You and I aren't often on the same page, but I agree 100%. This is a significant hire, because [1] it is exceedingly difficult to replace icons, and [2] JB built the program from scratch and in essence IS the program. I have absolutely NOTHING against Hopkins--LOVE the guy, in fact. I just hope that our new AD does full due diligence, evaluations all options, and picks the best one. I don't want a Craig Esherick / Matt Doherty / Mike Davis flop.
If Hopkins is the best choice, that's great. But if the "best" [and I understand that this is subjective] candidate is the likes of Jay Wright, Shaka Smart, Sean Miller, or some other proven coach--and I'm not saying that any of those guys are in play--is in contention, then we'd be foolish not to consider all options.
And I don't mean that as a slight to Hopkins.