Eh, you need a villain sometimes. It's all in good fun for the most part - unless he really is nuts, which he may be.
I love Cousins in the NBA because he's nuts, and from what I hear is fine off the court (may not be true, who knows)...but this kid just seems straight out bizarre. Like every crazy kid you've ever known - even in press conferences. He's always holding the ball after a call he hates and won't give it to the ref, or the other team, he just stares blankly in anger sometimes while doing it. That crap is just weird. At least Cousins would pretend to give you the ball and then pull it back! lol
Just tosses the ball over the backboard against ND, always stomping around like a child, bashing the ball into the ground...I hate watching him...but he is gooood!
Cousins not moving for an entire defensive set for Sacramento is still the greatest thing I've ever seen. Youtube it if you haven't seen it.