The Jim Boeheim Show - before Pitt 2 |

The Jim Boeheim Show - before Pitt 2


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Shaughnessy’s at the Marriott in Downtown Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Syracuse University Athletics
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on:

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


First Hour:

“Coach, Tyus Battle had another fine game with 24 points on 9 for 14 shooting, (but 4 for 8 from the foul line). The hitch in his shot seems to be getting more pronounced. Does it need to be corrected? Will it matter as far as his pro potential?”

Second Hour:

“Coach, Marek Dolezaj has beautiful form at the foul line. He gave up a wide open three to drive into the defense where he made a very difficult two point shot. Later he made a jumper from the foul line area and it looked as good as his free throws. Does he have a quality jump shot that he just needs a little more confidence to use?”

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.)

(They care now doing two hour shows. The second hour is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality. There are three musical interludes, one every 20 minutes, so if you tune in at 8PM it’s going to sound as if the Boeheim show has ended but stick with it. As last year, the night of the show I will post comments relating directly to the SU basketball team. I’ll post “Part 2” on Friday, which will contain other topics that were discussed. )

On the Boston College game: “We shot the ball well. We got a little better quality of shots and we made some jump shots early. Frank and Oshae carried us in the first half while Tyus and Marek got going in the second half. Paschal was solid throughout. We got a slow start on defense but turned it around. BC was a good offensive team….We did some good things. We got some good looks and made 3-4 more shots to get a lead at halftime. Then in the second half we made 3 or four shots in a row that gave us a comfortable lead. Then we just had to play smart. ” They talked about the two teams’ “Big Threes”: Battle, Brissett and Howard got 55 points for us while Robinson, Bowman and Chatman scored 53 points for BC. But “we did a good job on their other guys”. They scored 10 points while our other guys scored. 26. Matt said that we had the same five guys on the floor for about 35 consecutive minutes, which is “highly unusual. It has to lead to some cohesiveness.”

Liam from Pompey congratulated the coach on the win and wanted his take on Saturday’s game against Pitt and the status of Matt Moyer. “Matt will be out for a while for sure. He’s got a pretty bad sprained ankle. Any ankle injury takes a while.” Gomez later asked Jim the same question. He replied You can’t play if your ankles are bad. Of course if you are sitting on your butt talking all day, you ankle doesn’t matter.”

“It will help both teams that we and Pittsburgh have already played. It was a tough game here and will be a hard game down there. Pitt is getting better. Pitt had a really good chance to beat NC State. It will be another good test, as are all the road games.” Matt pointed out that conference road teams are 17-38 so far and only 4 teams have more than one road win. “Pittsburgh has gotten some better players and have played some good basketball….Everybody plays well at home. We will have to raise our level of play over the game here. But we will be ready.” Parker Stewart had 23 points against us and only 2 against NC State. “Young players will be inconsistent.”

Georgia Tech has “had some tough games on the road. They have a strong inside-out combination. They just got everybody back together. Nobody’s going to win when you play Virginia, North Carolina and Florida State back to back. Lammers had bene hurt and Jose Alvarado is a freshman point guard.

I called in my first question. JB: “There’s no hitch in his shot. He puts it up a little differently but has a smooth release. He’s a scorer and makes big shots. They’ve bene going in for two years.“ Matt pointed out that Tyus had missed three free throws in a row vs. BC but he’s an 80% guy on the season an. “So we’ll take that.” Matt said it was impressive that Tyus is still only a sophomore and yet he’s so good we take him for granted. JB: “he was good at the end of the year last year. He’s now the first option but he’s prepared. It gives him more opportunities.”

Marek “got a couple good look around the basket. He made a 15 footer and made his free throws. He rebounds. He’s gradually getting better after initial shock of the ACC. He made the plays that got us separation. If he hadn’t done that, they would have gotten back into it….Marek has played substantial minutes more than once. He’s more comfortable against ACC competition. He’ll be fine…Boston College didn’t put a body on him….Marek had a lot of minutes but didn’t adjust to the physical play. He’s getting better and more prepared. Frank and Oshae scored a total of three points in the second half. Someone had to pick it up. “

How did Jim recruit Marek? “We were looking for a player. Tyler left late in the year. We knew Taurean could be leaving during the summer: his mother wasn’t happy. We saw some tapes. Marek moved really well. We needed another big guy at forward. Once in a while you get lucky.” Do you get calls from other coaches about players who don’t fit their system but might fit yours. “No. that would be rare. We get calls from high schools and AAU coaches, you never know.”

What if Marek got into foul trouble? “We could go to a three guard line-up. Braydon Bayer could help us. Adrian Autry has been with us for three years is a tough kid and knows our system. “

I later called in my question about Marek’s jump shot. I suggested that if he could hit jumps shots along with his other skills, he could be an All-American someday. That got an immediate response. “Hold, on Steve! He’s averaging 4 points a game”. Coach agreed that Marek could become a very good player if he could hit jumpers. There’s a big difference between making free throws and making threes. We keep track and Marek shoots in the teens from the arc in practice. He’s pretty good from 15 feet but it will take time to move out. It’s a different release. We’ve had to change his guide hand. He’s not comfortable shooting threes. For him to drive and dish is better than missing threes.” Actually, I was just thinking about making jump shots, not necessarily threes. But people think in terms of threes these days.

Gomez wondered what player had improved his shooting the most over his career. Surprisingly, Jim picked Lawrence Moten, who improved his range over his four years here. He also cited Demetris Nichols and even Lazarus Sims, “who made some big threes his senior year.” Gomez suggested john Wallace, who hit a famous three and, per JB, “Was pretty good but got better. But he was tremendous in the low post and with 15 foot jumpers.” I would have picked Dave Johnson, who couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn his first two years and then became a big threat from outside to compliment his athletic drives to the basket.

Frank Howard is “in his first year playing all the time and he’s gotten more comfortable he’s had 1 turnover in two games and is having a great year.”

Pat called in to ask about the “health and development” of Bourama Sidibie and if the players early in the BC game were too prone to being sucked in by the pass to the high post. On Bourama: “He’s a little better now. His timing’s off because he’s missed so much time. He’s not used to running and jumping. He’s not in game shape. He’s still not full strength but he’s getting to where he can help us. That’s what we’re hoping. He had his best practice in a long time today.

On the playing of the zone: “It’s a hard rotation. Whether the guards go down or stay up depends on how the players are positioned. We made a couple of mistakes. But it’s not that easy to make threes. We adjusted and the rotation got a bit better. But when the shoot threes they are not going to the basket and aren’t getting to the line. We can’t give both outside and inside. There’s a weakness in any defense. I think ours has less weaknesses than others. Then you’ve got to get the offense going. Last year’s team wasn’t ready on defense because we had four new players. This year Paschal has played a big part and the guards are bigger.”

Matt comment on the different starting times of our games: Notre Dame was 3:15, Virginia 8PM, Florida state 2PM, Pittsburgh 9PM, Boston College 7PM, Pitt 4Pm and Georgia Tech 8PM. Jim’s reply: “Times change….”

(Part 2 tomorrow)
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“There’s no hitch in his shot...” Lol...right.

I don't find "hitch" to be a useful term or description, though posters here are repeating it all the time. Add some more explanation to what in particular you see Tyus doing, and what you suggest he do to fix what you see.
Tyus isnt the number one option? Huh

Maybe JB meant last season, in the final 10 games, when he was among our leading scorers. For sure Tyus is our number one option this season, though Howard and Oshae certainly have emerged as better scorers than projected pre-season.
I don't find "hitch" to be a useful term or description, though posters here are repeating it all the time. Add some more explanation to what in particular you see Tyus doing, and what you suggest he do to fix what you see.

Nah. I’ll keep it at hitch. Obviously others feel that way. You and Townie keeping each other warm? ;)
“There’s no hitch in his shot...” Lol...right.

Yeah, reading SWC's question before reading the post, I thought there was a 25% chance of Boeheim taking umbrage and a 75% chance of him giving a flat-Earth answer. He went with the latter.

To be fair, if something's wrong with the shot, I don't think he'd want to discuss it in a public forum. But it's not like Boeheim to micromanage players' fundamentals, anyway. If an Eric Devendorf hits 38% of his threes with that ugly knuckleball release, they'll go with it. Same with Battle and the hitch.
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Gomez wondered what player had improved his shooting the most over his career. Surprisingly, Jim picked Lawrence Moten, who improved his range over his four years here. He also cited Demetris Nichols and even Lazarus Sims, “who made some big threes his senior year.” Gomez suggested john Wallace, who hit a famous three and, per JB, “Was pretty good but got better. But he was tremendous in the low post and with 15 foot jumpers.” I would have picked Dave Johnson, who couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn his first two years and then became a big threat from outside to compliment his athletic drives to the basket.


I don't get the Moten reference, unless he's thinking about practice rather than games. Because I think Moten shot a good number of threes every year but only wound up shooting about 31% as a senior...really low considering he was a guard who shot about 50% from the floor.

I'd have gone with either Dave Johnson or Scoop, who did get a ton of help from the coaching staff in retooling his shot. He had that atrocious soccer-style throw-in motion and then came back after the redshirt year with a normal jumper and shot between 35% and 38% every year after that, if I remember correctly.
I don't find "hitch" to be a useful term or description, though posters here are repeating it all the time. Add some more explanation to what in particular you see Tyus doing, and what you suggest he do to fix what you see.

It's not a fluid motion. There appears to be a point where he seems to hesitate, almost as if cocking it back in preparation for shooting. The rest of the motion seems fine, and he's got a smooth release, but there is something there.

I'm trying to find a video, but they are hard to come by.

Here is one of Lydon with his smooth release.

Now watch this video. 40-45 second mark is the only example i could find. And this one isn't as pronounced as others I've seen.

So if Marek got in foul trouble, Bayer and Autry would help us out in a 3 guard lineup? I think JB must have forgot someone again.
“There’s no hitch in his shot...” Lol...right.

JB's response for anyone that says otherwise. ;):)


A common reaction at times... ;):)

it doesnt matter how you get the shot up as long as you are consistent with the release .

much like golf. you can be calvin pete, lee trevino, jim furyk if you do it the same.

the problem is that if you are less consistent setting the shot you have be more diligent when it leaves the hand. I think all JB cares about is that it comes off the fingers the same and the guide hand is really just a guide hand..
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Shaughnessy’s at the Marriott in Downtown Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Syracuse University Athletics
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on:

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


First Hour:

“Coach, Tyus Battle had another fine game with 24 points on 9 for 14 shooting, (but 4 for 8 from the foul line). The hitch in his shot seems to be getting more pronounced. Does it need to be corrected? Will it matter as far as his pro potential?”

Second Hour:

“Coach, Marek Dolezaj has beautiful form at the foul line. He gave up a wide open three to drive into the defense where he made a very difficult two point shot. Later he made a jumper from the foul line area and it looked as good as his free throws. Does he have a quality jump shot that he just needs a little more confidence to use?”

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.)

(They care now doing two hour shows. The second hour is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality. There are three musical interludes, one every 20 minutes, so if you tune in at 8PM it’s going to sound as if the Boeheim show has ended but stick with it. As last year, the night of the show I will post comments relating directly to the SU basketball team. I’ll post “Part 2” on Friday, which will contain other topics that were discussed. )

On the Boston College game: “We shot the ball well. We got a little better quality of shots and we made some jump shots early. Frank and Oshae carried us in the first half while Tyus and Marek got going in the second half. Paschal was solid throughout. We got a slow start on defense but turned it around. BC was a good offensive team….We did some good things. We got some good looks and made 3-4 more shots to get a lead at halftime. Then in the second half we made 3 or four shots in a row that gave us a comfortable lead. Then we just had to play smart. ” They talked about the two teams’ “Big Threes”: Battle, Brissett and Howard got 55 points for us while Robinson, Bowman and Chatman scored 53 points for BC. But “we did a good job on their other guys”. They scored 10 points while our other guys scored. 26. Matt said that we had the same five guys on the floor for about 35 consecutive minutes, which is “highly unusual. It has to lead to some cohesiveness.”

Liam from Pompey congratulated the coach on the win and wanted his take on Saturday’s game against Pitt and the status of Matt Moyer. “Matt will be out for a while for sure. He’s got a pretty bad sprained ankle. Any ankle injury takes a while.” Gomez later asked Jim the same question. He replied You can’t play if your ankles are bad. Of course if you are sitting on your butt talking all day, you ankle doesn’t matter.”

“It will help both teams that we and Pittsburgh have already played. It was a tough game here and will be a hard game down there. Pitt is getting better. Pitt had a really good chance to beat NC State. It will be another good test, as are all the road games.” Matt pointed out that conference road teams are 17-38 so far and only 4 teams have more than one road win. “Pittsburgh has gotten some better players and have played some good basketball….Everybody plays well at home. We will have to raise our level of play over the game here. But we will be ready.” Parker Stewart had 23 points against us and only 2 against NC State. “Young players will be inconsistent.”

Georgia Tech has “had some tough games on the road. They have a strong inside-out combination. They just got everybody back together. Nobody’s going to win when you play Virginia, North Carolina and Florida State back to back. Lammers had bene hurt and Jose Alvarado is a freshman point guard.

I called in my first question. JB: “There’s no hitch in his shot. He puts it up a little differently but has a smooth release. He’s a scorer and makes big shots. They’ve bene going in for two years.“ Matt pointed out that Tyus had missed three free throws in a row vs. BC but he’s an 80% guy on the season an. “So we’ll take that.” Matt said it was impressive that Tyus is still only a sophomore and yet he’s so good we take him for granted. JB: “he was good at the end of the year last year. He’s now the first option but he’s prepared. It gives him more opportunities.”

Marek “got a couple good look around the basket. He made a 15 footer and made his free throws. He rebounds. He’s gradually getting better after initial shock of the ACC. He made the plays that got us separation. If he hadn’t done that, they would have gotten back into it….Marek has played substantial minutes more than once. He’s more comfortable against ACC competition. He’ll be fine…Boston College didn’t put a body on him….Marek had a lot of minutes but didn’t adjust to the physical play. He’s getting better and more prepared. Frank and Oshae scored a total of three points in the second half. Someone had to pick it up. “

How did Jim recruit Marek? “We were looking for a player. Tyler left late in the year. We knew Taurean could be leaving during the summer: his mother wasn’t happy. We saw some tapes. Marek moved really well. We needed another big guy at forward. Once in a while you get lucky.” Do you get calls from other coaches about players who don’t fit their system but might fit yours. “No. that would be rare. We get calls from high schools and AAU coaches, you never know.”

What if Marek got into foul trouble? “We could go to a three guard line-up. Braydon Bayer could help us. Adrian Autry has been with us for three years is a tough kid and knows our system. “

I later called in my question about Marek’s jump shot. I suggested that if he could hit jumps shots along with his other skills, he could be an All-American someday. That got an immediate response. “Hold, on Steve! He’s averaging 4 points a game”. Coach agreed that Marek could become a very good player if he could hit jumpers. There’s a big difference between making free throws and making threes. We keep track and Marek shoots in the teens from the arc in practice. He’s pretty good from 15 feet but it will take time to move out. It’s a different release. We’ve had to change his guide hand. He’s not comfortable shooting threes. For him to drive and dish is better than missing threes.” Actually, I was just thinking about making jump shots, not necessarily threes. But people think in terms of threes these days.

Gomez wondered what player had improved his shooting the most over his career. Surprisingly, Jim picked Lawrence Moten, who improved his range over his four years here. He also cited Demetris Nichols and even Lazarus Sims, “who made some big threes his senior year.” Gomez suggested john Wallace, who hit a famous three and, per JB, “Was pretty good but got better. But he was tremendous in the low post and with 15 foot jumpers.” I would have picked Dave Johnson, who couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn his first two years and then became a big threat from outside to compliment his athletic drives to the basket.

Frank Howard is “in his first year playing all the time and he’s gotten more comfortable he’s had 1 turnover in two games and is having a great year.”

Pat called in to ask about the “health and development” of Bourama Sidibie and if the players early in the BC game were too prone to being sucked in by the pass to the high post. On Bourama: “He’s a little better now. His timing’s off because he’s missed so much time. He’s not used to running and jumping. He’s not in game shape. He’s still not full strength but he’s getting to where he can help us. That’s what we’re hoping. He had his best practice in a long time today.

On the playing of the zone: “It’s a hard rotation. Whether the guards go down or stay up depends on how the players are positioned. We made a couple of mistakes. But it’s not that easy to make threes. We adjusted and the rotation got a bit better. But when the shoot threes they are not going to the basket and aren’t getting to the line. We can’t give both outside and inside. There’s a weakness in any defense. I think ours has less weaknesses than others. Then you’ve got to get the offense going. Last year’s team wasn’t ready on defense because we had four new players. This year Paschal has played a big part and the guards are bigger.”

Matt comment on the different starting times of our games: Notre Dame was 3:15, Virginia 8PM, Florida state 2PM, Pittsburgh 9PM, Boston College 7PM, Pitt 4Pm and Georgia Tech 8PM. Jim’s reply: “Times change….”

(Part 2 tomorrow)

Every one of my questions answered, good write up. And great news on Bourama. With Matthew out for awhile, maybe he gets moved up to a 10 minute cap if his creaky legs can handle it, and that would be welcomed.

Matthew can work on his arpeggios even more now.


Purdue was playing Michigan, (who they would beat 92-88). JB: “They are probably the hottest team in college basketball right now. They’ve won 15 straight. They have a lot of depth, (so I guess that’s important, right Jim?) and are very physical. They’ve got a senior big guy and a couple of really good guards. They are beating teams by a lot. They got beat twice in a tourney. One was against a good team, (Tennessee). The other was against a not so good team, (Western Kentucky). They’ve dominated since. Michigan has been a really good road team for a long time. John Beilein is a great coach.“ At one point during the second half, both teams were shooting 75% for the half. Michigan was at 60% for the game but down 7. “You can’t play much better than that.” Ohio State “is the surprise team of the country. They lost some games early but are now beating everybody.” (But not Penn state, who beat them 82-79.)

Terrance Mann of Florida State, who was injured against us, came back to score 30 on Georgia Tech. “He doesn’t shoot well but he gets to the basket….Miami and Louisville are two really good, athletic teams that played a great game. Louisville had won four close games in a row but if you have one close game after another, you are going to lose one. ….Virginia held Clemson to 36 points. They are really good. Duke has the most talented team. They have 4 guys who go in the first 10-12 places in the draft.” When was the last time Kentucky was unranked? “They have guys who were ranked 10th-15th-20th but no impact players. Duke has them now.”

Angel Delgado of Seton Hall is about to break Derrick Coleman’s Big East record for rebounds. He has 700 and Derrick had 700. “It’s amazing that the record has lasted that long. I think Lawrence Moten’s Big east scoring record is probably safe because he scored 18-19 a game for four years. Sherman Douglas’ single game record for assists of 22 was tied by Trae Young…. Trae Young is smart. He knows his team can’t with him making 9 of 30 shots. (Or 14 of 39.) He made big buckets and great plays. It’s hard to beat Kansas in that league.”

The SU Women’s team was playing Clemson. “They are 11-0 at home. They have a very very good Louisville team coming in.” Matt noted that the Orangewomen had doubled up Clemson 32-16, (They went on to win 81-56: #4 ranked Louisville will arrive on February 4th).

On picking sides for the NBA All-star game: “Anthony Davis would be my first choice.” Matt said that LeBron said it should be televised. JB: “The last guy picked would be very unhappy.” I heard on the radio this morning that Russell Westbrook was angry he was the last guy picked until a reporter pointed out that the list was alphabetical. “LeBron picked Kyrie. That surprised me. Chris Paul didn’t make it- there are too many great guards in the league. Paul George is probably the best all-around defender in the league. They should got to 13-14 players.”

On the NBA summit between the players and the refs: “I hope it will work out. In a 100 point game like you have in the NBA, individual calls don’t make as big a difference as in a college game where you are going to score 50-60 points. You have a better chance to overcome them. There’s also another game the next night. It used to be that you could say something to a ref but you can’t referee a game talking all the time.” Later he said “it used to be that if you even looked at a ref you got a technical.” Gomez noted a suggestion that the refs have to have a news conference after the game. JB: “It would make no difference. If they said that they were wrong, what could you do about it? You could call a play 8 different ways and it’s one of 100 close calls in a game. “

Greg Popovich will be taking over the Olympic team from Coach K. “he’s the best guy you could find. With a pro coach, some players might not like him but everybody loves Pop. His demeanor to reports is the same as Belichick’s they don’t like the press. At least I talk to them….Coaches should not be make to talk to reporters during games. pop doesn’t like it. I don’t even like to do halftime interviews but they make you do it. Coach K sends an assist out. Pop doesn’t do them at all. “

Will Jim be doing any more Olympics? “I’m good- 3 Olympics and 2 World Championships. 35 days for 7 consecutive summers. 58 straight wins. We hadn’t bene winning- we’d lost the Olympics and then got curhed here in the World Championships. “

The Jamaica bobsled team has a “Social Media Examiner” from Syracuse:
They selected her because they liked her posts on twitter. How would you liked to get paid for ‘examining’ social media?

Should they legalize gambling? “They’d make billions if they did it. If you want to make a bet, you can. The problem is that people who don’t have anything make bets. I don’t gamble. I play a little poker a few times. You’re not going to win. The people who think they can beat the system lose the most.”

On the baseball Hall of Fame selections: “They are all really good players. Guerrero, Jones and Thome should all have been first ballot Hall of Famers. Hoffman shows they are now ready to bring in the relievers. Rivera should be unanimous next year as the best ever.” Matt said that the dumbest thing in sports is that not voting for someone so it won’t be unanimous. Coach agreed: “To think that you wouldn’t vote for Hank Aaron but you’d voted for 10 other guys…If you did that you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. “ Bob Costas will get the Ford Frick Award. “He’s one of the top 4-5 broadcasters of all time.”

“The Yankees will hit a lot of home runs next year. They have a great bullpen. They have a really team if the starting pitching holds up.” A caller said he’d seen Jim and his kids at the ballpark when they were little some years back. Jim: “They like baseball”.

Tiger Woods shot a 72 in the first round of the tournament he’s in. Coach watched some of it. “He missed on a couple of drives or he would have been under 70. It will take 5-6 tournaments before he’s ready to win one again. “

Kevin Sumlin is being paid $10.4 million by Texas A&M as a buy-out and he already has another job. Now they are paying Jimbo Fisher 7.5 million a year. “Larry Brown once got paid $42 million form two jobs not to coach.”

Daniel Baldwin in his afternoon show, had said he was going to show up at Shaughnessy’s and ask Jim for the ‘real story’ behind the departure of Geno Thorpe. He never showed up, at least not when the show was on the air. I guess we’ll never hear the ‘real story’.
So if Marek got in foul trouble, Bayer and Autry would help us out in a 3 guard lineup? I think JB must have forgot someone again.

He was discussing what walk-ons could help us in a pinch. he certainly wasn't forgetting about Howard Washington.
It’s almost like a simultaneous two-footed kick or double clutch/kick there as well. Something like what Drexler did.
Better than your earlier response, but not much. I don't see a flaw in the position of his arms, his shooting motion (arms & hands), or his release. Maybe you and others are noting what Tyus does to pull-up off a drive, or step back, to create space from a defender. Lydon looked smoother, but he usually was spotting up, facing the basket, taking an open shot -- did not have the pull-up off a dribble, or the same quick step-back that Tyus does well.
Better than your earlier response, but not much. I don't see a flaw in the position of his arms, his shooting motion (arms & hands), or his release. Maybe you and others are noting what Tyus does to pull-up off a drive, or step back, to create space from a defender. Lydon looked smoother, but he usually was spotting up, facing the basket, taking an open shot -- did not have the pull-up off a dribble, or the same quick step-back that Tyus does well.

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