Something You Might Want to Consider Before You Make a Post | Page 3 |

Something You Might Want to Consider Before You Make a Post

Somehow you've missed some very good stuff.

Agreed, unless that poster has been here a month and spent the entire time in the OT forum. Plenty of credible inside information has been posted here.
JeremyCuse said:
When you said I could have a kiss from one of you I kind of had Mrs. Troop in mind..... ;)

The two of you need to get a room.
To be quite honest, the problem isn't insider info. The problem is incomplete info or half-truths that invite tons of mindless and even harmful speculation (we've all seen how the news-cycle can incorporate this board for good and bad).

To the insiders, I would suggest that if it's something that you've been explicitly asked not to share, then why not keep it to yourself. We will live without it. No worries. In those situations, I'm not sure you're doing the board a service by making it public. You're doing yourself a service. If it is info you can give out, then I see no need to be cryptic about it. Presenting your insider info in ways other than what I've suggested can quite understandably be construed by others as drawing attention to yourself and I think you have to be prepared for the backlash.
This is exactly right. Insider information is awesome and appreciated and part of what makes this place worth coming to. Those priviledged with access are doing the board a great service when they post, and they should be accorded respect and gratitude from those, like me, who have no such access and enjoy learning about these things.

However, if you have information, then share it and stand behind it. Don't be mealy mouthed. Either you know something or you don't. Either you feel like you can share it in good conscience or you can't. State what you know and be up front with what is speculation. Solid information is respected. Posters who like to dangle partial bits of information while making clear they know more but can't say aren't doing anyone a service. While I realize to that poster it may feel like he/she is simply trying to divulge as much information as they can, but that poster needs to realize that it comes off as self glorifying and attention seeking.

It is reminescient of back in elementary school when there was a kid who would go all around the class letting every kid know they knew a secret and would drop hints at how awesome and interesting the secret was and would say just enough to hook the interest of everyone but when pressed would simply say they were not at liberty to say. Nobody ever liked that kid, and that kid would rightfully be accused of being an attention seeker.

Honestly, I think if some more care and attention was given to how information was divulged, a lot of these problems would disappear.

Just my two cents.

Go Syracuse!
My 2 cents is that if a poster, as long as it's not a hit and run Johnny, says a coach is leaving, that is inside info. The name not being provided doesn't detract from what was originally posted in that thread everyone is referring to. What an individual has to do for themselves is decide if the poster is someone reliable.
This is exactly right. Insider information is awesome and appreciated and part of what makes this place worth coming to. Those priviledged with access are doing the board a great service when they post, and they should be accorded respect and gratitude from those, like me, who have no such access and enjoy learning about these things.

However, if you have information, then share it and stand behind it. Don't be mealy mouthed. Either you know something or you don't. Either you feel like you can share it in good conscience or you can't. State what you know and be up front with what is speculation. Solid information is respected. Posters who like to dangle partial bits of information while making clear they know more but can't say aren't doing anyone a service. While I realize to that poster it may feel like he/she is simply trying to divulge as much information as they can, but that poster needs to realize that it comes off as self glorifying and attention seeking.

It is reminescient of back in elementary school when there was a kid who would go all around the class letting every kid know they knew a secret and would drop hints at how awesome and interesting the secret was and would say just enough to hook the interest of everyone but when pressed would simply say they were not at liberty to say. Nobody ever liked that kid, and that kid would rightfully be accused of being an attention seeker.

Honestly, I think if some more care and attention was given to how information was divulged, a lot of these problems would disappear.

Just my two cents.

Go Syracuse!

These message boards always go south when members see them primarily as a source of ego gratification rather than place to indulge a common interest. And it's not just the attention-seekers that are guilty of this. The boors, the one-note Johnnys, the serially argumentative, etc. are also guilty of the same.

Whoever said likes are ruining these boards may not have been too far off the mark.
If the explosion in social media usage over the past few years has taught us anything it is that people love sharing. And people love it not just for the pure sake of disseminating interesting content, rather a large part of it is emotional.

We love to feel important. We love to be the gatekeeper. We love it when others think we are knowledgable.

It would be disingenuous for anyone here who has ever shared anything remotely considered "insider" info to not admit that at least some part of sharing said content was to tap into those emotions. To boost the ol' ego. It's OK, we're human, it's fine.

I say this only to highlight that it's not just that you share something "insider", but it's also how you share it, and perhaps, why. My own scope of expertise around here is limited, to be sure. But occasionally I see a post claiming to be "insider" info that I know is either flat out incorrect, or at least only partially informed (10 blind men touching an elephant, and all). Personally I tend to refrain from challenging those posters because I know the blow-back is not worth it.

Tom's point about not attacking the messenger is a valid one. I think it's also valid for a poster to really think through what they're putting out there, and make sure that the post is as well crafted as possible, and the intent is clear. It works both ways, because let's be real, some people know things, and other people are full of it. :)
I'll take that on. I wasn't the only one that deleted your posts, of which there were 7, but I ended up banning you. And it wasn't just for those 7 posts, it was the constant negativity over and over and over, every thread. You don't handle a loss very well at all and become a nuisance on the board. Equate your banning to a "Lifetime Achievement Award".

As to what you posted, here is your very first one that day. Not exactly what you claim above. Then after it was deleted, you not only posted it several more times, you made 2-3 posts complaining that they were getting deleted.

Now, you know the rest of the story.


30% of our games we got destroyed - thats crazy bad imho

sick of the world is great crowd - clemson was a great team we had no chance-total bs- gt was great we had no chance more bs now fl st is the greatest team ever- major bs- and dont forget the super awesome northwestern team that you guys made excuses for

ole macdonald runs a offense thats putrid enough to be classified as a robinson offense-but you guys will continue to claim its all talent-more bs

you realists can continue to manufacture excuse after excuse to justify this crap-i cant
I don't see the issue with this post. Burned fan reacting to the game. I would venture to guess there were 30+ other posts saying the exact same thing, hence, don't mind the deletion so much. A banning for that though? Yikes... I better mind my P's and Q's.
Orangepace said:
I don't see the issue with this post. Burned fan reacting to the game. I would venture to guess there were 30+ other posts saying the exact same thing, hence, don't mind the deletion so much. A banning for that though? Yikes... I better mind my P's and Q's.

Read my whole post. It was not for one post. It was a culmination of which those were the last ones.
Depends on your definition I suppose but what is your top 5 pieces of insider information released on this forum in the last couple years?

1. John Syracuse
2. have you found the recruiting board?
3. We had all the breaking news on the Iditarod last year
4. Pretty sure we knew about the ACC move a day or two before it was announced.
5. DM to the bills was here first, about a week before he accepted the job
Depends on your definition I suppose but what is your top 5 pieces of insider information released on this forum in the last couple years?
Syracuse plays in a dome.

And that one's pretty fresh.

The ACC move, hoops players leaving (and the reasons why), lots of football recruiting commitments (some need to ne pieced together), and the other things that CuseTroop mentioned.
Tomcat youre on the money. When i posted my Noel info a few years ago it was pretty sad/funny how people i remember but wont mention names tried to attack my info based on the fact? Theres was no fact except they didnt like my posting style.
This is exactly right. Insider information is awesome and appreciated and part of what makes this place worth coming to. Those priviledged with access are doing the board a great service when they post, and they should be accorded respect and gratitude from those, like me, who have no such access and enjoy learning about these things.

However, if you have information, then share it and stand behind it. Don't be mealy mouthed. Either you know something or you don't. Either you feel like you can share it in good conscience or you can't. State what you know and be up front with what is speculation. Solid information is respected. Posters who like to dangle partial bits of information while making clear they know more but can't say aren't doing anyone a service. While I realize to that poster it may feel like he/she is simply trying to divulge as much information as they can, but that poster needs to realize that it comes off as self glorifying and attention seeking.

It is reminescient of back in elementary school when there was a kid who would go all around the class letting every kid know they knew a secret and would drop hints at how awesome and interesting the secret was and would say just enough to hook the interest of everyone but when pressed would simply say they were not at liberty to say. Nobody ever liked that kid, and that kid would rightfully be accused of being an attention seeker.

Honestly, I think if some more care and attention was given to how information was divulged, a lot of these problems would disappear.

Just my two cents.

Go Syracuse!

i feel responsible for this so let me say a few things here tom.

1st im sorry for taking a cheap shot a poster with whom i often spar with and i know i can easily rattle, it was really meant to be nothing more than that. i found the firestorm after to be confusing and blame a few others for keeping it going, but whatever.

however, a few things lie deeper and you mentioned it above.

2nd and more importantly...if someone has info, and they want to share it, i suggest they do have the thickest of skins to do so. dropping info is not to be taken lightly. info droppers are going right to the deep end of the pool and there are a lot of hungry sharks in there. they will need to have the language skills to drop the info without causing harm to the source and the nuggett itself. they will also need to have a backbone and make a stand, waffles are for breakfast. granted we as a public should not be a congressional inquiry demanding the source to be named nor should we be bradley yelling at woodward & bernstein to get a 2nd source of confirmation. but if said poster is going to leak something, they need to be prepared and to know, that they are leading a horse to water and there better be water there.

something as simple as 'another coach is out, more to come later' dancing around that you may have heard something but dont know, and wont say, but something is going on you think, hogwash. there has to be a certain degree of separation, and how much truth is out there, that the poster will have to inherently understand before going public. if that info is about to be tweeted by the beat writers, drop it. if it was given over dinner the night before by the coach, you say nothing etc, etc.

3rd, there should also be different rules for coaches/administration and for the student/athlete. the good ole days of the summer/fall of '01 where 80% of the board new what happened to edelin, but wouldnt dare post it...are long gone. somebody today would leak it. this place is too big, too many loose ends. that same 80% probably make up 20% of the people here now.

we know who most of the nugget droppers are, most are pretty accurate and that should be encouraged. i also encourage the school to throw bees in jail if he starts posting the new wrinkles to the playbook on the week before the big game again, but i digress.

bottom line, we like info. but it needs to be delivered correctly and be real.

for if its not, it can come off with the same ammount of credibility as the oklahoma to the b1g posts and the poster should be run out of town. if he/she stays...great. if not...who cares.

I've been here for 15 years and I still don't know what happened with Billy Edelin. LOL
I'll take that on. I wasn't the only one that deleted your posts, of which there were 7, but I ended up banning you. And it wasn't just for those 7 posts, it was the constant negativity over and over and over, every thread. You don't handle a loss very well at all and become a nuisance on the board. Equate your banning to a "Lifetime Achievement Award".

As to what you posted, here is your very first one that day. Not exactly what you claim above. Then after it was deleted, you not only posted it several more times, you made 2-3 posts complaining that they were getting deleted.

Now, you know the rest of the story.


30% of our games we got destroyed - thats crazy bad imho

sick of the world is great crowd - clemson was a great team we had no chance-total bs- gt was great we had no chance more bs now fl st is the greatest team ever- major bs- and dont forget the super awesome northwestern team that you guys made excuses for

ole macdonald runs a offense thats putrid enough to be classified as a robinson offense-but you guys will continue to claim its all talent-more bs

you realists can continue to manufacture excuse after excuse to justify this crap-i cant

Why is it that Igor and Blue Curtain got to stick around? Admittedly, Igor and BC are kinda fun stupid versus mean stupid but stupid does make for some great threads.

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