ACC/timetable for Hopkins |

ACC/timetable for Hopkins


2nd String
Aug 30, 2011
You have to wonder what time frame was written up to keep Hopkins on board if JB says he will be around to see SU transition to the ACC. Or was it just the salary increase that was enough to keep Hop content? The way this is moving, he's going to be a head coach when he turns 50.
I have to think How wishes he took the Charlotte job at this point. He would be two years in and jb is still here.
You have to wonder what time frame was written up to keep Hopkins on board if JB says he will be around to see SU transition to the ACC. Or was it just the salary increase that was enough to keep Hop content? The way this is moving, he's going to be a head coach when he turns 50.

I can't imagine there was a timetable "written up". If there were it would be known by now. That's not the kind of thing you can keep a lid on forever. And if Hop isn't content, then maybe he should go see whether life is greener over there, whereever there is...
I have to think How wishes he took the Charlotte job at this point. He would be two years in and jb is still here.

I'm not sure about that. He could be happy making $200K or whatever it is and being in a place he and his family like. He can make that money go a long way in Central New York. Most guys in Hop's position would have left a long time ago. He hasn't so he must have reasons why.
Hop takes a huge risk if he leaves. If he goes to a mid major and doesn't get near immediate great results no guarantee he gets the SU helm when it opens or any other big job in a BCS league. This way its just a matter of time. If he's waited this long, might as well wait a few more years it won't be that long.
Actually, being in the ACC will be very good for him. More exposure to more coaches, players and AD's. His stock will continue to rise.
I have to think How wishes he took the Charlotte job at this point. He would be two years in and jb is still here.
I dont get the sense that Hopkins regrets any of his decisions up to this point.
He is doing well financially. Could he do better financially if he left? Yep, at least in the short term. He has already been tabbed as Boeheim's successor. If he left, that might be thrown out the window. So you have to ask the question, why risk leaving and screwing up his future at SU? Syracuse is his dream job, he is an alum, he will be making over a million/year... his retirement is basically planned out for him. LIFE IS GOOD.
He's got a great gig and is in line to get one of the bets coaching jobs in college bball with no head coaching experiance. He's making good money especially for the area of the country he lives in. I would have a hard time giving that up and frankly no matter how confident I was in my ability to coach, once JB finally stepped down and I got the gig I'd be stressed as h#ll.
Hop can really leave at the end of any season he wants to depending on what HC jobs are available , he is building a new house in town for he and his familiy, I really doubt the guy is going anywhere unless something big opens up for him. I don't see Hop taking a career killer at this point but I would say the odds of him leaving have increased over the last few years but I still say he stays to be the next HC
Before there was Hop, we had a man named Louis Orr who everyone thought might be the next successor. His coaching career didnt go as planned. Or ask the (at the time) next Duke coach Johnny Dawkins. Who has a 49-48 career record at Stanford If he is named today as the next Duke HC, the Duke fans would protest.

Because of that, Hop ain't goin nowhere.
I'm not sure about that. He could be happy making $200K or whatever it is and being in a place he and his family like. He can make that money go a long way in Central New York. Most guys in Hop's position would have left a long time ago. He hasn't so he must have reasons why.

I've got to think it's much more than that - more like $400 0r 500K - Hop is the lifeblood of the program when it comes to recruiting.
I've got to think it's much more than that - more like $400 0r 500K - Hop is the lifeblood of the program when it comes to recruiting.
If he is making 400K and living in Syracuse, there would be no reason for him to ever move.
I heard a long time ago it was over $500M per year, I think he lives here real good on that kind of money, not to mention his wife's family (Grand Parents) are here as well lots of rea$on$ for Hop to stay in $yracuse
Sunshine !!!

I dunno. I moved for sunshine, but $400k would have made my decision much, much tougher! But short-term anyway, he'd end up making much more than that. Long term? Who knows how it would end-up......and that's exactly why he should take the bird in the hand and stay.

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