New clear bag policy at the Dome... | Page 2 |

New clear bag policy at the Dome...

It will be interesting to see where people store plastic bags by their seats too especially in winter when where to put one's coat can be a chore. People will eventually adjust but there will be short-term pain.

Well hopefully we can still bring in an empty garbage bag to throw our coats and our clear plastic bags in under our seats. That ends up being a lifesaver, especially if the people behind you accidentally spill their beer.

Fold it up and keep it in your coat pocket.

I do that too but I leave the bag curled up under the aluminum seat all season. Bad when occasionally someone at the dome extracts it and you're left trying to stuff your coats somewhere. Usually lose 2 bags a season that way.

I think i posted this previously in the travel forum. I'm going to get jackets for the entire Shrmdougluvr clan (then make a vest also).

LL Bean packable down jacket

Should get us from the car to the Dome.
This seems silly. Solving a problem that doesn't exist.

Have people bringing in knives or other weapons been a problem at the Dome in the past? Methinks not.

Diaper bag must be accompanied by a child? What about an incontinent adult?

Why - you offering your services? ;)
You know what? I'm now thinking this has little to do with security and more to do with just speeding up the entry process.

With the clear bags and no backpacks etc., they dont have to slow the lines to look through your bags anymore.

Makes a little more sense.
Not sure what services you're talking about but, for you pal? Of course!

Being the incontintent person to accompany somebody into the Dome, so they can sneak in their booze inside a diaper bag.

You could rent yourself out for each game, make a killing. ;)
i can go to the track and bring anything but glass, but cant bring my Binocs to the dome..

how will i ever figure what number a player is anymore?

they might want to reach out beyond season ticket holders too.

really most women going to the dome are out of luck in they want to bring a purse.
Said binoculars case, not binoculars. Put them in your clear bag.
What’s the cutoff age for the child accompanying a diaper bag?

I’m covered as I’ve got two still in diapers (and a fully trained 4 year old) and my 2.5 year old has zero interest in learning (boys are a nightmare to train).

Just curious how much mileage I might be able to ring from bringing the obnoxiously feminine diaper bag my wife used to use. Now that we’ve got three we’re lucky to remember to shove wipes and a spare diaper into pockets when leaving.
For the "why carry purses" crew, idk if it's most girls, but my girlfriend is constantly wearing pants/shorts that either don't have pockets, or very small pockets. So her phone, ID, cards, girly make-up stuff all goes in some sort of purse.

I know cargo shorts are apparently uncool (I still refuse to believe this) but @LSU, she just stuck everything she needed in my cargo shorts. In fact, most of the summer if you check one of my short pockets, there's gonna be lipgloss, and a pink cellphone in there.

In the winter, all her stuff goes in my jacket pocket, because either her jacket pockets are too small (why can't ladies have regular sized pockets), or she doesn't want to wear her jacket into the bar.
as an ex season ticket holder we used to stow jacket bags under the seats. they got cleaned out maybe 3 times a year. just saying.
Unfortunately in our society we are finding use of weapons in places never seen before. Not a big deal really to use plastic. UNC has been using searches in bags for several years. As our Hoo friend says, they are using clear too.
Clear bag use has been a policy in stadiums across the country for years. I always check stadium policy when we travel so I’m not caught off guard. I am actually surprised it took this long for the Dome to implement this policy. It started with homeland security recommendations, so for those who think it’s solving a problem that doesn’t exist, the potential does. Guess inconvenience is better than the risks.

According to article They are not fully implementing for the first few games to help ease everyone in. Mailing bags to season ticket holders ( one per 2 tickets), and selling on the quad for $3 before games.
I’m buying one for each of the 4 of us. Then as a group our bases will be covered.
For the "why carry purses" crew, idk if it's most girls, but my girlfriend is constantly wearing pants/shorts that either don't have pockets, or very small pockets. So her phone, ID, cards, girly make-up stuff all goes in some sort of purse.

I know cargo shorts are apparently uncool (I still refuse to believe this) but @LSU, she just stuck everything she needed in my cargo shorts. In fact, most of the summer if you check one of my short pockets, there's gonna be lipgloss, and a pink cellphone in there.

In the winter, all her stuff goes in my jacket pocket, because either her jacket pockets are too small (why can't ladies have regular sized pockets), or she doesn't want to wear her jacket into the bar.

I can't hear you over the sound of the whip cracking
My friends just had their free bags hit their porch via UPS. Some quick service!

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