and other for-profit ticket services are totally unlike SU (which has actual concern for fans and alums). Ticket services get paid a percentage on sales. That gives them an incentive to create a market in which they can influence price - and a disincentive to discourage digital scalping. There's also revenue extracted from the harvesting of ticket holders' personal data - this is obvious from TM's privacy disclosures. So at the end of the day, yes they have to make the 'apps' useable, it's clear that the driver of digital ticket processing is not the 'convenience' of the average fan. It's also not covid - since paper tickets are bar-coded and scanned and surface spread is not a significant factor in transmission. But I'd be interested to hear Bnoro's perspective.
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When you get STs, how does it work? Do you just download the digital tickets from an email or the cite like with single game tickets, or do they actually send something in the mail?
When you get STs, how does it work? Do you just download the digital tickets from an email or the cite like with single game tickets, or do they actually send something in the mail?

It’s now all mobile…you will get a “mycuse” account if you haven’t already

I believe they have an option for you to get a hard tickets to have as a keepsake
When you get STs, how does it work? Do you just download the digital tickets from an email or the cite like with single game tickets, or do they actually send something in the mail?
You’re in for a treat
bnoro is a good source on this. My guess is that TM and other for-profit ticket services are totally unlike SU (which has actual concern for fans and alums). Ticket services get paid a percentage on sales. That gives them an incentive to create a market in which they can influence price - and a disincentive to discourage digital scalping. There's also revenue extracted from the harvesting of ticket holders' personal data - this is obvious from TM's privacy disclosures. So at the end of the day, yes they have to make the 'apps' useable, it's clear that the driver of digital ticket processing is not the 'convenience' of the average fan. It's also not covid - since paper tickets are bar-coded and scanned and surface spread is not a significant factor in transmission. But I'd be interested to hear Bnoro's perspective.
Correct, the fees that ticketmaster attaches to the tickets is the money THEY make. When people purchase a partial plan or group ticket offer from a box office, while there may be a minimal service fee on the whole order, it's not the ridiculous per ticket fees TM charges. TM adding the secondary market tickets to their manifest just doubles the amount of fees they're able to rake in.

I much prefer mobile tickets to paper, despite TM having all of my data. Just google your name and you can find everything about yourself anyways. It's great to not have to worry about lost tickets or not being able to go into the game because your friend's running late and you have their ticket.

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