Boeheim wont get fired... |

Boeheim wont get fired...


All Conference
Sep 2, 2011
if these accusations are proven to be true. I disagree with the point that he "has has gone all in" by supporting Bernie 100%. Again, this isnt the PSU scandal there is no evidence of anyone reporting these alleged actions to him nor is there any evidence of him knowing about it. Furthermore, if there any reports of the alleged molestation taking place in the athletic facilities? To me, this is just a case of someone supporting a good friend/colleague of 40+ years. What is wrong with that? Unless it can be proven that boeheim had the slightest knowledge that this was happening I dont see how he can be responsibile for something happening in Bernie's personal life.
He flat out called them liars... he will be fired in a nano second. No questions asked.
if these accusations are proven to be true. I disagree with the point that he "has has gone all in" by supporting Bernie 100%. Again, this isnt the PSU scandal there is no evidence of anyone reporting these alleged actions to him nor is there any evidence of him knowing about it. Furthermore, if there any reports of the alleged molestation taking place in the athletic facilities? To me, this is just a case of someone supporting a good friend/colleague of 40+ years. What is wrong with that? Unless it can be proven that boeheim had the slightest knowledge that this was happening I dont see how he can be responsibile for something happening in Bernie's personal life.

Hes done more than supporting bernie, he flat out called the accusers liars. Supporting bernie is not going all in, attacking the alleged victims is.
if these accusations are proven to be true. I disagree with the point that he "has has gone all in" by supporting Bernie 100%. Again, this isnt the PSU scandal there is no evidence of anyone reporting these alleged actions to him nor is there any evidence of him knowing about it. Furthermore, if there any reports of the alleged molestation taking place in the athletic facilities? To me, this is just a case of someone supporting a good friend/colleague of 40+ years. What is wrong with that? Unless it can be proven that boeheim had the slightest knowledge that this was happening I dont see how he can be responsibile for something happening in Bernie's personal life.

Would be a tough spot for the administration, wouldn't be surprised either way. I could actually see him walking away.
He flat out called them liars... he will be fired in a nano second. No questions asked.

What else would he call them? They are bringing an 8 year old story back that was already researched 3 times independently and found to not hold water. Are we to assume that they have always been right and three sets of investigative teams were wrong? Maybe 'liars' was a strong word, but hardly something that he could be prosecuted for, much less fired for. The stories are suspicious. The timing is suspicious. The accusers are suspicious. I don't agree.
I disagree. If he hadn't called the accuser a liar, then you're probably right. But he did, so if Fine is guilty he is done.

If these allegations turn out to be true, then JB's statement is going to get a LOT of airtime. The university won't continue to associate themselves with that.

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...funny how some of us are either equating or not equating this to PSU...what we know is that PSU appears to have covered something up and that there is more than 1 accuser...and the SOL in PA is still in effect; However, if this case become true than we are going to have some of the same problems.

I think it is unfortunate that good people, involved with SU including JB...could take a fall as bad as JOEPA...lets not ignore reality nor be so high and mighty that we speak without thinking...I am now done from posting anything construed as a legal opinion...I want to be a poster and I want this to go away...wait a second...that doesnt mean it will
Check out some of the later-stage posts on the PSU scandal from our football board right before the Bernie story broke. People were bringing up all sorts of past sins they said were committed by PSU. I bet you could find a few people who said it showed all PSU and State College were rotten to the core (I believe the word "cultists" was used once or twice).

SU is going to be held to the same standard. If the Bernie story is true, add up everything that has gone on with the bball program for the last 20 years (reported and not reported) and you could make a case that this is, if not quite a renegade program, one that needs better monitoring. I think that would require a change at the top since this is clearly a one-man operation.

The emotional side of me also likes that JB went all-in but the rational side notes his statements were diametrically opposite of the tact demonstrated by Nancy. I don't think JB believes he is bigger than the university. That would be an exaggeration. But, I also believes he doesn't really care what anyone thinks anymore, inside SU or out. And that's always dangerous. JoePa thought the same way. Feinstein wrote a good column for the WaPo 10 days ago about how JB, JoePa and K were the last of the old-style dynasty coaches. Good read then and in retrospect.

All that said, I still believe Bernie is innocent.
Either way if Bernie did it JB will look like he doesn't know how to run his program with a close eye well.

Unless it all happened at Bernies house and only once or twice on the road.

But the real attack will come on the University. Especially if they had any info that suggested Bernie did it and the police werent heavily involved then. That makes them worse the JB standing up for a long time friend.
What else would he call them?

He shouldn't have called them anything. He should have simply said, "Bernie Fine has been my loyal colleague and friend for 40 years and I appreciate everything he has done for the SU program. I am very surprised by these allegations, and will cooperate fully with any SU or police investigation."
Tape or no tape- if new victims come forward, who're seperate & apart from Davis/Lang, Jim Boeheim is finished.
The calls for his head would make it impossible for him to stay on, regardless of his original motives.

Yes, he backed his friend, & that's very honorable, but his head is on the block as well as Bernie's.
No way in hell JoePa goes, but JB stays...if new allegations surface.

Sad, but true.
"IF" Bernie is guilty and most of what the 2 accused have been saying is true, to answer the question of what happens to JB...go back and read Cantors statement.
Fine will never be found "guilty". No charges can be filed. So I'm not sure what overwhelming evidence would have to exist for the University to determine absolute guilt and can JB.

They found nothing in '05. What's new? Lang? Eh. JB only gets canned if there is a smoking gun.

Can the cops ever say, "There is enough evidence to prosecute but we can't cause of SOL.". That would seem absurd and deprive Bernie the right to clear his name. The fact is Bernie is not guilty legally no matter what happens. Unless a new victim comes forward.

These accusations can never be "proven" to be true. It's never going to court.
He flat out called them liars... he will be fired in a nano second. No questions asked.
I don't see why he would be fired for stating what he believed with all of his heart: "Bernie is innocent and these guys are liars." To paraphrase Boeheim, I don't get a world where that would happen.

Anyway, I'm going to the game!
JB could have vehemently defended Fine, as others have done, without accusing the accusers. Defend Bernie's character, be disgusted and outraged by the allegations and the media's willingness to go public, but let the facts of discovery speak for themselves. Don't publically attack the accusers before they have had their day in court, so to speak. This isn't simply a matter of PR. If Fine is guilty, JB has opened himself up for civil liability and public scrutiny; not so much becuase he defended his friend, but because of what he said about Davis and Lang. He will be viewed as complicit. He will be persecuted in the court of public opinion and hounded by child advocacy groups for potentially damaging the willingness of the abused to come forward for fear of being defamed.

I don't think there is any question. If Fine is proved guilty, JB is finished at SU.
Can the cops ever say, "There is enough evidence to prosecute but we can't cause of SOL.". That would seem absurd and deprive Bernie the right to clear his name. The fact is Bernie is not guilty legally no matter what happens. Unless a new victim comes forward.

I think this is the key. If other people come forward, it's relaly bad for Bernie, and he could be found guilty. (Like say, kids come forward and they can still prosecute).

I also agree JB would have to go if it turns out to be true. Calling kids who were molested liars, even if you think they are, isn't a good thing.
He shouldn't have called them anything. He should have simply said, "Bernie Fine has been my loyal colleague and friend for 40 years and I appreciate everything he has done for the SU program. I am very surprised by these allegations, and will cooperate fully with any SU or police investigation."
Did JB just start becoming politically correct?

That type of comment would never represent how JB feels. Anyone who read such a piece of fluff would know it never came out of his mouth.

As I said in another thread, I would hope to have a friend that would go to the wall for me like JB has for Bernie. It's simply called having the courage of your convictions.
"IF" Bernie is guilty and most of what the 2 accused have been saying is true, to answer the question of what happens to JB...go back and read Cantors statement.


Did JB just start becoming politically correct?

That type of comment would never represent how JB feels. Anyone who read such a piece of fluff would know it never came out of his mouth.

As I said in another thread, I would hope to have a friend that would go to the wall for me like JB has for Bernie. It's simply called having the courage of your convictions.

That's fine, but then if you turn out to be wrong...
Would be a tough spot for the administration, wouldn't be surprised either way. I could actually see him walking away.
I don't see them firing coach unless he truly knew of things happening regarding the allegations. He is going to be considered a for calling those guys liars if they are found to be telling the truth...and i can see him retiring and apologizing..but i really can't see the university firing him over those words.
Did JB just start becoming politically correct?

That type of comment would never represent how JB feels. Anyone who read such a piece of fluff would know it never came out of his mouth.

As I said in another thread, I would hope to have a friend that would go to the wall for me like JB has for Bernie. It's simply called having the courage of your convictions.

Good point. Thats the typical fluff bs type of quotes you always see in similar situations. Love that JB went all in, even though hes risking his career and reputation by doing so.
If the allegations prove to be true, isn't it just that JB was duped by Bernie? He believed a long time friend who told he did nothing wrong. That is different than covering up wrong doing, like PSU.

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