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Co 2020 Cali Winner, Rcd/Rcpts/TD Rcpts (5)/TFL
Aug 15, 2011
D-Nic vs. Witchita St. blown lay-up feeling when Fair went up for that tough shot in the final seconds?
Not me. The steal and fast break happened so fast that I hardly had time to think about it. But when it looked like the ball didn't go down I had a momentary What moment, reassured only by the SU players' celebration. I would like to see a close-up of the goal tend.
I thought Ennis held onto the ball too long; didn't want a foul followed with him having to make two ft's.
The ball was undoubtedly in the process of making a trip around the rim but it was ultimately going down and the interference with the net made it pop out from over the cylinder. My momentary panic was that it wouldn't be called interference.

The level of panic and anxiety in these recent games simply cannot be at a higher level. Anyone who claims they haven't entertained the notion that we were destined to lose those games is either not being truthful or need to get their medication reduced somewhat.

With the way things were going during yesterday's game I was pretty much sold that we were watching a February What game in progress. To come away with a win is euphoric. Wow! just Wow!.
Yes, but only because CJ had been having such a bad night. He was missing everything that he's usually money on. My first thought was that with his momentum he'd bank it too hard. But it was definitely going in before it got knocked out. Money.
I thought he would either dunk it or get fouled. That's not an easy layup to convert. I was actually impressed and very happy that it went in.
The ball was undoubtedly in the process of making a trip around the rim but it was ultimately going down and the interference with the net made it pop out from over the cylinder. My momentary panic was that it wouldn't be called interference.

The level of panic and anxiety in these recent games simply cannot be at a higher level. Anyone who claims they haven't entertained the notion that we were destined to lose those games is either not being truthful or need to get their medication reduced somewhat.

With the way things were going during yesterday's game I was pretty much sold that we were watching a February What game in progress. To come away with a win is euphoric. Wow! just Wow!.
Ya know, I am usually a "ok how we gonna moof this up?" but, actually the last two games, I've been thinking. "OK how we gonna do it now". That being said I was amazed how both games unfolded.
A point I never see made is, our opponents, when in a close game vs. us, they have to be feeling like there is no room for error, almost like a 6 on 5 feeling. They are feeling the stress way more than our team.
Yes, but only because CJ had been having such a bad night. He was missing everything that he's usually money on. My first thought was that with his momentum he'd bank it too hard. But it was definitely going in before it got knocked out. Money.
That's where I was too.
No. The DNich-TRob-Mookie Watkins days are long gone.
That being said, I've though this year, how T-Rob would have looked with this group. I bet we wouldn't recognize him.

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