Agree 100% with respect to Blake Griffin, but NOT AT ALL WITH Dirk(except for the soft Euro part), Durant, and DRose. Let me explain:
1. Blake Griffin is a glorified Circus Freak-Shawn Kemp 20 yrs later(hopefully w/out the 20 kids w/ 20 women, drug problems, etc.) Griffin has great dunks, great. He does NOTHING else. Agree w/ you 100%. Reportedly, he did bang Kate Upton though, so I that def. counts for something
2. With respect to Dirk, Durant, and Rose-you could not be MORE WRONG. All three do multiple things well and make their teammates better. Even when Dirk was known as soft-remeber Jim Rome used to call him Irk Nowitski b/c he had no "D" he still had multiple facets to his game.
3. Carmelo(while I loved watching him at Cuse) is a one trick pony. Give him the ball and get out of the way. He has no concept of the team game and will just stand around when he doesn't have the ball. Funny another poster mentioned Glenn Robinson, because Cowherd this morning said Melo will go down w/ a legacy like G. Robinson, Tracy McGrady, and a couple others who I can't remember(which was kinda his point.)