BE Considering Legal Action |

BE Considering Legal Action

That's an act of desperation at best. They also rejected raising the exit fee. Big East Football; die already...

Too bad Skadden, Arps isn't listed on NYSE.

Skadden, Arps is the super-big, super-pricey Wall Street law firm that represented the Big East in the 2004 legal action. They billed the Big East millions and millions of dollars. In the end, the three schools left and paid the $1M they were contracturally obligated to do. The bill Skadden Arps delivered caused knees to buckle on some BE campuses.

The ACC must know after 2004 that this is a meaningless threat that will end up costing the "left behind" schools big bucks and further isolate them from the polite society of major universities.

In order for the Big East schools to pursue a suit they would have to be almost certain that the NNBE is a death sentence for their aspirations to be a big time athletic school. It's such a high-risk strategy.

This, my friends, is what DESPERATION looks like and smells like. This is the college sports equivalent of going to Mexico for a miracle cancer cure because thats the only hope you have.
what a joke... you knew it was coming. As Townie says, this wreaks of desperation and should make their fans really feel like they are completely . Instead of spending time and resources to try and keep the Big East moving, lets hire Skadden and pay through the GD nose for a bunch of nothing. Clowns
The only target I can see is ESPN for tortious interference and/or breach of contract in that ESPN told the ACC what to do regarding expansion. As ESPN has a fiduciary relationship with the Big East it may present itself as a breach of contract. Assuming ESPN actually told teh ACC what to do (who to go after) then you may have tortious interference. If there was no relationship with the Big East, then ESPN would not even be on the hook. EX. If FOX or NBC told the ACC what to do, then there would be no violation as there is no relationship. ESPN must be loving DeFillipo right now.

I don't see a lawsuit going very far, maybe move a couple bucks to the Big East. Syracuse was very wise in avoiding the last lawsuit and I'm glad it is not an issue for us this time around.

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