Right. So there is something to beating an opponent 50-7, no matter how crappy they are. If there is something to be lost by a poor performance, a good one is something gained.
This is a fair point and I think most would acknowledge that we've put together some atrocious performances vs. FCS teams in the past. So there's that.
I'd also acknowledge that northeast fans are pessimistic and hard to please and that Syracuse fans in general aren't a terribly rabid group as a whole.
And finally 580 yards is 580 yards. It's a good thing.
But I'll give a bunch of fans credit for three things:
1) I think a lot of fans on here are smart enough to recognize that CCSU had no chance and that we face an incredibly loaded schedule for much of the rest of the season.
2) sometimes I feel like folks also get a bit sensitive to critique at times. I mean at least from what I've read the criticism has mostly centered on the running game as a whole and to a slightly lesser extent the RB personnel. Much of the other criticism falls in the category of 'things to clean up' which is a typical week 1 discussion.
And I know what Press Conference Babers said about 8 in the box etc, but if you were talking to Candid Babers -- as in the two of you were boys, having a beer and grilling up some hoffman's dogs today -- he'd admit that the running game as a whole is nowhere close to where he'd like it to be. At least not the version of it we saw Friday night.
3) we face a massive, massive task in terms of truly becoming relevant nationally and the last 15 seasons or so have been brutal. I don't think it's crazy to be a bit gun shy about diving in head first.
I don't know -- we're not the greatest fan base but at least most of the discussion here seems fairly rational and analytic as opposed to reactionary and overly harsh. Just my humble opinion.