Can Luke Skywalker save collegiate athletics? |

Can Luke Skywalker save collegiate athletics?


Hall of Fame
Aug 26, 2011
I was just discussing with a friend the dilemma that ESPN is now in and the decisions they have to soon make regarding a large financial commitment to the ACC/ND that will help keep their controlling interest in collegiate athletics intact and flourishing. ESPN does not want Fox/BiG to force the break up of what could be a very lucrative financial engine for them.

Then I remembered...ESPN is owned by Disney. BIG BAD MOFO'N DISNEY. And Disney just made a blockbuster deal for the biggest money making machine in movie/merchandising history. Yes, my friends, The Mouse owns The Force. And The Force is strong in $$$$ potential and will be unleashed once again in 2015. ESPN should have NO PROBLEM forking over the dinero to stabilize college athletics because it's parent company will soon be rolling in it. And I mean ROLLING in it.

If Disney wants to protect it's little television empire (pun intended), then it's time to send Han Solo and a big bag of Jabba's money to Swofford and end this insurrection. The only thing that can stop the chain reaction started this week by Chancellor Delaney/Darth Under Armour and Grand Moff Murdoch is to give the ACC what it needs to fight this war. And that is, quite simply, $$$. Lots of it. And it's money Disney has now, and a load of money they will have in the future.

Never underestimate the power of The Force. Or The Mouse. Or a bowl of Texan's Fine Mess Chili.
ESPN to the conference raiders: "These aren't the schools you're looking for..."

Better yet, the transmission Delaney received when the deal was done: "Look, Sir! Dregs!"
FWIW: i was on the new updated Star Wars ride at Disney last month, HUGE improvement. (yes my kids are too small for that ride, i went by myself. F you, bring it...)

C-3P0 is a lousy pilot, not his fault though.....
FWIW: i was on the new updated Star Wars ride at Disney last month, HUGE improvement. (yes my kids are too small for that ride, i went by myself. F you, bring it...)

C-3P0 is a lousy pilot, not his fault though.....
Well in 3PO's defense, he is a protocol droid, not a pilot.
Well in 3PO's defense, he is a protocol droid, not a pilot.

Any droid worth his bolts, protocol or not, should be able to land a ship.

C3PO should have been a professional Bocci player anyway. He spoke that game. He could have been so much more than a protocol droid.
Either way, it's clear that the only one who can save collegiate athletics now is fanfanclubclub.

Help us fanfanclubclub, your our only dope.
Either way, it's clear that the only one who can save collegiate athletics now is fanfanclubclub.

Help us fanfanclubclub, your our only dope.

Good god if he was the only hope the Rebels would be screwed. I can see his posts now Luke Skywalker is over-rated and not even a top 50 Jedi.
Good god if he was the only hope the Rebels would be screwed. I can see his posts now Luke Skywalker is over-rated and not even a top 50 Jedi.
When you get right down to it, Han Solo's efficiency rating doesn't even rate him among the top 50 smugglers working in the galaxy.
Good god if he was the only hope the Rebels would be screwed. I can see his posts now Luke Skywalker is over-rated and not even a top 50 Jedi.
Yeah, and don't forget Admiral 'Hack'bar. OVER-RATED clap clap clapclapclap
Actually I have an idea. I am going to appeal to our evil Overlord Darth Bees could we please get a 90 day ban for fanfan schlubschlub.
Actually I have an idea. I am going to appeal to our evil Overlord Darth Bees could we please get a 90 day ban for fanfan schlubschlub.
Oh I hope not. Then who will regale us with tales of his many adventures helping to run an NFL franchise into the ground?
Oh I hope not. Then who will regale us with tales of his many adventures helping to run an NFL franchise into the ground?

I'll do that. I'll make up a bunch of crap about how I am friends with very important people and that by using statistical analysis we will rule the NFL. Or we will suck even worse and make people wish for the good old days.
A whole Star Wars thread, with pictures, and none of them are related to this:


And I'm supposed to be the gay one. Riiiiight.
In fairness, have you seen Leia lately? She's become the spitting image of Jabba.
In fairness, have you seen Leia lately? She's become the spitting image of Jabba.

Jamie Lee Curtis looks like a 70 year old man now. Doesn't mean I didn't rewind the two boob scenes in Trading Places about 10 times the other night.
Yea Leia hit the wall hard. This picture is either of Carrie Fisher or fanfan I can't remember which one is which.

Conference realignment has caused a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices all screamed out at once in agony.

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