A hypothetical question re: Boeheim, Hopkins and a "Plan B" | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

A hypothetical question re: Boeheim, Hopkins and a "Plan B"

If TGD is still AD in this hypothetical scenario, I believe he will want a name coach. I think TGD viewed Hop as a special case, but won't have that same feeling for GMac.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Boeheim will be around longer than TGD.

And the coaches of non-revenue sports at SU are well-compensated. No specific numbers are public, but the ones I've heard would shock most of this board. The ACC $ should go to facilities and to adding staff in sports medicine and other support (nutritionist, sports psychologist)
I am fine w Hop taking over because he is such a good recruiter and a high energy guy. But from a pure coaching perspective, look at the play of our forwards the last few yrs, look at the play of our guards the last few yrs, look at the play of our centers...who has done the best job bringing the young kids up at the position they are responsible for ......Red, Gmac or Hop?.....I have a feeling Gmac is going to make a great HC some day, prob Red too!

I hope people realize that Mike Hopkins coached SU's guards including GMAC until November of 2011. He also recruited and coached GMAC and played with Autry now also assistant coaches at SU. He's helped develop Jason Hart, Allen Griffin now also coaches. It's sad that people underestimate the incredible impact he's had and continues to have within SU's program and on these players careers.Who do people think identified and recruited Ennis too? GMac and Autry are doing great jobs but along with JB, Mike has been the one constant in the program through 18 years coaching here and 5 years as a player. He's 43 years old and for 23 years he's been here at SU - thank heavens.
I hope people realize that Mike Hopkins coached SU's guards including GMAC until November of 2011. He also recruited and coached GMAC and played with Autry now also assistant coaches at SU. He's helped develop Jason Hart, Allen Griffin now also coaches. It's sad that people underestimate the incredible impact he's had and continues to have within SU's program and on these players careers.Who do people think identified and recruited Ennis too? GMac and Autry are doing great jobs but along with JB, Mike has been the one constant in the program through 18 years coaching here and 5 years as a player. He's 43 years old and for 23 years he's been here at SU - thank heavens.

Cherie, yep. That is why we need to make sure he doesn't leave. He is our succession plan...
I loathe pittsburgh with the burning hatred of 1000 suns. But in the scenario you've outlined--if Mike Hopkins moves on and JB finally retires without Hop being his replacement--then I'd prefer us to go outside the program and bring in a big name coach.

Sean Miller is the guy who I think would be the best fit. He's in a great situation, but might have an interest in moving closer to home [PA].
I loathe pittsburgh with the burning hatred of 1000 suns. But in the scenario you've outlined--if Mike Hopkins moves on and JB finally retires without Hop being his replacement--then I'd prefer us to go outside the program and bring in a big name coach.

Sean Miller is the guy who I think would be the best fit. He's in a great situation, but might have an interest in moving closer to home [PA].

I'd rather shot myself...
Because the athletic department is self funding. And, DG wants us to be competitive in all sports, not just BB and FB. Plus, it's in the University's best interest to not negotiate against itself. Should JB make a stink about salary, I would think the University would just As likely say no as to say yes. He is already the highest paid University employee..

We are competitive in our non-revenue sports right now. To listen to some on these boards, TGD has already overpaid certain olympic sports coaches in terms of market value.

JB is extremely underpaid based upon market value and what we know of his salary. And he certainly has been a "good soldier".

Again, if JB doesn't get to between 2.25 and 2.5 million then it will have more to do with JB than TGD not wanting to pay him what he's worth.

We are competitive in our non-revenue sports right now. To listen to some on these boards, TGD has already overpaid certain olympic sports coaches in terms of market value.

JB is extremely underpaid based upon market value and what we know of his salary. And he certainly has been a "good soldier".

Again, if JB doesn't get to between 2.25 and 2.5 million then it will have more to do with JB than TGD not wanting to pay him what he's worth.


Just letting TGD know that whoever he wants to hire, that I'll do it for 10% less. ;)
We are competitive in our non-revenue sports right now. To listen to some on these boards, TGD has already overpaid certain olympic sports coaches in terms of market value.

JB is extremely underpaid based upon market value and what we know of his salary. And he certainly has been a "good soldier".

Again, if JB doesn't get to between 2.25 and 2.5 million then it will have more to do with JB than TGD not wanting to pay him what he's worth.


Agree 100%. JB could undoubtedly command more salary if he was insistent about getting paid top dollar. Quite a bit of it has to do with the cost of living in Syracuse being relatively low, Boeheim being well compensated / comfortable for the area, and also that he isn't intent upon squeezing as much as he can from the University due to him getting significant money / revenue from other sources [Nike].

I don't view what we pay JB as our "cap." I view it as JB giving his alma mater a bit of a hometown discount, due to the fact that he is incredibly well paid in a fairly low cost area, and money just isn't that important to him like it is to some other coaches. If we had to conduct a job search to replace JB, there is no doubt in my mind that we'd exceed JB's salary to attract a high major free agent coach.
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My view hasn't changed since the USC rumors last season, if Hop leaves then throw money Jay Wright.
I don't think JB sticks around until age 77
OttosBestFriend said:
So let's say Jimmy B. decides he wants to stick around longer than expected, kick some ACC tail, hit 1,100+ wins and go for another NCAA title or (hopefully) two titles. And let's say, Hopkins gets tired of waiting and finally takes on a head coaching position - that we all know he deserves - elsewhere. In that future scenario where Jimmy finally wants to retire in (just guessing here) 2021 and Hop is locked in elsewhere, do you think Boeheim has or will have a "plan B" replacement coach in Autry or GMac? I'd like to think Jimmy wants one of his guys that he knows/trusts running the program he's spent his entire life building. Especially since the identity of the program and it's players is so tied together with him. I mean, in 2013, you could say "zone " or "long athletes" to most - if not all - college basketball fans and they'll immediately say "Syracuse." If I'm being honest, I'd hate to just go after the hot "flavor of the month" coach at that time if only because I really like what we have with respect to our identity/style of play and, selfishly, don't wanna change it. That said, I hope there's a plan B. Thoughts???

GMAC may develop into a very good coach, but Cuse fans won't like him. He's a quiet soft spoken individual (with DEEP passion ) and that won't fly with this mass of locals and alums.

No one better than Hop on the road. Literally. He is the guy that every kid will see and he spends a ton of time watching networking the aau ball world.


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