Pearl Sneakers for Saturday | Page 2 |

Pearl Sneakers for Saturday

CaptainJ said:
I think you misunderstood my point...unlike you, I tried to avoid talking directly about religion. To make it brief, you had mocked religion for taking money from people for their beliefs(often centered around dead mean), and then immediately posted a thread about Pearl's shoes, which I imagine aren't cheap. Like religion or Tupac, it just feels weird to me seeing dead folks encouraging insane profits in dubious industries. I just thought there was irony from the transfer of money based on dead folks, with you ridiculing it in one post, and moments later celebrating it. No big deal, if nobody else sees the humor, I'll keep it for myself.

DISCLAIMER: I am in no way mocking capitalism, or truly free markets, unlike the crony brand we have now. I just remember how Aleister Crowley felt bad for Jesus and what was done in his name, and purposefully named his teachings Thelema, so that whatever happened to it, his name wouldnt be directly attached to all sorts of things he'd never condone, like the aforementioned individual.

Ok, Im back to talking basketball, or sneakers, though that tour with Bill Walton sounds quite inviting. I wish I had remembered this earlier, but I judge I worked with long ago advised me to know my audience, and I tend to screw that up sometimes on here when Im passionate. I think I need to be assigned a handler...someone more gentle than some of the ones I have already. It seems to semi-work with Walton.

That is one HUGE leap.
I actually collect Syracuse related sneakers, would cop these two in a heartbeat if they were released to the public.
I believe that youre partially correct, as he is in the regular song, but I think our Pearl and Ewing make it in the extended version? I'm certain some people here know.
You are correct. There is an extended version that I actually have in MP3. Its not Kurtis rapping, its two guys talking on the break and one says "hey man did you see that boy Pearl take it up in Ewings face?" "Yeah he's bad but I like Michael Jordan.

Here are the link. The pearl quote is around 4:00 mark

Ps- this song is better than any rap that is out today or for the last ten yrs!
I actually collect Syracuse related sneakers, would cop these two in a heartbeat if they were released to the public.

Do you have John Wallace's rookie year Karl Kani signature shoes? Would basically be the greatest thing ever if you did.
You are correct. There is an extended version that I actually have in MP3. Its not Kurtis rapping, its two guys talking on the break and one says "hey man did you see that boy Pearl take it up in Ewings face?" "Yeah he's bad but I like Michael Jordan.

Here are the link. The pearl quote is around 4:00 mark

Ps- this song is better than any rap that is out today or for the last ten yrs!
The funny thing is, when that came out, I thought it was perfectly normal knowing how big Pearl really was, and didn't know most or the best bball people weren't talked about, because that was the first really. I knew what Pearl meant to me, but thought that was normal to have people rap about you if you were good. Lol, man those were great days. Looking back, they were way better than I knew at that time..Somewhere he's still "playin' basketball"...
Do you have John Wallace's rookie year Karl Kani signature shoes? Would basically be the greatest thing ever if you did.

No, I mainly have Syracuse themed Nike Dunks, the oldest one only goes back to 1999. Player exclusives are the hardest to come by and I don't even know they were allowed to wear anything else besides Nike lol.
Do you have John Wallace's rookie year Karl Kani signature shoes? Would basically be the greatest thing ever if you did.

The most badass Syracuse player exclusive shoes I've seen so far are these Melo 2k4s, they still used the old Syracuse logo.
No, I mainly have Syracuse themed Nike Dunks, the oldest one only goes back to 1999. Player exclusives are the hardest to come by and I don't even know they were allowed to wear anything else besides Nike lol.

No, I meant Wallace's NBA rookie year. Amazing that Karl Kani was actually making bball sneakers, and that Wallace had his own signature shoe when he barely played at the time.
(I'll get back to basketball soon, dont worry, but sometimes I feel compelled to say something more important than the typical reacharound posts folks give one another, not that theres anything wrong with that. At the risk of more unpopularity, I'm posting this in case it can reach at least one person, not necessarily the poster whom I'm replying to, whom I happen to like...this isnt personal. I wish my posts were more succinct and organized like many of you, but for now it's how it is)

If it had been anyone else, I would have let this go. However, you just a moment ago ridiculed religion that makes profit, and the similarities with this are not lost on me. I'm not saying they are making him Tupac doing hologram performances of Pearl's greatest hits, but the slippery slope certainly is in view, in my humble opinion.

If all the profits went to research for the real treatments and cures for cancer(I've seen at least 3-4 with plenty of documentation), and nothing to the American Cancer Industry(Big Cancer IS big, curing makes little to no money for them...they actively work to OPPOSE a cure..."run from The Cure(not the band)" is the name of the Rick Simpson story, whose government fought to suppress his findings.

Let me ask any thinking person this. With the tons of money available, why not at least do legitimate, unbiased research on these methods...Simpson, Gerson, the ones I'm not recalling now, etc.

What is the definition of insanity? I think donating to the American Cancer Society(wish I knew how to draw that line through it and replace it with) Industry. Actually that has a number of similarities to Big Religion, with a lot of donating and faith involved, and often limited returns. Odd how they numerous times cure the most RARE types of cancer...the types they wont lose much money on. Just a coincidence, right?

Anyhow, I'm serious that this post as at odds wth your one denouncing religion and profit for exploiting legends, which you posted in very close proximity to this one. Is the irony lost on you? Am I somehow off base with my observation? I'm not trying to nonpluss anyone with this post, and simply want to do a PSA even if it draws a negative reaction for some reason. Yes, I am bitter at cancer, but more bitter at the cancer industry. If you want to talk about a drug epedemic that leads to death, I'd say cancer treatments are a big one

On a similar note, originally, people labeled as HIV postive(partially from their answers, vs straight testing) were actually dying from the drugs they begged and fought to get the fda to approve. It was brilliantly presented in a documentary Called House of Numbers. People with all positions were in it, everyone who played the biggest parts. It won a number of festival awards, and I just found it online for free. I got a friend who is HIV+ to watch it in exchange for giving him a something he really liked to help his conditions, and his partner actually was upset with me because he was considering quitting his medication after watching it.

Watching that changed my whole overall view of big medicine(not just HIV related), and I wonder how many people wouldnt feel the same way. If you want to see some heavy hitters going at it with evidence, you could view this with a beer like a sporting event. There are moments of humor too. Heck, if I reach ONE person, this all would have been worth it.

The one time Jesus got angry was at the money changers, and a lot of money is changing hands with these cash cows. Maybe there are others who share similar feelings. Exploitation is often wrapped with talk of good intentions, but often there are other motive. **** the ACS. I'm not saying Pearl would have been cured, but the evidence we already have shows that numerous people have been through multiple methods. Even though Big Pharma wont use their research abilities for these techniques, at the very least they could stop actively suppressing the information, and let people make education decisions based on ALL of the alternatives available, not just the establishment BS.

I'll end by being bold and saying that if Pearl himself can see everything now including the long con, that he'd "like" my post. Good job with the 2 back to back contradictory posts, or else this wouldnt exist. I want to make sure when others are passionate, they will speak their minds rather than being bound in the mental prison of political correctness or arbitrary societal norms. RIP PEARL.

PS if anyone wants any further information on this, feel free to PM me(I dont want to be ridiculed for ruining the Imelda Marcos thread). I will be happy to look it up for you. I hope nobody ever needs it. I wrote this wih love for all of you, and all of those who could have had a different outcome, and their families.

So If I'm reading this correctly, you convinced an HIV positive person to stop taking their antiretroviral meds? What's next? An opine about the danger of vaccines? Tread carefully my friend.

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