With the new ACC and TV money there can be no excuse for not building a state of the art Indoor Coin Toss Facility (ICTF for short). .We can't compete in the ACC unless we invest in an indoor coin toss facility.
and there you have it kids, the secret to Winning Football...
'the coin toss.'
once that's over, we can all go home.
nothing to see anymore.
A tie...Hope the kids enjoy some time away. It is well deserved.
Here is what I'd focus on this week if I were Dino ...
The Coin Toss:
0-for-8? That is embarrassing and it has arguably cost us 2 wins, maybe 3. Odds of this happening is 1-in-256 BTW.
I blame S.Shafer for poor recruiting and pray that we are red-shirting a sabremetrically-focused freshman equipped with a good fake I.D. with a propensity to arrive early and leave late from Faegan's Flip Night (does that still exist? ... I sure as hope so).