My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Just some quick thoughts on the game….

We had some problems stopping big guys last year. That has largely been addressed this season. We are even seeing some of the best bigs in the ACC get shut down by the SU defense. Not sure the big guy on BC from The Netherlands even scored. Burns was a non factor most of the game and got visibly frustrated, throwing away passes and bricking lots of shots. Those two are two of the top scoring bigs in the conference. A lot of the credit goes to Maliq but Peter did a darned good job covering a guy who probably weighed over 100 pounds more than he did. I think all the ACC bigs know by now how good he is at poking the ball away and all get rid of the ball quickly to avoid getting their pocket picked.

The refs really let both teams play early in the game and things got increasing more physical, which I think was to NC State’s advantage. The game was physical.

It seemed like NC State was lost almost all game on offense. No PG type to run the offense. They took a lot of bad shots and looked confused.

Good to get a win against one of those teams somewhere in the middle of the conference. We need to beat these types teams consistently, especially at home. The rematch is going to be a war.

I think perhaps the biggest reason Bell played so little in the second half is because NC State put their press on most of the half. Chris is a fine player but at this point in this career is not good against pressure. I think Red wanted another ball handler against pressure so he went with Q. Tough break for Chris, who was having an excellent game.

Judah paid the price for driving inside, repeatedly getting fouled hard by a couple guys. He got us a lot of points doing this and got some of their guys in foul trouble but from my own experiences playing hoops, there is nothing worse in basketball than running into a fat guy with a sweating problem. He ran into sweaty blubber a number of times to help us get the win. Also continues to get better finding guys open on the perimeter, especially in unsettled conditions.

Very good crowd. Made a lot of noise. Special props to the students, who had a really big turnout and created their blizzard very nicely. They looked like they were having a blast.

There is one female cheerleader who is awesome at doing backflips and regularly does them the length of the court on those occasions where the cheer team goes on the court and exits to backflips. She must have been a hell of a gymnast in HS.

Teams now have to cover Bell and JJ and that is opening up space for the slashers and for Maliq down low. Teams respect Q and try and double when he drives in the paint and Judah and Maliq seem to get better at the pick and roll with each passing game. We have become a lot harder team to cover.

Great speech by Dave Bing. Congrats to him. Good to see the huge turnout from his teammates to see hIm honored in person. JB got a huge ovation, as expected.
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Best part of that recap was the line regarding Judah running into sweaty blubber.
I enjoyed that also.

True confession: I totally forgot about Bing. Daughter and I took our normal walk around the Dome and at one point I heard this huge ovation. Laura and I looked at each other and she said, “Bing!” And I said, “G-d damn it!” And we walked on. Appreciated the clips.

I knew we would let up on the gas in the second half. It seems to be The Way. My daughter started feeling nauseated by stress. Then it turns out she was REALLY nauseated and missed work the next day. We were up, what, 20 and it didn’t feel safe.

Still, very happy with the way the team played, especially Benny and Bell. Oh, and of course Starling. He has a smile a mile wide when he makes those threes.
Dog Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

And in the continuing feature I post on here that I like to call The People of 309 (remember that bastard high school kid who screamed at Chukwu the entire game?). Well we have been sitting with two empty seats to our left on the aisle for years now. Last night two nice ladies, my age I would imagine, were sitting there. They told me they bought season tickets and for the entire season they have been sitting on the other side of the aisle and happily getting to know everyone.

Today the real owner showed up and so they belated realized they’d been sitting in the wrong seats and came over our way. I love these women! They bring orange styrofoam fingers and Pom poms and they get up and dance and they cheer! It’s like a breath of fresh air has settled over our little enclave and we are the better for it!
Just some quick thoughts on the game….

We had some problems stopping big guys last year. That has largely been addressed this season. We are even seeing some of the best bigs in the ACC get shut down by the SU defense. Not sure the big guy on BC from The Netherlands even scored. Burns was a non factor most of the game and got visibly frustrated, throwing away passes and bricking lots of shots. Those two are two of the top scoring bigs in the conference. A lot of the credit goes to Maliq but Peter did a darned good job covering a guy who probably weighed over 100 pounds more than he did. I think all the ACC bigs know by now how good he is at poking the ball away and all get rid of the ball quickly to avoid getting their pocket picked.

The refs really let both teams play early in the game and things got increasing more physical, which I think was to NC State’s advantage. The game was physical.

It seemed like NC State was lost almost all game on offense. No PG type to run the offense. They took a lot of bad shots and looked confused.

Good to get a win against one of those teams somewhere in the middle of the conference. We need to beat these types teams consistently, especially at home. The rematch is going to be a war.

I think perhaps the biggest reason Bell played so little in the second half is because NC State put their press on most of the half. Chris is a fine player but at this point in this career is not good against pressure. I think Red wanted another ball handler against pressure so he went with Q. Tough break for Chris, who was having an excellent game.

Judah paid the price for driving inside, repeatedly getting fouled hard by a couple guys. He got us a lot of points doing this and got some of their guys in foul trouble but from my own experiences playing hoops, there is nothing worse in basketball than running into a fat guy with a sweating problem. He ran into sweaty blubber a number of times to help us get the win. Also continues to get better finding guys open on the perimeter, especially in unsettled conditions.

Very good crowd. Made a lot of noise. Special props to the students, who had a really big turnout and created their blizzard very nicely. They looked like they were having a blast.

There is one female cheerleader who is awesome at doing backflips and regularly does them the length of the court on those occasions where the cheer team goes on the court and exits to backflips. She must have been a hell of a gymnast in HS.

Teams now have to cover Bell and JJ and that is opening up space for the slashers and for Maliq down low. Teams respect Q and try and double when he drives in the paint and Judah and Maliq seem to get better at the pick and roll with each passing game. We have become a lot harder team to cover.

Great speech by Dave Bing. Congrats to him. Good to see the huge turnout from his teammates to see hIm honored in person. JB got a huge ovation, as expected.
Great write up. I always wait to read it. One minor correction - they are back handsprings, not back flips. And yes, she is very good at it.

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