After attending last night's game can somebody tell Mr. Excitement less is better |

After attending last night's game can somebody tell Mr. Excitement less is better


Living Legend
Aug 28, 2011
I thought we played well last night, but we play to the level of our opponent. I honestly could care less about pounding teams as long we win I am happy. However, the PA guy annoyed the crap out of me. Everytime he could talk he would always said WAY more than was necessary. Like rebound and score for Jerami Grant, or deuce for the Cuse. I get he wants to be like the MSG PA guy who gives the score to the crowd after baskets, but this guy was really annoying. I mean if he wants to be a PbP guy then stop being a Professor and look for a PbP job. Some of my friends had him as a Professor in Falk school, but this guy is really annoying. I think somebody at the Dome should put him on a word diet. You can't say more than 1000 words or something. I mean you should never notice the PA guy unless they want glory and this guy Mr. Excitement is antithesis of being unnoticeable.

End of rant.
I don't understand why he feels the need to give the score. The University has invested a lot of money in really great scoreboards. Is there anyone in the house that can't see the score if they can't keep it in their heads and want to know it?
I thought we played well last night, but we play to the level of our opponent. I honestly could care less about pounding teams as long we win I am happy. However, the PA guy annoyed the crap out of me. Everytime he could talk he would always said WAY more than was necessary. Like rebound and score for Jerami Grant, or deuce for the Cuse. I get he wants to be like the MSG PA guy who gives the score to the crowd after baskets, but this guy was really annoying. I mean if he wants to be a PbP guy then stop being a Professor and look for a PbP job. Some of my friends had him as a Professor in Falk school, but this guy is really annoying. I think somebody at the Dome should put him on a word diet. You can't say more than 1000 words or something. I mean you should never notice the PA guy unless they want glory and this guy Mr. Excitement is antithesis of being unnoticeable.

End of rant.

Carl Eilenberg was 10x better. Mr. Excitement talks way too much - my biggest pet peeve is when he gives player stats during starting lineups.
There was one game I attended this season (N. Carolina, I believe), that Mike was not there and the gentleman that does the PA for the women's games handled the duties. He was very good and I remarked at the time that he should do for the men's games going forward.
The rule with being a PA announcer is if people are talking about you it means you're doing it wrong

EXCEPT for NY Yankees legend, Bob Sheppard.

Everyone talked about him and EVERYONE did/does an impression of him.

Even today, four years after he passed away, people still do Bob Sheppard impressions when playing Whiffle ball, stickball or softball in the park.

That guy was simply amazing.
First, off I agree with everyone we don't need the score updates. He is doing that just to hear his voice more. Second, I agree completely with eao1115 the introductions were terrible. Who cares we won the Maui Invitational is EA Sports paying him to mention EA Sports in the introductions. Somebody needs to tell him LESS IS BETTER. I mean please stop talking I can't take all the pointless stuff just so you can hear yourself talk.
Some can make the argument that it's worth giving the score when there's a tie or lead change (I don't agree).

There's never a reason to give the score in a cheerleaderish way when the lead hasn't changed, though.
EXCEPT for NY Yankees legend, Bob Sheppard.

Everyone talked about him and EVERYONE did/does an impression of him.

Even today, four years after he passed away, people still do Bob Sheppard impressions when playing Whiffle ball, stickball or softball in the park.

That guy was simply amazing.
I completely agree about Sheppard. But he became a legend based on his longevity and his brevity. No schtick. He just said the number,name, number.
Who cares we won the Maui Invitational is EA Sports paying him to mention EA Sports in the introductions.

100% agree on that, as well. If you want to give us a shout-out for winning a preseason tourney in our first home game back from it, sure that's fine. But in February?! Stop. Talking. So. Much.
There was one game I attended this season (N. Carolina, I believe), that Mike was not there and the gentleman that does the PA for the women's games handled the duties. He was very good and I remarked at the time that he should do for the men's games going forward.
Thats the guy that does the PA for FM high school football and basketball. Yes he is good.
IMO, Mr. E's there for the noobs (you, know, the bandwagonners). And, yes, he's looking to get the crowd to cheer (sometimes that Dome can be way too quiet) - but maybe that's his charter? OK, it could be his ego I suppose.

One personal gripe from yesterday: "Deuce for the cuse" (like it or not) used to be reserved for two free throws, and in the second half. There's a new graphic so maybe they wanted to try it out. But they picked the wrong time.

So is Mr E worse than the "who's the loudest" Lets.Go.S.U. chant?
Eilenberg: "6'10"...... Center.... ALONNNNNNNNZO MOURNNNNNNING." <I get goosebumps from being so pumped>

How Mr. Excitement would say it: "6'10" Center from such and such high school averaging X points, X rebounds, X blocks per game, his hobbies include X and NBA execs project him to be drafted here, from this specific street address in <city, state>, ladies and gentleman, Alonzo Mourning!!! <I fall asleep>
Eilenberg: "6'10"... Center... ALONNNNNNNNZO MOURNNNNNNING." <I get goosebumps from being so pumped>

How Mr. Excitement would say it: "6'10" Center from such and such high school averaging X points, X rebounds, X blocks per game, his hobbies include X and NBA execs project him to be drafted here, from this specific street address in <city, state>, ladies and gentleman, Alonzo Mourning!!! <I fall asleep>

You missed one: "for Georgetown."

Even though it's clearly Georgetown's starting lineup, he introduces most players by repeating the team.

The over-enthusiasm is irritating, but let's be serious - the vast majority of us would break out the fanboy routine if we were fortunate enough to have that job. Can't criticize him for that.

But I am critical of the fact that he doesn't seem to self-critique. So much of what he says is superfluous, and he's not good enough to recognize that. And in the athletic department whose motto could well be "Why strive for perfection when we can settle for adequacy?" everyone's content to let Veley do his thing. (Except when he crosses the line and Boeheim flips out.)

Also, beginning with the Pittsburgh game, Veley started introducing Jerami as from Bowie, Maryland. Previously (and in print), he'd been from Hyattsville. Dunno why this changed, but Bowie's kind of hood and I rather doubt the Grants live there.
Listen I don't like to criticize anybody if I don't have too, but the PA situation at the Dome was SO BAD I had to comment on it. Mr. Excitement Mike Veley needs to SAY LESS and not make himself noticeable. I don't care about anything else. He should put himself on a word diet. Its a joke how much craps he says this NOT NECESSARY and actually makes the game experience worse off because of IMO his need to feel useful. I don't want to know the referees names or the PA guy/gal's name. If I do they are terrible. Sheppard didn't seek the glory that dude along with Vin Scully could read the phone book and make it interesting, Mr. Excitement would add a lot of mumbo jumbo and make you wish you could mute him.
Coachs/ Player Introductions : Name/height/Position/Hometown and 2 minute warning that's enough info for me, and the 2 minute warning is self explanatory.
EXCEPT for NY Yankees legend, Bob Sheppard.

Everyone talked about him and EVERYONE did/does an impression of him.

Even today, four years after he passed away, people still do Bob Sheppard impressions when playing Whiffle ball, stickball or softball in the park.

That guy was simply amazing.
And all that is because he embodied the minimalist approach better than anyone.
It's funny, at the start of the Duke game I was thinking to myself "who is this awful PA announcer and why is he going on and on". I used to really like Carl Eilenberg who was there for years. He had a great voice and announced just the right amount of information.
youre all preaching to the choir on this one. i have made probably 10 posts during my time here on my displeasure of our P.A announcer. less is more indeed. everytime i hear "thunder from down under!" or "shooting a deuce for the cuse" a small part of me dies. at this rate ill be dead within 5 years
OttosBestFriend said:
EXCEPT for NY Yankees legend, Bob Sheppard. Everyone talked about him and EVERYONE did/does an impression of him. Even today, four years after he passed away, people still do Bob Sheppard impressions when playing Whiffle ball, stickball or softball in the park. That guy was simply amazing.
He still introduces one Yankee I believe
He's still around after Boeheim's reprimand?! MSG guy would say the score but wouldn't say the other team. Just something like, "Syracuse leads 55-50." That's fine. Nothing more. Gotta get rid of this douche somehow.

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