This whole defensive secondary and coaches need to go | Page 6 |

This whole defensive secondary and coaches need to go

No what I'm saying is with our offense 30 points isnt going to be enough to win games. More times then not we will be out scored if we only score 30. we left a lot of points out there yesterday.we look at 400 yard games like that's a huge number it isn't. the pace of the offense we will get the ball more and we need to move the ball. 3and outs are death punches

You're still not really right. Some games, yes. A quick check of the scores yesterday will tell you that 30 would not win as many as you'd lose. Not many teams won scoring 30 or under.
You should know better than this. We are installing a system. You don't cheat what you are trying to do and sacrifice long term growth for short term success. If we did what you suggest, the guys next year would still not be all that familiar with the defense we want to run because they ran some kind of mutated version of it. Stay the path and stop crying.
He has a valid point and I see your point. But in the mean time we have recruits and fans watching. If there is any chance and getting more stops and looking better then the staff needs to take that into consideration and do what's best. Sure we can promise playing time but most players aren't going to want to get crushed week in and week out. Fans don't want to come out and spend money when they are going to watch a team get humiliated.
You're still not really right. Some games, yes. A quick check of the scores yesterday will tell you that 30 would not win as many as you'd lose. Not many teams won scoring 30 or under.
Well that is what I said so explain how I'm not really right. In years passed with a good shafer defense 30 would have won a lot of games. now when we can have a 3 and out and only take 20 seconds off the clock 30 doesn't win games.
He has a valid point and I see your point. But in the mean time we have recruits and fans watching. If there is any chance and getting more stops and looking better then the staff needs to take that into consideration and do what's best. Sure we can promise playing time but most players aren't going to want to get crushed week in and week out. Fans don't want to come out and spend money when they are going to watch a team get humiliated.
As a fan, I wasn't humiliated at all. I saw improvement and until we reach the point of not being able to score enough points given the time left, I always feel we're in it. And don't under sell the playing time.
As a fan, I wasn't humiliated at all. I saw improvement and until we reach the point of not being able to score enough points given the time left, I always feel we're in it. And don't under sell the playing time.
We are all diehards there is a difference between us and the casual homer. Su gets one shot at the casual fan you get blown out and they aren't coming back till next season.
And...we should have scored over 50, we dropped numerous passes too. Woulda shoulda coulda.

We definitely had our share of drops. Not sure I'd go as high as 50, but I agree we left points on the board. But overall, the offense definitely made a lot of plays. Based on the volume of passes we throw, we're always going to have at least a few drops.
We definitely had our share of drops. Not sure I'd go as high as 50, but I agree we left points on the board. But overall, the offense definitely made a lot of plays. Based on the volume of passes we throw, we're always going to have at least a few drops.
I for one say it would have been 50 but thats neither here or there. The main thing is seeing where we need to improve on. Yes less dropped ball, but I know I will get beat up on but I feel ED pulled the ball in and ran the ball to much. Yes, I sure he felt some pressure, but I feel he doesn't stay in the pocket long enough sometimes. Yes I do understand he may be one hit from end it but its not any different if he pulls it in and runs with it. I just felt he didn't give hit receivers time to run their route. But we all re going to point to the D, and rightly so, but until we get the quality players, which I believe we have some coming. "providing they sign with us. I think we did a fair job on a team that gets top quality player, 4*-5* guys year in and year out. I feel good about this team and the direction HCDB is taking them. I for one am hanging in there through the good and the bad, and and of course ,THE UGLY. lol GO SU
You should know better than this. We are installing a system. You don't cheat what you are trying to do and sacrifice long term growth for short term success. If we did what you suggest, the guys next year would still not be all that familiar with the defense we want to run because they ran some kind of mutated version of it. Stay the path and stop crying.

Not crying, its more of an art than a science. You can install the system and also incorporate wrinkles, more blitzing if we are going to be outmanned for a year or so. We are robotic on defense, flat footed and stationary pre snap. If you think this will work with better athletes, you're crazy. Not in college. Not in this age of college football.
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Not crying, its more of an art than a science. You can install the system and also incorporate wrinkles, more blitzing if we are going to be outmanned for a year or so. We are robotic on defense, flat footed and stationary pre snap. If you think this will work with better athletes, you're crazy. Not in college. Not in this age of college football.
I never said the athletes were the answer. Obviously that would help but my position at this time is that wee have a team full of guys learning new things and had only the spring and summer to learn them. On top of that we are very young.
Not crying, its more of an art than a science. You can install the system and also incorporate wrinkles, more blitzing if we are going to be outmanned for a year or so. We are robotic on defense, flat footed and stationary pre snap. If you think this will work with better athletes, you're crazy. Not in college. Not in this age of college football.

It will work with better athletes that the new coach, who you know, is five damn games in allows them to learn the scheme. Which has been pretty successful for him, 2-3 at this point seems pretty reasonable. Let the man get a couple classes of his players in. We actually did some creative blitzes as well.

I don't know why I even wander the football board, and this isn't directly at you. Just the post I chose to quote.

We as a fan base, absolutely need to support the players, coaching staff, and everyone in the athletic department, etc. Bashing the coaches, and players gets us nowhere closer to being a ranked team again. Especially after 5 games. In year three or four, yeah, go for it. Too many times coaches are thrown into the fire without even having a recruit of theirs hit their Senior, or fourth year.

This year probably won't be very fun at times. But, going through another year, or even two of pain for a future of success, sounds good to me.

Basically, sit back and relax. Watch this team grow, and if you want to help then get out to games if you can. At the very least, be positive towards a coach, and staff full of potential. Along with young players that can be great, who are either coming soon, or here already, and developing.

We will be back to the glory days. I truly feel that. My only worry is fans not supporting the program.

We need to show recruits why they should come play in the Dome, and that it will be rocking again. Not that it's barely half full, and people disrespect the staff, and players.
Cusefan78 said:
30 would have won more games with last years defense. Unfortunately 30 isn't enough with our new offense. Opposing offenses are going to get the ball back a lot more then if they were playing a slower offense.
People keep saying this but I don't feel like we're punting as much as we did the last two years. Maybe someone can pull that stat.
People keep saying this but I don't feel like we're punting as much as we did the last two years. Maybe someone can pull that stat.
Just the simple fact they are running plays so fast means the ball will change hands more it's not like we are having long sustaining drives. It's a quick strike or three and out.
Just the simple fact they are running plays so fast means the ball will change hands more it's not like we are having long sustaining drives. It's a quick strike or three and out.
But, I don't think it has actually resulted in more punts. We punted a LOT over the last two years. I think we had some games where we had more punts than first downs.
we scored 33. we missed 2 Fg and 2 XP , thats 41 and we didnt score from inside the 20 on one drive and dropped the TD pass on that drive. thats 48 and we dont have to improve the offense one play.
we scored 33. we missed 2 Fg and 2 XP , thats 41 and we didnt score from inside the 20 on one drive and dropped the TD pass on that drive. thats 48 and we dont have to improve the offense one play.

Ifs and Buts

We only missed 1 FG. If you give us that FG and the 1st missed XP it is 45-31 when we turned it over on downs. I don't think we kick the FG there so we don't deserve more points. If you give us points there then you need to take away the other 4th down TD to be fair. We should have had the 2nd XP to make it 48-38. ND then missed a FG so it should have been 51-38. With over a minute left and down 13 we likely try to score instead of running out the clock. So who knows what happens then.

Either way saying we should have had 48 is a stretch.
I like our safeties. Ellison and Williams have played well. We get Cordy back next year. Whitner has potential. I don't think the unit will be a weakness next year. CB though is a different story. Winfield is ok as a cover guy but he struggles in tackling and run support. Who knows what we see next year out of Dowels or Jones. Hudson has struggled in all aspects.

The DL should be much improved with older more experienced DEs and strong DTs. I think the LBs are a little on the weak side, but good enough.

If we can get mediocre play out of the CBs next year we could see vast improvement in the D.
so all of that puts us at 45 points. maybe ND plays out the end a bit different, but 45-48 means they need to play with a bit more on the line and not loosy goosey either.
so all of that puts us at 45 points. maybe ND plays out the end a bit different, but 45-48 means they need to play with a bit more on the line and not loosy goosey either.

How do you get 45? It would have been 38 with 1:15 left and the ball. Are you assuming a TD that last drive? Otherwise we score 38 points.
nope. i assume that most times Phillips doesnt drop simple TD passes in the end zone.
Season and a half.
Y'all are starting to pull a Shafer on Babers. I find this pathetic as hell. If y'all can't stick with it, then just say it and resign yourselves to mediocrity.
We have a great number of fans who weren't around for the bad years from 1969-1987, so they feel being bad from 2002-2016 is a long time. I remember from Jim Brown to the present, good and bad, have learned patience. Dino is going to be a good coach along the lines of Ben, and Mac, he came with a plan like they did, it takes a little time to bake a good cake.
Season and a half.
Y'all are starting to pull a Shafer on Babers. I find this pathetic as hell. If y'all can't stick with it, then just say it and resign yourselves to mediocrity.
I don't think that is true at all. Yes, there is the normal post game hyperbole, but the support for Dino and the staff is overwhelming. No worries on that score.
Small plus slow plus young plus new vs elite=loss
We have a great number of fans who weren't around for the bad years from 1969-1987, so they feel being bad from 2002-2016 is a long time. I remember from Jim Brown to the present, good and bad, have learned patience. Dino is going to be a good coach along the lines of Ben, and Mac, he came with a plan like they did, it takes a little time to bake a good cake.
marrone may have been had he stayed

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