Announcement Sunday |

Announcement Sunday

I read somewhere earlier today that SU and Pitt inclusion had already been voted on and was farther along then just asking to be invited to the party.
That is incredibly fast if true. Though I have to think that SU told the ACC that the only way they would do this is if it was already done so as not to be subjected to a repeat of 2003.
That is incredibly fast if true. Though I have to think that SU told the ACC that the only way they would do this is if it was already done so as not to be subjected to a repeat of 2003.

I would think so to and if it is true then everything else at this point is just a matter of announcing it
I read and heard that the only way a school fills out an application is IF its already a yes vote. That no conference would have a school fill out an application then reject them.

Also been doing some reading and I guess Swofford hates UCONN with a passion. UCONN sued the ACC in 2003 when BC left (which I totally forgot about to be honest) and this guy has never forgave them. So UCONN will NOT be in the ACC in any way shape or form.
That is incredibly fast if true. Though I have to think that SU told the ACC that the only way they would do this is if it was already done so as not to be subjected to a repeat of 2003.

Best point made all day about how sure of a thing this is...
That is incredibly fast if true. Though I have to think that SU told the ACC that the only way they would do this is if it was already done so as not to be subjected to a repeat of 2003.

It is in the exact spot it was in 2003. Now if only the politicians will stay out of the way.
So UCONN will NOT be in the ACC in any way shape or form.

I disagree. I am in sports law, and a number of well placed people I've spoken to have stated that UConn already has a conditional offer from the ACC.
I disagree. I am in sports law, and a number of well placed people I've spoken to have stated that UConn already has a conditional offer from the ACC.

Good Luck with that!
Here's the problem... If FSU/VT both bolt for the SEC, then the ACC arguably is not any better in football than the BE w/ Kansas/TCU/KState.

You can say that the ACC hodge-podge with Syracuse is better than the alternative but, believe me, people outside the ACC are going to put 2+2 together. How long before the ACC's BCS status is called into question?
I read and heard that the only way a school fills out an application is IF its already a yes vote. That no conference would have a school fill out an application then reject them.

Also been doing some reading and I guess Swofford hates UCONN with a passion. UCONN sued the ACC in 2003 when BC left (which I totally forgot about to be honest) and this guy has never forgave them. So UCONN will NOT be in the ACC in any way shape or form.

UConn did not sue the ACC. The suit was brought on behalf of the state by publicity-crazed Attorney General (now Senator) Richard Blumenthal who would sue a ladybug if it would get him publicity.
I disagree. I am in sports law, and a number of well placed people I've spoken to have stated that UConn already has a conditional offer from the ACC.
I took sports law, but that has nothing to do with the fact the ACC isn't going to expand to 16 unless its Texas and Notre Dame as indies in football and members in everything else. What are the provisions in this conditional offer for UConn. in fact if the ACC would poach another BE team now it would be 1. WVU 2. Louisville 3. then UConn 4. Rutgers.
I took sports law, but that has nothing to do with the fact the ACC isn't going to expand to 16 unless its Texas and Notre Dame as indies in football and members in everything else. What are the provisions in this conditional offer for UConn. in fact if the ACC would poach another BE team now it would be 1. WVU 2. Louisville 3. then UConn 4. Rutgers.
Yes, I would love to see WVU included. I think they would be a great fit with us and Pitt.
Here's the problem... If FSU/VT both bolt for the SEC, then the ACC arguably is not any better in football than the BE w/ Kansas/TCU/KState.

You can say that the ACC hodge-podge with Syracuse is better than the alternative but, believe me, people outside the ACC are going to put 2+2 together. How long before the ACC's BCS status is called into question?
At $20 mill exit fee, VT and FSU are going no place
Here's the problem... If FSU/VT both bolt for the SEC, then the ACC arguably is not any better in football than the BE w/ Kansas/TCU/KState.

You can say that the ACC hodge-podge with Syracuse is better than the alternative but, believe me, people outside the ACC are going to put 2+2 together. How long before the ACC's BCS status is called into question?

Prediction: The nation is apparently heading towards four 16-team super conferences -- ostensibly the PAC16, Big 10 (whatever it will be called), SEC and ACC. There will be a lot of continual shuffling among random Big 12, Big East and some other teams (CUSA, MWC, Big West, etc) until these conferences are filled. My guess is that WVU and UConn (and maybe RU and Louisville) will wind up somewhere. Also, Notre Dame.
You can say that the ACC hodge-podge with Syracuse is better than the alternative

If the ACC would be a hodge podge, what the heck do you call the BE?
Prediction: The nation is apparently heading towards four 16-team super conferences -- ostensibly the PAC16, Big 10 (whatever it will be called), SEC and ACC. There will be a lot of continual shuffling among random Big 12, Big East and some other teams (CUSA, MWC, Big West, etc) until these conferences are filled. My guess is that WVU and UConn (and maybe RU and Louisville) will wind up somewhere. Also, Notre Dame.

Agreed. If this pans out, our ship has come in and we need to get on, take a seat and sit down and see where it takes us. Also agree that WVU, UConn and Buttgers will be there someplace too.
Prediction: The nation is apparently heading towards four 16-team super conferences .

That (or 5x16) has been true for over a decade.
That (or 5x16) has been true for over a decade.

Maybe even 5 x 14?

SU and Pitt to ACC as full members. Texas and ND as partial members, but remain Indy for football.

A&M and WV to SEC.

UConn and Rutgers to BiG.

Texas Tech, Baylor, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Missouri, Kansas, KState, Iowa State, TCU, Cinci, Louisville, USF make the new Big12.

Pac12, Sec14, BiG14, Big12, ACC14/16. Accounts for all current 68 BCS teams. With room for some expansion.

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