ACC Comments on Notre Dame and Catholic 7: |

ACC Comments on Notre Dame and Catholic 7:


All Conference
Aug 26, 2011
Yes we were a bit surprised at the speed of Catholic 7 leaving the BE...but we (Swofford) indicates that ACC ready now to take Notre Dame whatever time they leave the BE:
From the News-Record:

The last sentence from Swofford is telling:
“We’re ready to accept them whenever they can make that transition, whether it’s sooner or later.”
Now lets play out the Dude, MHver3, Atomic Noodle, Swaim and the WVU board...wonder where their information comes from.....
The Big 10 is trying to figure out how to throw back Maryland, and Rutgers before they sink the ship.
I don't read anything into it at all other than what he says.
The question is how this will impact Oklahoma's move.
As previously discussed on the stealth side, we are not to discuss over here because we now know we are being monotored by non 'Cuse followers. But since you have brought up this terriic point, it certainly fits with the newest prognostication from one of the WVU boys--TUXEDO YODA who now is claiming that FOX is willing to pay what is required to bring UCF and USF into the Big 12--because and get this--FSU is not going to the Big 12 (a contradiction of Dude and MHver3--neither of which has had dinner with their source or family member in quite some time)
As previously discussed on the stealth side, we are not to discuss over here because we now know we are being monotored by non 'Cuse followers. But since you have brought up this terriic point, it certainly fits with the newest prognostication from one of the WVU boys--TUXEDO YODA who now is claiming that FOX is willing to pay what is required to bring UCF and USF into the Big 12--because and get this--FSU is not going to the Big 12 (a contradiction of Dude and MHver3--neither of which has had dinner with their source or family member in quite some time)[/quote]

Fox could have had the whole Big East which includes USF,UCF for $20 million, so now they are going to pay the Big XII $40 million for only 2 of the members of the Big East. Tuxedoyoda is smoking crack.
Yes we were a bit surprised at the speed of Catholic 7 leaving the BE...but we (Swofford) indicates that ACC ready now to take Notre Dame whatever time they leave the BE:
From the News-Record:

The last sentence from Swofford is telling:
“We’re ready to accept them whenever they can make that transition, whether it’s sooner or later.”
Now lets play out the Dude, MHver3, Atomic Noodle, Swaim and the WVU board...wonder where their information comes from.....

Arb, Here are some comments from Jack Swarbrick today. He thinks Notre Dame can leave without penalty from the Big East. His concern right now is "Who is the Big East? and Who is Notre Dame withdrawing from?" I don't know the Big East bylaws, but he apparently thinks that Notre Dame can get out. Of course, if they can get out then the ACC will take Notre Dame.

Just to add, Mark Blaudschun has reported that there are a majority of the C7 that don't want ND in the C7. They want a clean break, don't want a temporary situation, or don't want to have the distraction of ND in there for a year.
Arb, Here are some comments from Jack Swarbrick today. He thinks Notre Dame can leave without penalty from the Big East. His concern right now is "Who is the Big East? and Who is Notre Dame withdrawing from?" I don't know the Big East bylaws, but he apparently thinks that Notre Dame can get out. Of course, if they can get out then the ACC will take Notre Dame.
Good find ( a bit dated...but note that Notre Dame does not feel it owes an exit we have a scenario where Notre Dame believes it can get out of the BE without penalty and the ACC is all we need is to put this together...hey ESPN a little help here for your Big 5 conference over your whatever it has become conference. This is beginning to come together a year earlier than is hoping!
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The Tuxedo Junction blogger lost me when he suggested that Florida & Vanderbilt would leave the SEC for the B1G. UF's not going anywhere.
Yes we were a bit surprised at the speed of Catholic 7 leaving the BE...but we (Swofford) indicates that ACC ready now to take Notre Dame whatever time they leave the BE:
From the News-Record:

The last sentence from Swofford is telling:
“We’re ready to accept them whenever they can make that transition, whether it’s sooner or later.”
Now lets play out the Dude, MHver3, Atomic Noodle, Swaim and the WVU board...wonder where their information comes from.....
Thanks arbit! You've been putting a lot out this past month and its kept all of us informed as to the happenings behind closed doors. Greatly appreciated!
The Big 10 is trying to figure out how to throw back Maryland, and Rutgers before they sink the ship.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Maryland in the end not going anywhere.

If they can't exit for less than the $50 million, and the Big Ten gets some cold feet, I could see it breaking down.

And you also have to consider Oklahoma's impending move.
The Tuxedo Junction blogger lost me when he suggested that Florida & Vanderbilt would leave the SEC for the B1G. UF's not going anywhere.

Nor is Vandy, they are the academic giant in a land of academic midgets (in comparison to the Pac, ACC and B1G) and get well paid for being an annual punching bag for 8 SEC teams.
Sadly, the USF and UCF to the Big 12 starts to make sense with OU headed for the B1G. That leaves one more slot and the B1G has been all eyes on Kansas...
Sadly, the USF and UCF to the Big 12 starts to make sense with OU headed for the B1G. That leaves one more slot and the B1G has been all eyes on Kansas...

That's what my sources tell me as well. All very much in the preliminary stages.
As previously discussed on the stealth side, we are not to discuss over here because we now know we are being monotored by non 'Cuse followers. But since you have brought up this terriic point, it certainly fits with the newest prognostication from one of the WVU boys--TUXEDO YODA who now is claiming that FOX is willing to pay what is required to bring UCF and USF into the Big 12--because and get this--FSU is not going to the Big 12 (a contradiction of Dude and MHver3--neither of which has had dinner with their source or family member in quite some time)

I do think that the B12 will invite USF. When? Who knows. But they have to try to get someone, and they're not going to get anyone from the B1G, the ACC, the SEC, or the PAC12. The B12 options are very limited.
Yes we were a bit surprised at the speed of Catholic 7 leaving the BE...but we (Swofford) indicates that ACC ready now to take Notre Dame whatever time they leave the BE:
From the News-Record:

The last sentence from Swofford is telling:
“We’re ready to accept them whenever they can make that transition, whether it’s sooner or later.”

Why is that "telling"? Let's see. ND is in the BE. They have been accepted into the ACC (hoops) and have accepted the ACC's offer to join. If they leave the BE "early", they will not only pay the BE exit fee, but also a premium depending on when they leave. The head of the ACC says they will take them if they can leave early (before the 27 mos. waiting period) or they don't. And that somehow is "telling".
Notre Dame is part of the basketball schools so they get out free or none of the C7 do, if they don't they can own both conferences, they can easily get an injunction against both sides and destroy Foxes bid for the C7. Swarbrick said we're willing to listen if they talk to us, but believe he isn't going to let them walk alone. He might say there is no lawsuit planned, but if necessary they will.
Why is that "telling"? Let's see. ND is in the BE. They have been accepted into the ACC (hoops) and have accepted the ACC's offer to join. If they leave the BE "early", they will not only pay the BE exit fee, but also a premium depending on when they leave. The head of the ACC says they will take them if they can leave early (before the 27 mos. waiting period) or they don't. And that somehow is "telling".
It comes down to which side of the BE that ND is "truly" part of - they don't play football in conference, so it appears they are on the BB side. If that is the case:
  1. they've given their notice that they're leaving
  2. they are now obligated to continue playing in conference for 27 months
  3. during that time, the C7 is going to split off
  4. ND, assuming they are a hoops school, would be part of that split, meaning they fulfill their obligation against the C7
  5. the C7 apparently doesn't want them
  6. to get rid of them, they'll have to kick them out (i.e., no exit fee or time committment)
Scenario #2 - ND is aligned with the football schools. They do have some sort of bowl arrangement, so a case could be made:
  1. they've given their notice that they're leaving
  2. they are now obligated to continue playing in conference for 27 months
  3. during that time, the C7 is going to split off
  4. ND, assuming they are not part of the C7 split, would fulfill their obligation against the Sun Beast. However:

  1. that obligation involves no football games (or whatever is in the "agreement" that they haven't upheld anyway) and allows ND to take bowl games from the remaining teams. The Beast gets some name recognition by playing the Irish in hoops and Olympic sports, but all of the publicity and prestige go to ND if they are successful on its way out (time that could be spent building the brand of member schools). If there is no financial incentive, it may not be worth having them and have to divide their $19.99 TV contract even further.
  2. If the Sun Beast relinquishes the BE name, etc. to the C7 and reconstitutes itself as an all-sport conference (plus Navy?), ND may not be required to join that group under their new system.
  3. Their obligation would transfer to the C7
  4. See # 5 and 6 above
It comes down to which side of the BE that ND is "truly" part of - they don't play football in conference, so it appears they are on the BB side. If that is the case:
  1. they've given their notice that they're leaving
  2. they are now obligated to continue playing in conference for 27 months
  3. during that time, the C7 is going to split off
  4. ND, assuming they are a hoops school, would be part of that split, meaning they fulfill their obligation against the C7
  5. the C7 apparently doesn't want them
  6. to get rid of them, they'll have to kick them out (i.e., no exit fee or time committment)
Scenario #2 - ND is aligned with the football schools. They do have some sort of bowl arrangement, so a case could be made:
  1. they've given their notice that they're leaving
  2. they are now obligated to continue playing in conference for 27 months
  3. during that time, the C7 is going to split off
  4. ND, assuming they are not part of the C7 split, would fulfill their obligation against the Sun Beast. However:
  1. that obligation involves no football games (or whatever is in the "agreement" that they haven't upheld anyway) and allows ND to take bowl games from the remaining teams. The Beast gets some name recognition by playing the Irish in hoops and Olympic sports, but all of the publicity and prestige go to ND if they are successful on its way out (time that could be spent building the brand of member schools). If there is no financial incentive, it may not be worth having them and have to divide their $19.99 TV contract even further.
  2. If the Sun Beast relinquishes the BE name, etc. to the C7 and reconstitutes itself as an all-sport conference (plus Navy?), ND may not be required to join that group under their new system.
  3. Their obligation would transfer to the C7
  4. See # 5 and 6 above
My question was about this:

The last sentence from Swofford is telling:
“We’re ready to accept them whenever they can make that transition, whether it’s sooner or later.”

You wrote a lot of ideas but not sure they pertain to why what Swofford said there is "telling". What is "telling" about "We’re ready to accept them whenever they can make that transition, whether it’s sooner or later"

...given they will need to pay their way out of the BE sooner or later.

My question was about this:

You wrote a lot of ideas but not sure they pertain to why what Swofford said there is "telling". What is "telling" about "We’re ready to accept them whenever they can make that transition, whether it’s sooner or later"

...given they will need to pay their way out of the BE sooner or later.
As I have been told, Notre Dame will not pay to leave in '13-'14 if the Catholic 7 leave...the contract Notre Dame has as a non football playing school gives strong reason to believe that it can exit this July if it so chooses. The agreement with the ACC was for '14-15 because of football scheduling; however, the ACC can take Notre Dame now--although it will cause some real work to develop new DRAFT scheduling for bball and other sports that is already underway. It never was about Notre Dame paying the BE $$$ to c'mon ACC open your arms and take Notre Dame now!
Notre Dame is part of the basketball schools so they get out free or none of the C7 do, if they don't they can own both conferences, they can easily get an injunction against both sides and destroy Foxes bid for the C7. Swarbrick said we're willing to listen if they talk to us, but believe he isn't going to let them walk alone. He might say there is no lawsuit planned, but if necessary they will.

Notre Dame is expecting to walk without paying. They essentially are saying there is no Big East anymore.
Notre Dame is expecting to walk without paying. They essentially are saying there is no Big East anymore.

When Syracuse left, that is what we were saying. Everyone is finally realizing it and the C7 leaving will make it fact.

Please observe a moment of silence to our dearly departed friend that has been our madness these 30+ years. The BEAST is dead, long live the Beast.
As I have been told, Notre Dame will not pay to leave in '13-'14 if the Catholic 7 leave...the contract Notre Dame has as a non football playing school gives strong reason to believe that it can exit this July if it so chooses. The agreement with the ACC was for '14-15 because of football scheduling; however, the ACC can take Notre Dame now--although it will cause some real work to develop new DRAFT scheduling for bball and other sports that is already underway. It never was about Notre Dame paying the BE $$$ to c'mon ACC open your arms and take Notre Dame now!
Swofford says they will take ND when they want to join. '"We’re ready to accept them whenever they can make that transition, whether it’s sooner or later"

That's what he said. That's what I would have expected him to say. Seems pretty standard to me. Absolutely nothing surprising or insightful to it at all.

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