200 days until fall practice. Let the countdown begin. | Syracusefan.com

200 days until fall practice. Let the countdown begin.


Iggy Award Czar/Co 2020-21 Iggy Award Winner PPG
Aug 14, 2011
Actually, if you want to be technical, the 15th is on a Monday and I thought they started it on the Friday closest to the 15th, so quite possibly it may start on 10/12.

Many people have already speculated regarding next years team. We are losing a lot but we are also returning a lot. Plus we have some stud recruits coming in and the door has not been closed yet. We might even have a new head coach. I don''t think so, but it's not far fetched to throw that out there.

Player I am most looking forward to next season: MCW. 2nd choice is a tie between Brandon Triche and Trevor Cooney. I've always been in Triche's corner and I really hope he is ready to explode. However, the success of the team will depend squarely on MCW. If he is as good as we think he is, then there is no reason that we can't have another 27+ wins, but that is still asking a lot. Overall, even if Nerlens comes here, the play of the guards is still the most important.

Lots of optimism also with Rak, CJ and JSIII. I would think all of them will see more minutes and based on what we think they could do, it will really come down to consistency. They guys were really our bench, and now they will be our starters, or at least play starter minutes.

Bottom line, we should be top ten or top fifteen at the worst preseason. Not bad considering all that we have lost off of a top two team. Lots of pieces that have to mesh, but should have a lot of hungry players ready for the challenge.

It's too bad that college basketball has such a long off season but it definitely is well worth waiting for.
Fantastic post.

Things I am looking forward to:
Watching MCW blossom into a really good pass first & facilitate the offense while doing all the small things that win games type player. Team is in good hands & he appears to be a very likable kid too. (The fact that he played "Aladdin" for his high school's musical is fantastic. He will shine when given the opportunity, in fact I've never been more convinced about a player's potential stardome, & if that means I am helping to create unfair expectations, then so be it.)

Having Cooney for (as many as) 4 years still. Love having a consistent 3 point shooter. Excited about his athleticism too. Opposing teams & their fan bases will hate this guy. Very excited to watch him play.

Being led by a senior guard who has started over 100 college games already in career, a period of time possibly unmatched in team history for number of victories. Such a steady, solid & hard working guy...the fact that Syracuse still values 4 year players like Triche to mix in with the super talented McDonalds AA types who leave early is part of what makes this team so much fun to root for.

Watching to see if, given the chance now to be "the man", Southerland steps up & becomes a star. His career path has shown steady improvement, and although it's taken a little longer than expected, maybe this is the year he nears realizing the vast potential his athletic tools indicate he possesses.

Seeing RAK play ball without thinking too much about positioning & getting pulled from game. Once the game "slows down" for him, watch out. Guy's got such broad shoulders...another year in weight room & he may be on his way to becoming a physical specimen.

DaJuan Coleman bringing a physical type of game & presence down low we haven't seen since A.O. Rooting for this (by all accounts) polite & thoughtful young man from our community while he attempts to help lead his local college team to success will invoke great pride for me, especially since he spurned the lure of Kentucky & promise of NBA riches to do so. (I will never get tired to watching Coleman reach for the Kentucky hat...and then smile & put on the SU hat at his signing event. Classic. As was the open thread for the event. Hilarious.)

Fair continuing to get better & better, while the attention (of media, fans) is everywhere but on him. A player willing to do the things he does (rebounding, mid-range game, can drive a bit, get to free throw line) is so valuable & key to success.

Grant bringing his big time athleticism, along with high bball IQ, similar to what his brother Jerian does for Notre Dame. (Jerian, only a sophmore at ND, has been called "arguably their best player" by Jay Bilas this year. And Jerami is 3 inches taller & seemingly more athletic. Gotta love kids that come from former NBA players families.) He may become a Dome favorite over the years.

More pictures of Baye Keita with his eyes bulging out after a teammate's big play. Can never have enough of those.

I'm thinking NIT for sure. At least. (lol) : )
Coooooooooooooooooooooney. Can't wait for that. :D

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