ACC Network problems... | Page 2 |

ACC Network problems...

+1 you hit the nails on the head.

The underbelly of the ACC has WAY MORE potential than the underbelly for the Big XII. The WVU fans can be proud of the Big XII as much as they want with merit, but the trashing of the ACC is not helping them one bit. The Big XII is a ticking a timebomb, and eventually it will blow up. The ACC will need another school eventually and declaring war on the ACC when they are a good future candidate does them no good. If they would just about the ACC and let it go then maybe they would be a future candidate for ACC expansion.

I do not believe that there is any scenario in which WVU will be offered an ACC invite. First off, UNC, UVA, and, Duke, are 100 percent dead set against them. All it would take is one more vote to block them. And, I believe that more than one other school would give them the thumb's down.

Right now I think UConn has a better chance of being in the ACC than WVU and its all because of their online fanbase acting like crazy scorned ex-lovers of the ACC.

Right now, UConn's online fanbase is just as butthurt as WVU's ever was. Just read their board. They cannot wait to negatively comment about anything related to the league. You know, I had altered my POV on UConn slightly, until I read the BS that they say about the league on their board on a daily basis. Now, I hope they rot right where they are for all eternity.
@Lou_C I pity you man that thread is ridiculous. Basically WVU logic is either accept everything we say as fact or your an idiot. WVU fans think the FSU/FSU Administration have a fiduciary duty to WVU and the Big XII rather than to FSU. They fail to even discuss the NCAA credits the ACC will be able to generate with SU, Duke, UNC, UL anchoring the conference, they will to discuss the ACC digital network that has sponsorships and is growing. Conferences can generate revenue in ways outside of media rights deals. I agree a majority comes from media rights, but these people are insane and basically want to brainwash every FSU fan/non-ACC fan into thinking they are right and the administrators, president's, lawyer's, BOTs of other schools are morons.

Also, WORST case scenario say the non-Texas Big XII schools make 30 million a year with TV rights and 3rd tier rights and the ACC generates 18-22 million a year that the ACC schools won't be able to pay coaches salaries, facilities, or budgets. Note I doubt the gap would ever get this large, but to shut them up they don't get the ACC will be making good money. There are other ways to generate revenue like selling tickets, donations, boosters. These WVU people are truly insane and have flipped me from a person who liked WVU and wished them well only 2 years ago into F their stupidity mode. They act like that extra 5-8 million dollars goes into their coffers. Last time I checked universities don't have profit sharing with their fanbases, but by the WVU fanbase's behavior they may think otherwise.
Right now, UConn's online fanbase is just as butthurt as WVU's ever was. Just read their board. They cannot wait to negatively comment about anything related to the league. You know, I had altered my POV on UConn slightly, until I read the BS that they say about the league on their board on a daily basis. Now, I hope they rot right where they are for all eternity.

Their board is slightly better than wvu. But my how those clowns hate the ACC but would sacrifice their left nut for uconn to actually be in the ACC. Their hatred of literally all things Syracuse is hilarious.

I love that Syracuse advocated for Louisville. It just feeds their anger.

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Their board is slightly better than wvu. But my how those clowns hate the ACC but would sacrifice their left nut for uconn to actually be in the ACC. Their hatred of literally all things Syracuse is hilarious.

I love that Syracuse advocated for Louisville. It just feeds their anger.

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Their board is better than WVU I believe as well, but I lost respect for ZLS44 on this board and if he comes on here he won't get the benefit of the doubt from me anymore for that post he made. He comes on here and tries to act buddy-buddy and then pulls that crap. They called @TexanMark a two-face a couple months ago and he is one of the classiest posters on any board and ZLS pulls that two-face crap here and there.
Their board is slightly better than wvu. But my how those clowns hate the ACC but would sacrifice their left nut for uconn to actually be in the ACC.

Thats my take on them, too. Knowing how much they actually WANT to be here, and, yet aren't, makes me laugh at them.

Their hatred of literally all things Syracuse is hilarious.

Its comical, actually. But, if the roles were completel reversed, their attitudes would be, too.

I love that Syracuse advocated for Louisville. It just feeds their anger.

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And, the funny posts on their board, too...LOL.
Their board is better than WVU I believe as well, but I lost respect for ZLS44 on this board and if he comes on here he won't get the benefit of the doubt from me anymore for that post he made. He comes on here and tries to act buddy-buddy and then pulls that crap. They called @TexanMark a two-face a couple months ago and he is one of the classiest posters on any board and ZLS pulls that two-face crap here and there.

The thing that makes me laugh the most is that they're not close to being as over the top PO'ed as WVU was. But, it still comes through loud and clear.
And, the funny posts on their board, too...LOL.
They have a right to be upset, but they should realize being bitter is only a stage. 5 stages of grief 1. Denial 2. Anger 3.Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance. I think until the UConn fans go thru the 5 stages they will be hard to have discussions with.
They have a right to be upset, but they should realize being bitter is only a stage. 5 stages of grief 1. Denial 2. Anger 3.Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance. I think until the UConn fans go thru the 5 stages they will be hard to have discussions with.

Though listed as stages initially, the commonly accepted viewpoint now is that we drift from one to other and back again day to day.

If one looks at it like that, one can make sense of the Boneyard. From anger, to denial, to depression, to bargaining, back to denial all in one thread.

Ha, thanks. I was at the forefront of the reallignment story on some FSU message boards, including beating the drum for the Big 12 for awhile. Or more specifically, for considering the Big 12. One year ago I was definitely playing the devil's advocate for a move to the Big 12. By June, I was already moving off that and saying FSU should step away. As a reallignment junkie, that WVU board was/is ground central for rumors and news.

I still find myself checking in. There are a lot of obnoxious folks there, but some decent folks too. I can't blame most of them for their world view, although I blame some of them for the way they express it. I don't try to pick apart their world view, they're welcome to it, but I do occasionally try to bring some rational thought. There are some obnoxious ACC and FSU folks on there too that talk more smack than facts, and I try to offset that.

I actually got to know the Dude a bit, and I like him as a person, he just got in over his head. He threw himself in over his head maybe is more accurate.

I'm in a minority in that I'd still like to see WVU in the ACC. They are a different breed for sure, but we don't have a whole lot of that passion and enthusiasm in the ACC right now.

As for this ACC Network/Raycom thing, it's not as if this is a surprise. Everyone that follows the ACC contracts like myself knows exactly what is involved, including the sublicensed games to Fox, so it's not like ACC/ESPN folks are caught by surprise. It's an issue, but it's certainly not a landmine that was just discovered.

There are two key points:

1) Raycom Sports exists as an entity only at the wishes of the ACC. That's not debatable, Raycom is on the record on that. They can fight tooth and nail to enforce their current agreement, and disband in 2027. Or they can play ball, and be a player in perpetuity. Will giving up this contract hurt their bottom line? Might they have to go from say 50 employees to 30 employees? Who knows. But it's hard to imagine that they would sign their 2027 death warrant. That even precludes the long cooperative history and the fact that they "owe" the ACC their current existence. They will not exist in 15 years.

2) The deal with Raycom is not actually between the ACC and Raycom. It's between ESPN and Raycom. ESPN subleases the content. So ESPN isn't a third party trying to buy rights it doesn't have, like with the SEC, they are trying to get back rights they subleased. I would imagine there are terms and procedures built in to all ESPN agreements for ESPN doing so. I have no idea if the penalties are high, but they are surely there, it's not like this kind of thing never happens when you are talking about 10-15 year contracts. And even if the costs to break the contract are very nasty and expensive, if ESPN breaks the contract, Raycom is dead. Gone. They don't even make it to 2027 in that case.

So Raycom has every incentive to play ball and be part of the future. Now that's not to say there aren't some interesting issues at stake. It's hard to imagine that Raycom stations would still have live OTA ACC content on their family of stations, that might go away. Or maybe they retain rights to something like the ACC tournament like they have now, which would never end up on the ACC network anyway. More likely, I imagine they get cut into the deal by handling the digital part as they do now, and perhaps being paid by ESPN to produce a certain amount of content for an ACC network. They have a fully built out sports production, marketing and digital arm, and I could see a situation where the SEC can leverage that to reduce startup costs.

There are some things to work out, and as everyone acknowledges, it will take a few years, but everyone should pretty much be on the same page.

I've read some of your posts on the WVU board, and TXBeerme has an incredibly difficult time understanding why no ACC school looks at the Big XII as more attractive than the ACC in any way. He's a lost cause. WVU is making more money than they ever did in the Big East, but the glamor of the Big XII will wear off after travelling out there over a long period of time. As the guy at Mr. SEC noted, after all this realignment of the Big 5 conferences, most are still organized logically geographically with the exception of WVU being the only fly over school that has to fly over 2 other conferences (SEC/B1G) to get to theirs. The current configuration of the Big XII isn't sustainable long term for that reason. I too would accept WVU into the ACC. Their passion is impressive. Right now they are behaving like a woman scorned, but I think they would be a contributor in the ACC. They still have delusions about getting into the SEC though.

And you are correct in that the incestuous relationship between the ACC and Raycom will work in the favor of both in getting a channel done. The same people who run Raycom created the bowl game in Charlotte and helped make the ACC football championship game successful in Charlotte. They have also been broadcasting ACC basketball for decades. Raycom will work with the ACC and ESPN to get this done.

One thing I'm not so sure about and disagree with the Sports Business article is that the Syndicated Broadcast network and the ACC Channel can't coexist. I don't know that the ACC wants to pull the plug totally on Broadcast Television. Raycom has built a syndicated broadcast network that reaches 50 million viewers nationwide. I'm not sure that this is bad thing. The content today is basketball and football. I expect the ACC Cable Channel to just add more content that was headed the ESPN3 direction. This includes lacrosse, baseball, soccer, etc. I also read somewhere that the ACC was looking to regionalize the ACC Channel as well. This was a different approach than the other conference channels. I tend to think that the ACC and ESPN have already taken into account the current Raycom model in their Channel Plans and that this doom and gloom is overstated.
Right now, UConn's online fanbase is just as butthurt as WVU's ever was. Just read their board. They cannot wait to negatively comment about anything related to the league. You know, I had altered my POV on UConn slightly, until I read the BS that they say about the league on their board on a daily basis. Now, I hope they rot right where they are for all eternity.

Yes, but I can understand their frustration. They are just as angry with ESPN as they are with the ACC. There are level headed posters on the UConn board that realize that the conference realignment moves recently have all been about football. UConn has only been playing FBS football for about a decade, and they have done very well in that short a timeframe. But, others have been playing longer, built more tradition, and with that a history that is more attractive to the ACC or Big Ten than UConn. Although the Big Ten threw that logic out the window when they invited Rutgers.

It has to be frustrating to accept that with all the basketball success UConn has had they have been passed over. It's because the contest is about football. I will say this, UConn should feel better about their position now than say Villanova or UMass. Schools like these are in a really tough spot for staying relevant on the national stage where had they made some decisions differently 15 years ago, they could be in a better spot today.
Yes, but I can understand their frustration. They are just as angry with ESPN as they are with the ACC. There are level headed posters on the UConn board that realize that the conference realignment moves recently have all been about football. UConn has only been playing FBS football for about a decade, and they have done very well in that short a timeframe. But, others have been playing longer, built more tradition, and with that a history that is more attractive to the ACC or Big Ten than UConn. Although the Big Ten threw that logic out the window when they invited Rutgers.

I understand that they're frustrated, but, at some point, you have to get over it, and move on. They haven't done that. Instead, they continue to b--ch and complain. About both. Their anger with us, I can totally see. But, I find their griping about ESPN to be petty. ESPN is under no obligation whatsoever to assure their athletic department's future is secure. For them to think otherwise is ridiculous.

Important folks here in ACC country ARE paying attention to what is going on, and, what is said. Same as they are with WVU. WVU's fans poisoned the well against them. UConn's look like they're headed down the same road. That has to stop.

That said, they could be a good add in the future, provided they get their football improved. If they'd had Cincinnati's record over the past six seasons, they'd be in the ACC now.

It has to be frustrating to accept that with all the basketball success UConn has had they have been passed over. It's because the contest is about football. I will say this, UConn should feel better about their position now than say Villanova or UMass. Schools like these are in a really tough spot for staying relevant on the national stage where had they made some decisions differently 15 years ago, they could be in a better spot today.

ACC realignment moves have been about football from the time the league invited FSU to join. Same with Miami, VPI, and, BC. Same with Syracuse and Pitt. Basketball has never, ever been the driving force. With the possible exceptions of the basketball-centric nut cases at UNC and Duke. The folks at UConn certainly had to notice that, but, they didn't act to prioritise the sport. And, its bitten them in the backside over and over. If they ever got FB going, even I would probably be more enthusiastic about them in the future. And, thats saying something. ;)
Hey now who can't love the horrible Steve Martin and Doc Walker duo commentating football games. I agree though about Raycom preempting CBS games during basketball season and when I want to watch a good SEC game on CBS and missing the beginning for a blowout ACC game. I had to go to Columbia, SC to watch the SU-Louisville game on CBS this past year, and have missed numerous good games because Raycom shoves ACC down your throats.

The local affiliate, WBTV channel 3 in Charlotte this past year starting showing those mentioned CBS games on their second tier channel, digital 3-2 over the air. I watched a few games, including the SU vs. L'ville in the Dome. As long as you have a digital antenna to pick up the over the air broadcast, you were good as gold. I believe I posted this during the season in one of the threads. For years though, I've travelled to Gaffney, SC, only 45 minutes south on I-85 from the 90 minute trek on I-77 south to that arm pit, aka...Columbia, SC. :)
Why can't this be done? If not the ACC directly, ESPN could also assimiliate Raycom to form whatever parts fit the format of the startup network.

Since ESPN has already locked in the profit from the sale of the rights, it really doesn't make sense for them to buy Raycom Sports for a higher price than what they were paid, in other words, at a loss. It would make sense for the ACC to buy Raycom Sports to spped up a possible ACC Network, but I don't see how a group of universities could/would buy a private company. Plus, in the long run, it makes financial sense for the ACC to cut Raycom out of the long term economics of an ACC Network.
Since ESPN has already locked in the profit from the sale of the rights, it really doesn't make sense for them to buy Raycom Sports for a higher price than what they were paid, in other words, at a loss. It would make sense for the ACC to buy Raycom Sports to spped up a possible ACC Network, but I don't see how a group of universities could/would buy a private company. Plus, in the long run, it makes financial sense for the ACC to cut Raycom out of the long term economics of an ACC Network.
Try telling that to Ninja Swofford.

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