Arnold Palmer has passed away |

Arnold Palmer has passed away


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Aug 16, 2011
Wow. A great person and golfer. RIP.
Such a wonderful man, absolutely terrible news.

RIP to a true gentleman, incredible golfer and savvy businessman.

I think I should go drink an "Arnold Palmer" now.
The King. Just as successful off the course as on the course. RIP.
He worked for PaineWebber for years when I worked there in the 1980's. Hosted our Senior Tour event and I got to see him in action up close many times - even got to play nine holes with him.

His hands were huge. When I shook hands with him I couldn't grip his whole hand - felt like a little kid.

I was always amazed how he treated everyone and I mean everyone. Couple of examples. I was outside Quail Hollow CC in the parking lot waiting for one of my customers when I saw a group of people waiting by a red Cadillac, which I knew had to be Palmer's.(he owned a dealership). Palmer came out after having finished his round and completing his host responsibilities, smiled at everyone and signed what must have been fifty autographs - did not leave until everyone had one.

While I thought that was pretty awesome, that was not the end. We went back to the then named Palmer House Hotel and decided to have dinner there. We get seated two across from Palmer and his manager who were having a quiet dinner. Three different people interrupted him for autographs and he graciously signed each.

I played in that Pro-Am five years and he was always the same - was always amazed at his patience and graciousness. A remarkable person.

There will not be another like him.

RIP King.
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So very sorry to hear this. What a terrible day of loss in the world of sports this has been.

Some of my first memories of golf were watching Arnie and Jack and Gary on TV with my father and uncle on Sundays. He was a true cultural icon. It won't seem the same without him. RIP, Arnie.
Golf channel and ESPN2 with some great tributes.
I am ready for 2016 to be over already, this year sucks.
What a lousy day in sports!

Arnie looked like a movie star playing a golfer but was one of the greatest golfer's ever. he was also a pioneer in using sports fame to create a business empire and a major force in charitable giving. He was the first athlete to become a superstar pitchman. he also seems to have been aobut the nicest guy in sports. I have literally never heard anybody say anything bad about him, (although Ben Hogan didn't seem to like him: I don't think Ben liked anybody).
He, Nicklaus, and Player owned the '60s - 17 Major wins between them.

Damn, we've lost way too many greats this year.
Not many people have a drink named after them.
And not many people invent that drink.

I think the ones Arnie and his friends had often had a third ingredient. :cool:

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