And my point was these kids had issues years before this and if you go back and read my post I never said they were guilty in the rape case or even mentioned the stripper case at all. Duke University was totally fed up with the years of partying and Pressler. 3 players getting accused of rape would have not shut that program down alone,it was a cumulative effect that built up over years. The D.A. created a huge P.R. nightmare for the university to enforce their ban by fighting this in court. They cut their losses on this one thanks to the D.A.
This case was the first time the NCAA granted a 5th year from which the school self imposed it's penalty. Some felt this was a bad precedent as this case was not an violation issue according to NCAA rules.The team was told not to hold anymore parties and they did like a week later which led to the stripper case. Also one player E-MAILED to other players he was going to kill and skin a stripper and I will try to find the quotes.
found... “To whom it may concern,” his e-mail began, “tomorrow night, after tonights show, ive decided to have some strippers over to edens 2c. all are welcome.. however there will be no nudity. I plan on killing the bitches as soon as the[y] walk in and proceding to cut their skin off while cu**ing in my duke issue spandex . . all in besides arch and tack [two of his teammates] please respond”
Comments like that pissed off the judiciary board and faculty who had to deal with the cult as they would call it.I am glad the kids didn't get falsely convicted ,but the team's suspension was self-inflicted