A crazy suggestion for #16 if ND joins | Syracusefan.com

A crazy suggestion for #16 if ND joins


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
Wait for it ... Vanderbilt!

What the hell is Vandy doing in the SEC? They have ACC written all over them. Good road trip to Nashville which has a population of 1.5 million in their MSA. Who doesn't like the Commodores? Added bonus? One less relevant FB program to recruit against in the northeast.
Being (I think) the only Nashville resident on this board I can say I would totally love this for selfish reasons.

That being said why would they ever leave the SEC? Unless they were kicked out of the SEC I don't see it happening as much as I would LOVE IT!
If they want a change of scenery and to stop being the only school with academic standards in the SEC, I say do it.

Doesn't seem like that's the case though.
Actually did a proposal for conference expansion last year in a sport finance class. We were the ACC and took Pitt, SU, UConn, and Vandy. Teacher told us every single one of them was unrealistic. Brought it up to him today and he wasn't happy.
They have a excellent academic reputation and are a smaller private school. As much as they get their butts kicked every year I don't see them leaving the SEC. Atlantic Coast Conference uhh yeah not in the central time zone...
Wait for it ... Vanderbilt!

What the hell is Vandy doing in the SEC? They have ACC written all over them. Good road trip to Nashville which has a population of 1.5 million in their MSA. Who doesn't like the Commodores? Added bonus? One less relevant FB program to recruit against in the northeast.


thanks for the input.

we are going to have to demote you all the way to the rivals board.

1 more outburst and its the syracuse.com board.
For those of you who are neglecting bball and only focus on fball, take TCU. Better them than Rutgers. (I like Vandy but don't see why they would leave their conference nor what they would add to ACC)
Dude nobody is leaving the SEC, B1G, or Pac-12. Vanderbilt isn't joining the ACC its a paycut. Start on the premise NO SCHOOL is going to make a jump that decreases their payout from their new conference. The 16th team will be a Big East school. The ACC is going to sit still till Notre Dame is forced to join a conference, and once ND makes it decision the ACC will either add ND and UConn/or/Rutgers or I believe remain a 14 team conference till they are forced to expand to 16.
I agree that Vandy would seem to be a better fit with similiar institutions in the ACC, but:
  1. I'm not sure that they view themselves the same way
  2. They won't leave for the paycut as mentioned several times
  3. If they did leave, that would create (another) opening in the SEC, increasing the chances that we could lose Florida State, VPI, etc. from our new conference.
For those of you who are neglecting bball and only focus on fball, take TCU. Better them than Rutgers. (I like Vandy but don't see why they would leave their conference nor what they would add to ACC)
I really don't see the ACC reaching into Texas for any school other than Texas. I think that's the only way they compromise the Atlantic footprint; that or ND.
I really don't see the ACC reaching into Texas for any school other than Texas. I think that's the only way they compromise the Atlantic footprint; that or ND.
I agree it is a long shot but it is more likely than Vandy. I refuse to eliminate thinking of any possibilities - no matter how remote - even including Vandy - so that I have many options to cling to in order to prevent having the thought of Rutgers in the ACC invading my mind, even if they are fantasies that only serve to humor me.
Holding out for the hope of U-Texas and/or ND is fine even though not likely; but if neither of those happens, I need a fallback option that does not include Rutgers. UConn is OK but there must be someone out there more likely than Texas or ND to push the Rutgers option further down the list of probabilites.

thanks for the input.

we are going to have to demote you all the way to the rivals board.

1 more outburst and its the syracuse.com board.
The Rivals board is actually better now than the tumbleweeds that drift across the At their request, this network is being blocked from this site. board.

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