Basketball Board versus Football Board |

Basketball Board versus Football Board


Aug 26, 2011
Never in a million years would I think to spend more time on the basketball board versus the football board. I was always a football first fan but you can't help to spend more time on this side with our obvious success versus the other side and the obvious failure. Does this seem harsh?
nope... I visit the football board maybe once every 2 weeks started as basketball forum in 2000. It took about 7 months before we added the football forum
It's so much easier to follow bball in terms of getting to know recruits and players
It's the height of a great BBall season with not much going on in the Football world. What else would be happening? started as basketball forum in 2000. It took about 7 months before we added the football forum

Yes, but the majority (at least as I remember it) of the board(s) prior to were football discussions. Dr. Doom from Michigan comes to mind.

Football was great. We had a great run. Jim Brown, Ernie Davis, Floyd Little... then a 100 year gap to beating Nebraska, then the glorious run from'86-'87 to McNabb, then dormant for good.

Let it go.

PS I still own a Cherry Bowl t-shirt. I got it at Mr. Tops.
I check both but spend more time on whichever is more active. I'm just glad it's not the Fine board any more.
Syracuse football is interesting and worthy of attention. Syracuse basketball is the meaning of life.
I am about a 85% hoops poster and a 15% football poster. Most of my football posts are during the season. I spend most if not all of my time on the hoops board these days. I dont get the infatuation with signing day for college football (especially our program who gets scraps of what the big schools dont want). However I literally will take the day off if and when Noel is ready to commit however because you can win a championship with one great recruit. So I heard anyways...

I also literally take a hiatus from the board from about mid April to mid August and will go weeks without even looking at the board.
Its obviously bball season so I spend a lot more time here once signing day is done but for quality, the football board blows the basketball board away

As a casual fan I must say that football at SU has become irrelevant for me. I still support the team, but until the University becomes serious about improving the product, the coach/adm makes an effort to involve the fans, I for one will only have minimal interest in the program. It is not so much the won/lost record, but the boring product and lack of passion that is my biggest complaint.
Basketball on the other hand presents a vibrant exiting performance and I can relate to the program.
As a casual fan I must say that football at SU has become irrelevant for me. I still support the team, but until the University becomes serious about improving the product, the coach/adm makes an effort to involve the fans, I for one will only have minimal interest in the program. It is not so much the won/lost record, but the boring product and lack of passion that is my biggest complaint.
Basketball on the other hand presents a vibrant exiting performance and I can relate to the program.

In other words




I'm not a heavy poster on either side, but the current sport season determines where I spend my time. I think I'm more active on the football side during football season because the sport itself lends to more analysis and discussion. There's more variety in regards to strategy, more players to discuss, and more recruits to ponder. With the basketball teams success I think there's actually less to talk about. There can only be so many "How far will we go in the tournament", "Is this the greatest team ever", "Our zone is amazing", and "I hate Kentucky" threads before it's just the same stuff being repeated. The football team's struggles give me more to want to talk about during football season. My delusional thinking allows me to feel like I'm being part of the solution when I post.

My question is, what is going on with this recent competition between the two boards? It doesn't make any sense to me.
When people start to figure out that the average FB game (Oregon and its progeny excepted) has the ball in play for another 15 minutes out of 3 horse, FB will wane.

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Basketball is winter......Football is year round.

"Down the Field"​
Out upon the gridiron stands old Syracuse,​
Warriors clad in orange and in blue,​
Fighting for the fame of Alma Mater.​
Soon those Crouse chimes will be ringing,​
Soon you'll hear those fellows singing.​
Onondaga's braves are out to win today,​
The sons of Syracuse are ready for the fray,​
The line holds like a wall and now the Orange has the ball,​
So ready for that old long yell. Rah! Rah! Rah!​
Down, Down the field goes old Syracuse,​
Just see those backs hit the line and go thru';​
Down, down the field they go marching,​
Fighting for the Orange staunch and true.​
Rah! Rah! Rah!​
Vict'ry's in sight for old Syr-a-cuse,​
Each loyal son knows she ne'er more will lose,​
For we'll fight, yes, we'll fight, and with all our might​
For the glory of old Syracuse.​
Basketball is winter......Football is year round.

"Down the Field"​
Out upon the gridiron stands old Syracuse,​
Warriors clad in orange and in blue,​
Fighting for the fame of Alma Mater.​
Soon those Crouse chimes will be ringing,​
Soon you'll hear those fellows singing.​
Onondaga's braves are out to win today,​
The sons of Syracuse are ready for the fray,​
The line holds like a wall and now the Orange has the ball,​
So ready for that old long yell. Rah! Rah! Rah!​
Down, Down the field goes old Syracuse,​
Just see those backs hit the line and go thru';​
Down, down the field they go marching,​
Fighting for the Orange staunch and true.​
Rah! Rah! Rah!​
Vict'ry's in sight for old Syr-a-cuse,​
Each loyal son knows she ne'er more will lose,​
For we'll fight, yes, we'll fight, and with all our might​
For the glory of old Syracuse.​
Ok, I am now amped and ready to get the tent out, start tailgating, and sing this in a parking lot!
With the basketball teams success I think there's actually less to talk about.
Funny, though the basketball team has had its best start ever there are just as many posts about how we suck that you could wonder if you were on the football board.

For the record, Syracuse is an institution of higher learning that has sports teams, some currently better than others, with the majority of a fan base that is fair weather based on w's.

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