Coach Hopkins |

Coach Hopkins


Scout Team
Aug 27, 2011
I would love to see Hop coach a few games before JB's suspension kicks in. There are 5 easy dome games before the ACC starts, why not let the team get used to having Hop on the bench running the show? It could be a stick-it to the NCAA if SU used the delayed suspension to their advantage. Not that Hop needs anymore experience but the team acustomed to working directly with Hop.
I would love to see Hop coach a few games before JB's suspension kicks in. There are 5 easy dome games before the ACC starts, why not let the team get used to having Hop on the bench running the show? It could be a stick-it to the NCAA if SU used the delayed suspension to their advantage. Not that Hop needs anymore experience but the team acustomed to working directly with Hop.
You suggest it to Beohiem.
It will be very "interesting" to see how this plays out. Reminds me of the Chinese curse: may you live in interesting times. These times have been a tribulation for Coach, the coaches, the players, and for us. The last time we went through such a trial was the Bernie Fine saga. We all remember the fantastic, focused team we had that year. Maybe that will be a template for this year's team.

Have to wish Hop all the luck in the world. I can't imagine what it would be like to be inside his head right now. And Boeheim's head? No thank you!
He is very active coaching in practice. The players love and respond to him. I don't think it is an issue.

I am concerned for Hop with this.. Seems like a lose lose situation for him... If the team does not perform well it is his fault, if they perform well it is because of JB. I just think Hop will have to coach like JB and that is not a fair judgement of Hop.. I think SU did a really smart thing by making Hop the coach in waiting.
The biggest fear is that Hopkins gets "Shafer-ed." Syracuse always plays awesome in the these early season tourneys. This year's team still has substantial weaknesses, but the fanbase now thinks we are world beaters. So coach Hop is going to coach 9 games in which it is TOTALLY REASONABLE to expect 4-5 or 5-4 record. Yet those records now will cause pitch forks to come out blaming him.
The biggest fear is that Hopkins gets "Shafer-ed." Syracuse always plays awesome in the these early season tourneys. This year's team still has substantial weaknesses, but the fanbase now thinks we are world beaters. So coach Hop is going to coach 9 games in which it is TOTALLY REASONABLE to expect 4-5 or 5-4 record. Yet those records now will cause pitch forks to come out blaming him.
Houston, I think many of us on this board would be happy with 5-4 if Boeheim were coaching! It is certainly true that Hop is in a delicate situation. Still, I trust that the vast majority of knowledgeable posters on will NOT be lighting torches and waving pitchforks should we struggle during those 9 games.

Whoops! With the exception of storming the NCAA headquarters. My bad.
Honest question. Will everyone obey that ridiculous no communication to coaches/players penalty? It's not like JB's phone lines will be tapped or will he relegated to some bomb shelter for 9 games with only the basic/necessary provisions?
Houston, I think many of us on this board would be happy with 5-4 if Boeheim were coaching! It is certainly true that Hop is in a delicate situation. Still, I trust that the vast majority of knowledgeable posters on will NOT be lighting torches and waving pitchforks should we struggle during those 9 games.

Whoops! With the exception of storming the NCAA headquarters. My bad.

I hope you are right, but I think you are forgetting the fever driven delirium brought on by losses.
Honest question. Will everyone obey that ridiculous no communication to coaches/players penalty? It's not like JB's phone lines will be tapped or will he relegated to some bomb shelter for 9 games with only the basic/necessary provisions?

Made me think of the whole George Costanza "They've got me in some kind of bunker, Jerry!" episode.

Honest question. Will everyone obey that ridiculous no communication to coaches/players penalty? It's not like JB's phone lines will be tapped or will he relegated to some bomb shelter for 9 games with only the basic/necessary provisions?
Thought about this too. Doesn't Hop live right near JB too. What if they are both out "walking the dogs?" That penalty is beyond stupid.
Thought about this too. Doesn't Hop live right near JB too. What if they are both out "walking the dogs?" That penalty is beyond stupid.
JB never struck me as the type to have pets. I'm sure cto could confirm if I'm off base.
Honest question. Will everyone obey that ridiculous no communication to coaches/players penalty? It's not like JB's phone lines will be tapped or will he relegated to some bomb shelter for 9 games with only the basic/necessary provisions?

Burner phone should take care of that.
I hope you are right, but I think you are forgetting the fever driven delirium brought on by losses.
I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt. When those 9 games come, I will certainly have to hold myself to a high standard after my comments here!
What scares me most for Hopkins is that we over achieve before the ACC then slightly underachieve when he's coaching the 9 games. Last thing the guy needs is people jumping all over him during these 9 games if we pull a 5-4 record out of them.
What scares me most for Hopkins is that we over achieve before the ACC then slightly underachieve when he's coaching the 9 games. Last thing the guy needs is people jumping all over him during these 9 games if we pull a 5-4 record out of them.

That's a brutal slate. On the road against 3 currently ranked opponents and home against UNC. The front half of the ACC is actually tougher than the back half for once. I'd take 5-4.

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