Adjustment... |


Coach Orange

2nd String
May 19, 2012
For those who say that JB never makes coaching adjustments, we scored 40 points in the first half today in large part because of a simple tweak. The player at the top of the key (often MCW) would pass to the wing (our usual "2" or "3" plays), and then screen away (a down screen in this case) for the other wing. This simple motion offense principle--one that we don't often use in our base plays--got us several good looks in the first half (largely because we executed the fundamentals well), many of which were for Southerland.

Based on how Pitt adjusted to that in the second half, I thought we could have made another tweak when our offense faltered. Pitt started switching that screen, which cut down the looks James got. We could have cleared the big from that side of the floor as the screen was set, and then slipped the screener to the hoop.

We also could have passed the ball to the screener on the perimeter and let him take his man off the dribble. This would be Southerland's man trying to guard MCW--that is a match-up that we should have been able to exploit.

Ultimately, we did make an adjustment, though--we started going to Fair off of the "53" baseline screen.
we were also running plays for CJ today. They did this a couple times before when CJ was hot and always worked. We used to do the same thing with Melo all the time. Wouldn't mind seeing that some more too.
Thanks coach! I always read your posts about five times to try and grasp the concept of what you are talking about.

Appreciate the insight from someone who knows the x's and o's!
Thanks coach! I always read your posts about five times to try and grasp the concept of what you are talking about.

Appreciate the insight from someone who knows the x's and o's!

You're welcome--I try to keep it as simple as I can. :)
Such great offensive execution in the first half. Loved the adjustment, thought that it worked especially well because Southerland played with such focus. Optimistic that we'll see something similar tomorrow.

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