You don't think Hunt had the opportunity to demonstrate his scrambling ability in practice? My point about Lester's scoring system is that it's largely subjective - what categories get scored, and how points are assigned and weighted are his personal construct. I'm reminded when McNabb was a freshman and locked neck-and-neck in a battle with Kevin Johnson, Kevin Rogers and Coach Mac obviously saw the intangibles #5 brought to the field. In some ways, Allen reminds me of Perry Patterson - a big, strong QB who could throw the ball through the side of a building, and probably possessed great "footwork". But let's just say they both had other shortcomings that wouldn't show up on a scoring sheet. I'm not trying to be critical of Lester or Wilson (or Patterson), just pointing out that the "scoring system" is imperfect. However, I will say this - I like that it's totally transparent so that every QB knows exactly where they stand and what they need to work on.