The Situation re Shafer is the Same as it was at 8 AM Today | Page 2 |

The Situation re Shafer is the Same as it was at 8 AM Today

richard levy said:
Terrell Buckley.

Are you suggesting we shouldn't kick the ball deep because Terrell Buckley returned a punt for a TD against us 26 years ago?

I'm starting to think maybe we shouldn't score toward the end of a half anymore or perhaps not score ever. At least not until they change the stupid rule that you have to kickoff to the other team when you score.

This board...

This coach...
ok thought that was where does blame fall??
Or Shafer for the play call in the first place? lol

A ball in the end zone comes out to the 25.

I can see trying to pin them inside the 15, but after last week's botched squib kick, I'd be afraid to try again.

Sometimes I think we overthink things.
Are you suggesting we shouldn't kick the ball deep because Terrell Buckley returned a punt for a TD against us 26 years ago?


Wow. I remember that. I was at the game. Buckley stood there for a 5 count, sizing up the defense. Then he took it to the house, untouched.
Shafer called the timeout to make sure they got the score. I get that. It was absolutely critical to get a TD at that point.

With 60 seconds to go, you have to hope your defense can keep the other team from driving the length of the field. Then Norton F's up the kick. And you could see Shafer reaming him a new one on the sideline. That was all on Norton, who has never been mistaken for Einstein.

The real culprits are the pathetic defense we put on the field. If Reed and Bullough got canned tomorrow, it would be none too soon. Spielman said over and over that your corners can't just let the FSU WRs run by them. They MUST get a lick on them within 5 yards. Obviously, Reed has never heard of that concept.
Hilarious. Call timeout at the end of the play clock then!

I can't imagine feeling compelled to defend something so obviously stupid
OrangeXtreme said:
Shafer wanted a squib. Norton hit a bad squib. I guess kicking the ball out of the back of the endzone is illegal at the end of a half now. :noidea:

It's semantics. He may call it a squib, but he wanted him to drive it. One of those low line drives that you see go to around the 10 and bounce around.
OrangeDW said:
If the squib is so effective, why not do it on every kick then? Why only before halftime?

The kick he called for has a lower possibility for a long return.
The kick he called for has a lower possibility for a long return.

And a much higher probability of giving them the ball at the 35+ It was a bonehead call in that spot, amplified even more because of the boneheaded TO call. And...he made a similar mistake last week.
The kick he called for has a lower possibility for a long return.

So why not do it every time?

The squib should only be used when there's not enough time for the offense to do anything and a long return is the only thing that can hurt you.

Clearly we left way too much time(because of the stupid timeout) for FSU against our defense, so we shouldn't have squibbed.

That whole sequence was amazing, in a bad way.
OrangeDW said:
So why not do it every time? The squib should only be used when there's not enough time for the offense to do anything and a long return is the only thing that can hurt you. Clearly we left way too much time(because of the stupid timeout) for FSU against our defense, so we shouldn't have squibbed. That whole sequence was amazing, in a bad way.

Exactly. I don't know why this is so hard to understand???? It's a play that should be used when there is :10 seconds or less. Not 1:00.
Jake said:
Exactly. I don't know why this is so hard to understand???? It's a play that should be used when there is :10 seconds or less. Not 1:00.

It's not hard to understand but some people need to be contrarians.

It was horrifically idiotic.
Shafer called the timeout to make sure they got the score. I get that. It was absolutely critical to get a TD at that point.

With 60 seconds to go, you have to hope your defense can keep the other team from driving the length of the field. Then Norton F's up the kick. And you could see Shafer reaming him a new one on the sideline. That was all on Norton, who has never been mistaken for Einstein.

The real culprits are the pathetic defense we put on the field. If Reed and Bullough got canned tomorrow, it would be none too soon. Spielman said over and over that your corners can't just let the FSU WRs run by them. They MUST get a lick on them within 5 yards. Obviously, Reed has never heard of that concept.

You don't need to "hope your defense can keep the other team from driving the length of the field." You have the ball, and the clock.

My issue with Shafer is that he seems to expect, and then make in game decisions based on, some of the least likely outcomes of any given situation.

- Last year, I remember him in a post game presser (which game is a little hazy right now) defending one of his decisions to punt on 4th and short from the opponents side of the 50 late in the game and down by 1 or 2 scores. His rationale was that you punt the ball there with the idea that the defense could force a turnover and give you a chance to score. Which is CLEARLY more likely than your offense gaining 2 or 3 yards on 4th down.
- This year. CMU. Timeout at the end of the game. Yes, our D was out of position...I saw it too. But their O was confused, they didn't have a play called, and time was going to run out. Take your chances on our sandlot D vs their sandlot O because our athletes are better than CMU's. Don't let them get an organized play in.
- UVA in overtime. The defense has not stopped UVA's offense AT ALL in the second half. The only reason we aren't getting blown out is Dungey and the offense scoring to keep us in the game. So in OT, when choosing to kick to tie or go for 2 to win, why put the game in the hands of the unit that is currently succeeding when you can ask the defense to do something they haven't done in 30 minutes of regulation plus one overtime?
- Pitt. Squib kick. It was a questionable call. I know lots of teams do it, but I don't understand why you expect it's more likely there will be kick return for a TD at the end of the half than on the opening KO, or midway through the 1st quarter, or any other time. Kick it deep, and execute the damn kickoff coverage. Why willingly give them extra yards they haven't had to earn, especially with the clock working against them?
- Today. 2nd and goal at the end of the half. I get wanting to make sure that you score. You also don't want the team that has been shredding your defense to have 50+ seconds left to return the favor. It's 2nd and goal with a minute left. No high school JV football coach in Wyoming would do what Shafer did today. It's almost impossible to run out of clock in that position, even running from a huddle. And if his presser comments are right, and the offense was gassed after a 4 play drive, then we have bigger issues than just his decision making.
- Today. Squib kick. You just got screwed by this decision last week by Pitt in almost identical circumstances. Why not try it again, clearly Pitt's offense was just more potent than FSU's.

These are just the examples I can come up with after 10 beers and a couple Maker's Marks. With each progressive decision this staff makes in games, I become more convinced that they are improving the talent but at the same time holding the talent back by making bad in game decisions.
OrangeinBoston said:
Totally reasonable. Norton was obviously told to kick the ball down the field and he Fd it up. What? You've never seen a college football coach bawl out a player? Oh...might hurt his little feelings and give him an inferiority complex, boo hoo...I know it was a long time ago, but Woody Hayes would hit people.

Haven't read this thread yet, but;

One crap call/execution does not define this game or HCSS as a coach. Not sure why you are trying to defend that in particular especially after what led up to it.

Sure, a coach can bawl out a player, but the coach can sure be open to take the same when they screw up.

It's not always a one sided thing
Scooch said:
It's not hard to understand but some people need to be contrarians. It was horrifically idiotic.

Who would that be? I didn't say it was good or bad. Just differentiating between a "squib" and a "squib" that is driven down the field. It's pretty obvious it was the wrong choice since it didn't work. But it wasn't suppose to be one of those 20 squibbers that never leave the ground.
Jake said:
Exactly. I don't know why this is so hard to understand???? It's a play that should be used when there is :10 seconds or less. Not 1:00.

Amen, plus it's not like our coverage has been bad
It's semantics. He may call it a squib, but he wanted him to drive it. One of those low line drives that you see go to around the 10 and bounce around.
Do the not practice this stuff? What.
Shafer called the timeout to make sure they got the score. I get that. It was absolutely critical to get a TD at that point.

With 60 seconds to go, you have to hope your defense can keep the other team from driving the length of the field. Then Norton F's up the kick. And you could see Shafer reaming him a new one on the sideline. That was all on Norton, who has never been mistaken for Einstein.

The real culprits are the pathetic defense we put on the field. If Reed and Bullough got canned tomorrow, it would be none too soon. Spielman said over and over that your corners can't just let the FSU WRs run by them. They MUST get a lick on them within 5 yards. Obviously, Reed has never heard of that concept.
Spielman and the other commentator were also vey confused ss to ehy Shafer called the time out. The seven points wouldn't have made a difference, but what a bonehead move.I see you have already formed your opinion. We were outmatched by FSU after watching their first touchdown.
Shafer wanted a squib.

Norton hit a bad squib.

I guess kicking the ball out of the back of the endzone is illegal at the end of a half now. :noidea:

at the end of the first half opposing KR's morph into Rocket Ismail and Desmond Howard
The squib before the end of a half is like the prevent defense. It sucks. Indefensible call as was the timeout. Our offense was gassed. That was the excuse for the timeout. Weak. I have always been a defender of HCSS but can't defend him anymore

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