My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
The NA was sung by a woman. She did a good job. Completely missed who she was. I think my nieces were asking me questions.

The crowd was surprisingly big. Announced at over 21K and I think that was a real number. It wasn't really loud though. Possible contributing factors: the lack of students, hangovers, fans following NFL games on their phones. As an aside, I have AT&T and the bandwidth available for cell phones at the Dome for football and basketball this year has been good. It is even usable during half time. My brother has T-Mobile. Bandwidth for T-Mobile is still pretty awful.

There has been a halftime promo for Dunk & Bright Furniture for many years where a fan is asked to try and make a shot while sitting in a D&B chair from the middle of the paint. The fan gets two shots. If he or she makes one, they get a gift certificate. You used to get the chair. Most don't make it but a fair number do. In prior years, you got three during the holiday season but that practice appears to have been discontinued. Anyway, no one made one this year until the Montana State game. The guy missed his shots yesterday so we are on another bad streak chair shooting. Don't know why I am mentioning this. I guess I felt it needed to be part of the public record.

Some dance company did a dance team performance at halftime. The kids were alright...they did a nice job and received a big ovation.

Still no cheerleaders, no dance team, no Otto, no SSS. Bah humbug.

Regarding the game, Texas Southern came in with a bad record and I expected to see a terrible team take the floor. Instead, I saw a bunch of good players with a couple of top notch athletes that could clearly star in the ACC. They tried to get the ball into the middle of the paint a lot early. When they did, DC2 went out to cover the guy, and he kept throwing a lob up near the basket and some kid with crazy ups kept grabbing it and dunking with great elan. He also grabbed just about every available rebound for most of the first half. Learned his name was Derrick Griffin and that he was originally supposed to go to Miami (the good one) and play football and basketball there. His grades were not up to snuff so he ended up at Texas Southern. Scored 11 TDs as a frosh on the football team and is also a great basketball player. I think he is going to end up being a notable pro some day. Just don't know which sport. Very impressive athlete. Great quickness, agility, anticipation and leaping ability. Wow.

They also had a crafty left guard who just shredded our zone from outside of the three point circle. I think his name was Martin. He was also a really good passer. Both of those guys were really nice players. I enjoyed their style of play and wish them the best in conference play. If they don't win their conference, I would be surprised.

On the our guys...

Silent G was off from the outside and didn't have a great scoring game but he had a lot of 3s that just missed going in. With any luck, he would have hit 3 or 4 more of them. He continues to play a very solid floor game and when the ball is in his hands, good things happen. Made a couple great passes, one on a fast break leading TC perfectly to set up a 3, one on a broken play where Howard (I think) lost the ball in the paint and he stumbled upon it in full stride, throwing a behind the ball pass while still bent down from picking up the ball to hit DC2 in stride for a nice layup. He does a lot of things well and I fear he is not going to get nearly the recognition nationally that he deserves for his play this season.

TC had a good game. Shot well from the 3 point circle and was really active on defense. Got a bunch of steal and deflections at the top of the zone. Didn't make as many good passes as usual, in part because he was open a lot when he got the ball and almost had to shoot.

Thus far in his career, MR is one of the most unusual rebounders I can remember. He does a good job rebounding on the defensive side of the ball and an awful job on the offensive side. I don't have time to run the numbers but I suspect his the ratio of defensive rebounds to offensive rebounds is off the charts extreme tilted to the defensive side of the ball. It is easy to understand. MR is really perimeter oriented on offense. About the only time he ventures into the paint is when he has the ball and is driving to the basket. A couple of thoughts here: 1) he has to be careful on his drives. Teams know he likes to do this and a big guy will consistently leave his mad to try and draw the charge against him. He is getting a little better avoiding the charges now but it would be better still to feel when this is happening and make the pass to the open big guy underneath for an easy basket. 2) he got hurt on one of these strong drives to the basket when he made violent contact with a defender in the second half. He stayed in the game for a little while, then quietly left the game and went to the locker room. Hope he isn't seriously hurt. Definitely needs to keep his head up and be more aware of what is around him when he drives. On the positive side, he is really strong with the ball and has a great first step. If he can start to hit the 3s regularly (he again did not shoot well from the 3 point circle), he is going to be a bear to cover, especially when he gets a little stronger and more experienced.

TR continues to be maddeningly inconsistent. Makes a great rebounder and power move for a score, then falls asleep on defense and lets someone get behind him for an easy score. Misses a layup then makes a great weak side block on the other end. On the positive side, he is passing the ball better now. Really don't understand why we don't see him put at the high post more to take the mid range jumper or find DC2/Lydon down low. On the negative side, he had another game were he didn't rebound much. Feast or famine with him on this. He has to be a real challenge to coach.

Probably the biggest story of the game, at least in terms of the rest of the season, was the continued improved play of DC2 at center. I believe he set a PR for points for the second straight game and is finishing much better than he has in the past. He is using his body better, showing more mobility and looking a lot more confident with the ball now. Maybe playing against Chukwu in practice is helping him? But he is doing more than that. With his power and style of play, he is always going to draw a lot of fouls. It is key for him to become a good FT shooter. Yesterday, he was 6-7 from the line and looked really solid. He also rebounded very well, not only on the offensive side (where he has always been really good) but on the defensive side, where we really need to get better (we have been hurt by offensive rebounds a lot this season to date). And he is playing the best defense of his career, getting blocks, steals and loose balls on a regular basis. It is great to see.

Frankie Howard got a lot of playing time. Played reasonably well, continues to impress me with his defense. Would like to see him penetrate more. I know he can finish in the paint well and I know he can make passes from the paint to find his teammates open but right now, in the half court setting, he seems content to stand around the perimeter and make the simple passes. He has to contribute more here for this still offensively challenged team in the half court setting.

TL played a lot, often at the expense of TR. Didn't rebound or shoot well but was otherwise solid. He gets a lot of steals, blocks and assists and has a lot of that stat-stuffing-stuff Silent G is filled with in him too.

KJ came in with a few seconds in the first half. Didn't play in the second half. It was a game where you would think he would get a lot of PT, especially in the second half when the game was well in hand. The same thing happened to FH a game or two ago. I assume when these things happen, it is a result of bad practices, missing classes, something like that. Strange and not good for Kaleb. Still think he can make a big contribution to the team if he can get his head right. Hope it happens soon. You can't keep getting chances to contribute and blowing them indefinitely.
My family and I were some of the extra people there. I only make it home for the holidays every other year these days so making it to a game is always a priority for me. It was my daughter and nephew's first time at the Dome and they loved it. The best part was when we made our way from the court during warm-ups to our nosebleed seats, they were excited about how much better we'd be able to see the game from way up there.
The crowd was really dead. My kids kept trying to get let's go Orange chants going but they didn't have any luck.
The big guy for Texas Southern was pretty impressive, but holy moly, four alley-oops off of the same play is at least three too many.
For several reasons, I am really pulling for DC's progression. Some of his offensive moves will get negated by ACC caliber defenders but Tomcat's right that he draws fouls and did a great job knocking down his free throws. The coaches were smart getting him the ball during the past few games, just to get him some chances to use his inside game in game situations.
The fact that Obokoh and Joseph didn't get in even during garbage time is more evidence that the coach's don't have any plans for them for the rest of the season. I personally feel bad for Joseph who seems like a great kid. For the team's sake, I'm bummed that Obokoh won't be able to fill in for at least a few minutes per game.
My family and I were some of the extra people there. I only make it home for the holidays every other year these days so making it to a game is always a priority for me. It was my daughter and nephew's first time at the Dome and they loved it. The best part was when we made our way from the court during warm-ups to our nosebleed seats, they were excited about how much better we'd be able to see the game from way up there.
The crowd was really dead. My kids kept trying to get let's go Orange chants going but they didn't have any luck.
The big guy for Texas Southern was pretty impressive, but holy moly, four alley-oops off of the same play is at least three too many.
For several reasons, I am really pulling for DC's progression. Some of his offensive moves will get negated by ACC caliber defenders but Tomcat's right that he draws fouls and did a great job knocking down his free throws. The coaches were smart getting him the ball during the past few games, just to get him some chances to use his inside game in game situations.
The fact that Obokoh and Joseph didn't get in even during garbage time is more evidence that the coach's don't have any plans for them for the rest of the season. I personally feel bad for Joseph who seems like a great kid. For the team's sake, I'm bummed that Obokoh won't be able to fill in for at least a few minutes per game.

Conrad, I think I heard your kids! Yes, a very laid back crowd, not helped by no band at all, and playing uninspiring music at low volume. Whoever is in charge of the games during the winter break should be demoted.

I thought Malachi was having a better game in the second half. I didn't see the fall, but he sure did lay there for a while. I agree with Tomcat that he must learn he just can't bull his way towards the basket. I hope he's okay!

I don't know what our free throw percentage was, but I believe we made most of them. And DC was the leader of the pack. If he can only keep this up! You know, I have forgotten about his injuries. The first few games he played, I was wincing, but now I don't even think about it. I rather think it may be the same for DC.
As for the crowd, I agree....very quiet. Uninspiring opponent and pretty unexciting game contributed to the lack of crowd energy.

I'm not sure which guy it was that was on the receiving end of the lobs but in the second half didn't they throw him an alley oop that he caught mid air too far from the basket and ended up kicking it back out to the three point line before coming back down. I swear I thought I saw that and was kind of amazed by it even though the guy who received the pass either didn't take the 3 or missed it (can't remember which).
I don't know what our free throw percentage was, but I believe we made most of them. And DC was the leader of the pack. If he can only keep this up! You know, I have forgotten about his injuries. The first few games he played, I was wincing, but now I don't even think about it. I rather think it may be the same for DC.

Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I still see Arinze Onuaku in Coleman. DC doesn't have the same touch with his layups or baby hooks, but he's a big body and is a better free throw shooter than AO.

Conrad, I think I heard your kids! Yes, a very laid back crowd, not helped by no band at all, and playing uninspiring music at low volume. Whoever is in charge of the games during the winter break should be demoted.

They were working hard to get on the big screen. My three kids and my nephew all had an awesome time. I was torn between entertaining them and watching my first game in a while, but they entertained themselves pretty well.

It did feel like the University was on automatic pilot because it was winter break. I was sitting around a bunch of fans who were visiting family and were just there to check it out so they weren't really into the game. There were more kids in the place than normal so it seems like they could do something to liven it up.
It's too bad that SU only runs replays of the home team's plays. #23 had a few dunks that everyone in the house would like to have seen a second time.

Texas Southern has some good players; I saw some excellent interior passing. Have to think they'll win a few games in their league.
I'm surprised how good we seem to look when Howard is on the floor. The offense runs pretty smoothly when he's in there, which I can't really figure out since he isn't much of a scoring threat. Putting the ball in his hands really seems to open things up though.
I know you mentioned it with G, but it seemed like a few of our guys had multiple threes rattle in and out. The iron was unkind.
I know you mentioned it with G, but it seemed like a few of our guys had multiple threes rattle in and out. The iron was unkind.

Richardson had a couple rattle out.

Lydon missed one pretty badly which is odd because his form is so good. I was sitting behind the basket and could tell it was off as soon as it left his hands.
You don't have to "run the numbers" to get Richardson's split between defensive and offensive rebounds: 8 vs. 54:

His percentage of offensive rebounds (13%) is the same as Cooney's. He's more a guard than a forward. Gbinije is at 24%. He's more a forward than a guard. Most offensive rebounding is done by the big guys. The disappointing stat in this regard would seem to be Lydon's (26%). That's probably the result of his not being used in the high post where he clearly belongs. I don't know why anyone would rather have Roberson in the high post than Lydon, who is clearly a better shooter and passer.
You don't have to "run the numbers" to get Richardson's split between defensive and offensive rebounds: 8 vs. 54:

His percentage of offensive rebounds (13%) is the same as Cooney's. He's more a guard than a forward. Gbinije is at 24%. He's more a forward than a guard. Most offensive rebounding is done by the big guys. The disappointing stat in this regard would seem to be Lydon's (26%). That's probably the result of his not being used in the high post where he clearly belongs. I don't know why anyone would rather have Roberson in the high post than Lydon, who is clearly a better shooter and passer.

As Coleman keeps improving Roberson is going to end up losing minutes.
You don't have to "run the numbers" to get Richardson's split between defensive and offensive rebounds: 8 vs. 54:

His percentage of offensive rebounds (13%) is the same as Cooney's. He's more a guard than a forward. Gbinije is at 24%. He's more a forward than a guard. Most offensive rebounding is done by the big guys. The disappointing stat in this regard would seem to be Lydon's (26%). That's probably the result of his not being used in the high post where he clearly belongs. I don't know why anyone would rather have Roberson in the high post than Lydon, who is clearly a better shooter and passer.
A couple of comments...

The numbers I were referring to were MR's rebounding numbers (D vs O) compared to other players in Syracuse history.

I didn't say I would prefer to have Roberson in the high post compared to Lydon. It was in comparison to DC2.
I'm surprised how good we seem to look when Howard is on the floor. The offense runs pretty smoothly when he's in there, which I can't really figure out since he isn't much of a scoring threat. Putting the ball in his hands really seems to open things up though.
Smooth is the operative word. Maybe my imagination, but when Frank was playing, the whole team seemed to move in a more fluid manner.
Hope we get to see a lot more of him.
A couple of comments...

The numbers I were referring to were MR's rebounding numbers (D vs O) compared to other players in Syracuse history.

I didn't say I would prefer to have Roberson in the high post compared to Lydon. It was in comparison to DC2.

That would be more work but at least the numbers are in the media guide and on the SU website:

The key question would be: who do you want to compare him to: guards or small forwards?
I'm surprised how good we seem to look when Howard is on the floor. The offense runs pretty smoothly when he's in there, which I can't really figure out since he isn't much of a scoring threat. Putting the ball in his hands really seems to open things up though.
Howard taking on the PG duties allows for the PG to concentrate on getting the ball to the best scorer (G) or the most open man (Cooney coming off a curl or Lydon rolling off after setting a pick). When G has the ball, he's going to get double teamed most of the time which takes him out of the game a little bit.
Fly Rodder said:
Howard taking on the PG duties allows for the PG to concentrate on getting the ball to the best scorer (G) or the most open man (Cooney coming off a curl or Lydon rolling off after setting a pick). When G has the ball, he's going to get double teamed most of the time which takes him out of the game a little bit.
Totally agree. There's far more flow when he's in.
Learned his name was Derrick Griffin and that he was originally supposed to go to Miami (the good one) and play football and basketball there. His grades were not up to snuff so he ended up at Texas Southern.

Excuse me? "The good one" is Miami (Ohio) where I went to school. As words in a song my husband wrote when we were in college say, "that's the one that's in Ohio where you have to study too." Derrick would NEVER have made the grades for my Miami.

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