I'm a fair weather San Francisco fan, so I hadn't watched the Warriors much until they acquired Jimmy Butler. Since he is apparently a big star (superstar???), I wanted to see how he helped the Warriors who were having lots of trouble keeping their record above 500. I vaguely remember watching him play against SU way back in the BEC (he is one of the few active links back to those days).
Its been interesting. If I didn't know anything, and didn't listen to the announcers, it would have taken me a long time to realize that he is a star, because he is not the focus of the team, he doesn't generate huge stats, and just doesn't stand out. What I have come to realize, watching him the last 4 games, is that he is simply good at everything: shooting, handle, awareness, poise, toughness, getting a basket when the team needs it, and making teammates better. He also has a lot of Judah Mintz in his ability to drive and draw fouls and he is a very good FT shooter. I don't like that he pushes off defenders with his off arm, but this is just accepted in the NBA today and many do it. Anyways, interesting to see that he has made the Warriors much, much better.
Just today, I saw that he is getting $48 million a year from the Warriors - wow!!!!