Bilas watches live Orange game with Boeheim in advance of coach’s return | Page 2 |

Bilas watches live Orange game with Boeheim in advance of coach’s return

For god sakes - it's Prince Edward. And BTW - is your refrigerator light on?
I always thought it was Prince Albert in a can.

I always thought it was Prince Albert in a can, too. And where I grew up it was "Is your refrigerator running? Well you better go catch it"
br801 said: I always thought it was Prince Albert in a can, too. And where I grew up it was

It did come in a can, still does, and also comes in a pouch. I had a pipeful this morning!!!
I love this story! I want to know more. What's the background? I bet Jay approached JB. He feels Coach has gotten a rotten deal. Surely more information will come from this very unique happening!?

When we moved from Durham to Syracuse in 1984, we spent one night in that hotel after a tough 12 hour drive with our two cats and 18 mo. old son. The cats crawled under the mattress pads in one of the beds and wouldn't come out. That's what I wanted to do, too! I was devastated leaving Durham. But I have a wonderful life here and one of its highlights is Syracuse basketball. People ask me if I don't want to return to some place warmer to live out the rest of my days, and I always say, "NEVER. I have season tickets."
Whether Jay or a producer thought of this it was a great idea.

One thing I miss about living in Durham is one month of real winter...if that.
And Big Mike's bagels downtown near 5 Points.
His decor was a wall of laquered bagels.
Mike actually catered to cheaters who came down to go on the Duke rice diet and needed a bagel fix.
I always thought it was Prince Albert in a can, too. And where I grew up it was "Is your refrigerator running? Well you better go catch it"
Crisco Fat in the Can, Bilas must have needed Visine after that
I bet that's the Crown Plaza or whatever it's called (the round hotel by 81).

I guess it couldn't have been the Sheraton, JB isn't allowed on campus.
5 minute segment currently on ESPN college hoops web site.
I bet that's the Crown Plaza or whatever it's called (the round hotel by 81).
It is, according to the picture's caption.
5 minute segment currently on ESPN college hoops web site.
Just watched it, very interesting. Then they did an analysis of the NC/SU game and, obviously, they weren't giving us much of a chance.
I just watched the video and my biggest observation is why is JAB wearing a plain blue fleece. Did the NCAA or ESPN not allow him to wear anything with a Cuse logo. I would think he would want to rep the school. Maybe there is a simple explanation or maybe someone should have run up to Manny's.

JB makes some very valid points in terms of how all of the various things that were meted out by the NCAA are ultimately punishment on the coach. Watching the video it's hard not to perceive the incredible amount of love that he has for his program and players. It's almost seems like one would feel if their young toddlers went out to play in the middle of a busy street. You can see him cringe at times as if he is actually feeling pain resulting from what he is watching on the TV.

I feel for him. He was completely hosed by the NCAA and for whatever the reasons were (any pragmatic and fair assessment of issues and the severity of the infractions seem to yield little or no reason) it seems like what they did to him and the program was completely and utterly incomprehensible and unfair.

God I pray that somehow we can find a way such that the inspired play of our beloved team can carve out a win in the dome against the team that has yet to feel their wrath from the NCAA, the North Carolina Tarheels.
JB makes some very valid points in terms of how all of the various things that were meted out by the NCAA are ultimately punishment on the coach. Watching the video it's hard not to perceive the incredible amount of love that he has for his program and players. It's almost seems like one would feel if their young toddlers went out to play in the middle of a busy street. You can see him cringe at times as if he is actually feeling pain resulting from what he is watching on the TV.

I feel for him. He was completely hosed by the NCAA and for whatever the reasons were (any pragmatic and fair assessment of issues and the severity of the infractions seem to yield little or no reason) it seems like what they did to him and the program was completely and utterly incomprehensible and unfair.

God I pray that somehow we can find a way such that the inspired play of our beloved team can carve out a win in the dome against the team that has yet to feel their wrath from the NCAA, the North Carolina Tarheels.

Or will???

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